A Wild Slime Appears

[Gained 70 EXP + 520 EXP: For killing a higher-level enemy]

Seeing the notification show up in front of him, Poe let out the breath that he unknowingly held in during the fight.

"Hah… Looks like we managed to kill it… Lucia, are you okay?"

Poe said, as he slowly turned around, looked towards where Lucia was, and saw her laying down on her back exhaustedly breathing in and out constantly.

"Y-yeah… I-I'm fine, hah, just need to rest for a bit."

Lucia said, as she slowly closed her eyes to rest.

Seeing Lucia laying down to rest, Poe followed her example and laid down next to her, just trying to rest for as long as possible before a certain someone showed up.

"Heeeey! You two get up!"

A voice slowly drifted towards Poe and Lucia, who were peacefully resting besides each other. Minding their own business. Hearing the voice, both of them chose to ignore it and without opening their eyes, Poe and Lucia continued resting besides each other.

"I know you two can hear me… You clearly just laid down…!"

The voice sounded angry and closer at this time, but Lucia and Poe both chose to ignore it, as they continued resting on the cold hard ground. Inside their head, it was better than listing to the voice.

"Did both of you forget the place the fluffy rabbits most likely defended against?"

The voice said, this time less angry and even a little cheerful.

Hearing what the voice said, both Lucia and Poe jumped up from the ground and turned to look at Ivy slightly panicked, they had both forgotten that weird dark part of the mushroom forest. The fluffy rabbit were clearly vary against something over there, but Poe and Lucia chose to ignore it. Thinking this far, both of them looked towards the ground slightly embarrassed about their behavior towards Ivy.

"Now, now, its fine and all that~ But first and foremost, Poe come here~"

Ivy said as she hinted at Poe to come over and stand beside her. Poe, who had not yet detected anything wrong with the situation and still feeling a little guilty for ignoring Ivy earlier, slowly moved towards Ivy and stood in front of her, still slightly embarrassed from earlier.

"Big sis, looks like you were right for once… There is indeed movement from the dark side of the mushroom forest!"

Lucia had already climbed up to the nearest wall and was looking towards the dark side of the mushroom forest, as she told Poe and Ivy about her discovery.

"Tch… *grumble* damnable little sister ruining everything *grumble*."

Lucia's voice was in return met by the slightly grumbling voice of Ivy, which both Lucia and even Poe who was right in front of her could not hear clearly.

"Did you say anything?"

"N-no, it was nothing Poe, nothing important!"

"If you say so…"

Poe said, as he looked towards Ivy in puzzlement. He had no idea why, but he felt something was wrong with the way Ivy answered the question.

"Ah! Something is coming out of the dark part of the mushroom forest!"

Poe threw the questionable behavior of Ivy to the back of his mind, as he made his way up the broken wall and quickly moved beside Lucia.

Looking towards the dark part of the mushroom forest, that made the fluffy rabbit wary, Poe was quite surprised for several reasons. The thing that came out of the dark part of the mushroom forest was a completely black ball… or more like weird circular thing that was not really a ball, but just had a somewhat similar shape to one.

"W-what is that?"

Poe asked, as he looked at the weird ball slowly moving closer to the broken wall of the former fluffy rabbit border fortress.

"T-that's a slime…!"

Lucia said in a shocked voice as she looked at the black slime slowly making its way towards them.

"W-what is a s-slime? I-Is it d-dangerous?"

Poe asked Lucia with slight fear in his voice, as he looked at the little black ball slowly getting closer and closer to them with every passing moment.

"Ah? Ah! No, no, no, they are not that dangerous. The reason why I am surprised at seeing them is that the slime monster is rare; they are one of the archenemies of the fluffy rabbits. The slime are considered to be rare, because they only show up in places with a lot of fluffy rabbits present. For them to show up here, it really looks like there is a fluffy rabbit kingdom of some sort in this time tunnel…"

Hearing what Lucia said, Poe was a little surprised and let out a breath of relief upon finding out that slimes are not dangerous, but upon hearing that they are the fluffy rabbits archenemies, like him! He got excited and looked passionately towards the little black ball rolling towards them.

"S-so they are our friends? C-can I go out and greet it? Pet it? Hug it!?"

Poe said with a shy tone, as he looked at the cute little ball roll towards them.

"Well, it is said that the slime race have an initiate liking towards enemies of the fluffy rabbits, so I think its fine to go out and greet it… Just remember to be careful! Either me or big sis Ivy will go with you, just to make sure nothing bad happens!"

Lucia said in a worried tone, as she looked towards the little ball rolling towards them.


Poe answered Lucia obediently.

"I WILL GO!!! It is the duty for me to asses anything cute, as a member of the church of curtness and it is my duty to protect Poe, as I am Poe's big sis; I will guard Poe with my life!"

Ivy, who heard about something that even Poe thought of as cute quickly, dropped everything in her hands and volunteered to guard Poe with her life. Almost pushing her own little sister off the broken wall in the process.


Poe answered, as he uttered a quiet yelp upon seeing Lucia getting pushed away by Ivy.

"Then, Let's go~"

Ivy said cheerfully, as she made her way towards the hole in the wall that they entered the fluffy rabbit fortress from earlier.