The Fluffy Rabbit Guard Captain

Poe was speechless, as he looked towards the fluffy rabbit guard captain charging towards him and Lucia

Ignoring the earth spike created by Lucia, the fluffy rabbit guard captain was getting closer and closer to them, as time passed.

Panicking slightly as he looked at the giant fluffy rabbit charging towards him, Poe quickly used his mana formation and started to create mana balls for attacking the fluffy rabbit guard captain. Soon the mana balls were created by the mana formation and Poe made them fly towards the fluffy rabbit guard captain that by now had made it into a 5-meter distance of Poe and Lucia.

"Lucia, please buy me some time!"

Hearing Poe, Lucia did not waste her time, as several earth spikes shot up from the ground in front of the charging fluffy rabbit.

Suddenly seeing spikes erupting from the ground in front of it. Forced the fluffy rabbit to slow down and dodge the spikes by nimbly jumping from side to side.

When Poe saw that Lucia delayed the fluffy rabbit, he immediately stopped shooting mana balls towards it and started to focus on creating a strong magic attack with the help of the mana formation, instead of only using the mana balls, as they clearly were not useful against the fluffy rabbit charging at them.

"Lucia, I-I need at least 1-10 seconds before the magic is ready t-to be used! P-please try to hold b-back the fluffy rabbit guard captain."

Saying this, Poe fully focused on creating a magic attack strong enough to kill the fluffy rabbit, with the help of his new mana formation spell.

Lucia heard what Poe said and started to focus on making earth spike around Poe and herself, trying to stop or defend against the big fluffy rabbit charging towards them.

Seeing the annoying mana balls and earth spikes stop coming towards it, the fluffy rabbit stopped for a moment and looked curiously towards Poe and Lucia.

The moment the fluffy rabbit guard captain looked towards Poe and Lucia, it saw the earth spikes surrounding both of them slowly growing in number getting thicker and denser, it got a little worried, as Poe and Lucia disappeared from its vision. Hidden behind the ever-growing number of earth spikes.

Moreover, the wounds it got in the earlier fight against the female devil, just thinking of that red haired devil earlier made it shudder, even now it had still not healed and it could feel itself getting more and more exhausted as time passed.

Normally, the fluffy rabbit guard captain would have let the other fluffy rabbit guards deal with Poe and Lucia, but looking at them ruthlessly murdering all the fluffy rabbit guards from a distance forced the injured fluffy rabbit guard captain to take action against them. The fluffy rabbit guard captain did really not want to take action, as it was still injured after the fight with the red haired female demon and it still had no idea where that demon disappeared to.

Letting out a sigh at the helpless situation, the injured fluffy rabbit guard captain dispiritedly charged towards the strong and dense earth spikes in front of it.

The fluffy rabbit guard captain knew that its injuries were bad; it knew that it would most likely not make it through the fight.

Looking over its fellow fluffy rabbits, who defended this fluffy rabbit fortress with it for years, the guard captain let out one last order to his fellow brothers and sisters while charging towards Lucia and Poe.


Hearing their captain's command made a few of the fluffy rabbit guards tear up, as they unwillingly screeched towards him in return.


Stopping midway in the charge, the fluffy rabbit guard captain turned around and faced his fellow brethren, as he screeched at them in a commanding tone, before facing the place Lucia and Poe were at and resuming his charge.

The fluffy rabbits heard what their captain screeched, while still unwilling, they turned around and fled towards the direction of their glorious kingdom, they needed to tell the people of their kingdom about the brave sacrifice their captain made in order to buy them time to get away.

Seeing this, the fluffy rabbit guard captain let out a small smile as he charged towards Lucia and Poe with no more regrets. Full of spirit to fight these intruders.

Lucia had already emptied all of her mana and could not make any more earth spikes and was left praying that Poe managed to finish his spell before the fluffy rabbit managed to make its way to them.

The fluffy rabbit soon made contact with the earth spikes that surrounded Poe and Lucia.

Feeling the earth spikes slowly piercing through it, made the fluffy rabbit guard captain grit its teeth, as it felt pain slowly invading its entire body. Ignoring the pain and the earth spikes piercing through it, the fluffy rabbit guard captain made it through the earth spike and found itself face to face with the two intruders.

One of them looked exhaustedly towards it, while the other had closed eyes fully focused at what looked like a weird blue spear. Looking closer, the fluffy rabbit guard captain was a little dejected, as it realized the amount of mana in the magic spell. Moreover, the magic spell focused on attack. Fully healed and in top form, it would still need to be careful against such a magic spell.

Seeing the mana around it solidifying and the intruder opening their eyes signaling that the magic spell was ready, despair overtook the fluffy rabbit guards mind, but that was soon erased and determination filled its eyes.

With its energy slowly draining away, it looked towards the direction its brethren ran, before it charged towards the intruders. Hoping that its brethren had managed to make it back safety, the fluffy rabbit guard captain turned towards the intruders and saw the mana spear made by one of the intruders appear directly in front of it.

With its last energy, the fluffy rabbit guard captain turned around before the mana spear hit it and took one last look at the direction its brethren had ran towards earlier. Happy that they seemingly managed to get away.

An enormous pain assaulted the fluffy rabbit, as everything in front of it slowly turned dark…