Ivy's Plan

After Ivy talked with them for a little while, she managed to successfully convince both Lucia and Poe to obediently follow her inside the fluffy rabbit border fortress.

Soon all three of them were inside the border fortress.

"So, what are we going to do now?"

Poe asked as they were hiding behind a bush close to the broken wall, they were lucky to find a hole in the broken wall big enough for them to crawl through and there was even a bush hiding them from view as soon as they came out on the other side of the broken wall.

"Hmmm… No idea~ Thought we would be seen and attacked the moment we made it inside, that way you two would be able to get some real combat experience, Tehe~"

Ivy answered Poe with a slightly bashful smile.


Lucia screamed at her sister as she stood up and started scolding her oblivious to the fluffy rabbits making their way towards the sound of her scream.


Poe slightly tugged at the hem of Lucia's clothes as he motioned towards the fluffy rabbits slowly making their way towards them.

*thump, thump*

"Not right now Poe! I will talk to you when I'm done teaching th-"

[Fluffy rabbit, Guard, lvl 16]

[Fluffy rabbit, Gua-]

[Fluffy rab-]

Just as Lucia was about to say something rude to her sister, she noticed the fluffy rabbits that by now already surround them, with a wall behind them and fluffy rabbits blocking the way in front.

Lucia looked at her sister, who only returned a smug smile, apparently laughing at the situation she had gotten them into with her earlier scolding of Ivy.

"Hahaha, looks like you got us into trouble, haha, good luck with these small once, I will take care of the fluffy rabbit guard captain, remember to have fun~"

Having said that, Ivy turned around and ran towards the fluffy rabbits closing in on them.

Seeing her, the fluffy rabbits all let out a weird screeching sound not befitting of their cute appearance.

Ivy who heard their annoying screech send them a displeasing look before jumping over them and running towards the fluffy rabbit guard captain standing on top of the broken wall screeching towards the intruders.

Now with Ivy gone, Poe and Lucia helplessly look at the screeching fluffy rabbit closing in on them.

"W-why do they let out such an annoying sound?"

Lucia said as she looked towards Poe, who was already getting ready to use a mana ball barrage with created from his new mana formation skill on the fluffy rabbits closing in on them.

"N-no idea… t-they never did it when I fought them in the past… Nevertheless… We just need to kill them to make it stop…! Right, Lucia~"

Poe said playfully as he smiled slightly at Lucia, who felt a sudden chill go down her spine looking at the sudden change in Poe's mood and behavior.

Just what in the world made Poe hate the fluffy rabbits so much…?

Lucia thought to herself, as she got ready to fight the fluffy rabbits closing in on them.

The fluffy rabbits soon made it within 10 meters of them, with more than 10 fluffy rabbits surrounding them; Lucia panicked slightly and accidentally launched an earth spike towards the closest fluffy rabbit guard.

[Gained 7 EXP: a member of your group ruthlessly killed an innocent by stander]

Seeing the notification, Poe looked towards Lucia and then towards the fluffy rabbit guard that Lucia's earth spark went after.


Speechless, Poe looked at what the earth spike, that pierced 5 meters into the air and directly through a big black bird that was previously diving down towards the unsuspecting fluffy rabbit guard. Maybe it wanted to strike when nobody was looking and get some free food, or maybe just take advantage of the fluffy rabbits not paying attention to their surroundings and grow a little stronger by killing it off. None of it mattered anymore, as Lucia had already ruthlessly killed the nameless black bird.

Silence slowly spread through the surroundings, as the fluffy rabbits stopped screeching and looked wearily towards Lucia and Poe, while also looking towards the sky from time to time.

Poe did not feel like ending up just starring at each other for the next few minutes and threw his fully charged mana barrage towards a group of fluffy rabbit guards.


The mana balls in the mana ball barrage were even stronger than before, as they were made with the mana formation instead of the mana barrage skill this time.

*boom, boom, boom*

Soon, small explosions rang out as the mana balls reached the fluffy rabbit guards.

[Gained 37 EXP: For killing an enemy]

[Gained 35 EXP: For kill-

Only two of the fluffy rabbits died in the mana ball barrage, as most of them escaped before being hit by too many mana balls, though most of the ones in the range of the mana ball barrage ended up injured in the process of escaping.

The fluffy rabbits were angered when the cease-fire that they so generously initiated was broken and two other fluffy rabbits died, with the cease-fire broken, they rushed towards Lucia and Poe.

Soon the fight began for real. Lucia blocked the charge of the path of the fluffy rabbit by creating several earth spikes around them, while Poe used a mana formation to shoot mana balls towards the fluffy rabbits closing in on them.

The fluffy rabbit guards continued to attack, while Lucia defended with earth magic and Poe attacked with mana ball after mana ball.


This could sadly not keep going as perfect, as a loud screeching sound echoed from behind the fluffy rabbit guards and soon it showed up.

[Fluffy rabbit, Guard Captain, lvl 28]





Lucia screamed, as she looked towards where Ivy was supposed to be and saw nothing but a giant hole in the wall where the fluffy rabbit guard captain had fought earlier.

"No worries~ I injured it a lot and you two should be able to kill it off~ After all, just hiding behind some earth spikes shooting magic at the poor helpless fluffy rabbits will never help you in getting better at fighting~"

Ivy's voice drifted over from afar and happily explained to them why the fluffy rabbit guard captain was going after them.

Looking towards the origin of the voice, Poe and Lucia helplessly looked towards Ivy sitting atop the small tower in the middle of the fluffy rabbit border fortress looking amused down at them. Clearly ready to watch the show that was about to unfold down below her.

S-so this was her plan all along…

Lucia managed to think before the fluffy rabbit guard captain around 5 times the size of a normal fluffy rabbit charged towards them.