Follow That Slime!

Poe watched Ivy slowly disappear behind the broken wall and soon pop up on the other side.

"Poe~! Come quickly!"

As he was lost in his thoughts about several useless things, Poe heard Ivy call him and hurriedly made his way down the broken wall and through the little hole in it; he really wanted to hug the little black ball of cuteness called a slime.

Coming out on the other side of the broken wall, Poe looked over and saw Ivy waving towards him with a smile on her face.

"Come here~"

Ivy called out to Poe, as she opened her arms up readying herself for a hug. Poe ignored her and made his way towards the dark side of the mushroom forest where the little black slime was.

Ivy was already used to being ignored, so she quickly recovered from the feeling of being ignored and followed after Poe with a foolish smile showing now and then.

The little black slime was still rolling towards the former fluffy rabbit border fortress, when Poe and Lucia made their way to it, just a little closer than it was before they made it down on the ground.

Seeing the little black slime close to him, Poe marveled at how much cuter it was up close compared to how cute it was, when seen from atop the broken wall. He really wanted to rush forward and hug it with all his might, but luckily stopped himself before doing anything stupid and looked towards Ivy for at confirmation that it was safe to get close to the black slime in front of him.


Ivy yelled loudly, as she sped past Poe and charged at the little innocent black slime in front of her.

Poe was taken by surprise and almost fell down on the ground when Ivy charged past him towards the little black slime. Quickly recovering again, Poe looked towards the little black slime and saw it tightly locked in Ivy's embrace.

"Look, look Poe~ is it not cute~? I will definitely have to report this to the church when we get back!"


Poe was quite scared for the little black slime locked in Ivy's embrace and hearing her saying something about reporting to the cult she came from, Poe started to look at the little black slime with pity. Wondering what would happen if the church of cuteness went out on a search for slimes, because they were cute…

"Big sis… Release the slime and come over here…!"

Lucia's voice came from behind Poe and Ivy started shuddering a little, as she heard what the voice said.



Lucia looked quite angry after being pushed out of the way by her big sister earlier and did not look like she wanted to argue with Ivy at the all.

Ivy sadly placed the slime on the ground and moved towards her little sister while hanging her head a little low.

"Poe, you can go and say hello to the little slime now, Ivy will not trouble you anymore!"


Lucia's sweet voice entered Poe's ears and he could feel a chill going down his spine when he heard the voice next to him and when he heard the last line, he remembered to send a pitying look in Ivy's direction. Lucia was not going to let her off lightly this time.

Poe decided to ignore Ivy and moved towards the little black slime, which had now resumed its journey towards the former fluffy rabbit border fortress.

Poe quickly caught up with and stood in front of it, blocking its way forward.

The little black slime stopped in place and Poe assumed it looked up at him, even if it had no eyes and was just a weird black ball, it gave the feeling of saying 'what do you want?', as it just stood there in front of him. Waiting to see what Poe would do.

Poe did not wait for long, as he slowly reached out his hand towards the little black slime. Stopping a few centimeters above it, Poe looked at it once again and feeling a slight approval from the slime in the form of a slight wobbling motion, Poe slowly brought his hand down on the slime.

*pat pat pat*

Patting its head, Poe slowly got more courageous with time and moved in for a hug. The little black slime did not fight back when it was picked up and Poe looked at the little slime in front of him. The slime was soft to the touch and felt refreshingly cold, but not too cold. Moving it closer, Poe easily hugged the little fellow.

After hugging the little black slime for another 5 minutes, Poe remembered that the little slime wanted to move towards the fluffy rabbit border fortress, so as if to return the favor of being able to hug it, Poe carried the little slime towards the fluffy rabbit border fortress and sat it down in front of the broken wall.

The slime also soon discovered that it had made it all the way to the broken wall and did something surprising next, it continued forward. Dissolving the broken wall in front of it.

Soon, there was a little slime sized hole in the broken wall.

Poe, Lucia and even Ivy looked dumfounded on, as the little slime made it to the other side of the wall.

"S-should we follow it?"

Poe suggested, as Lucia and Ivy recovered.

"Of course! It looks like it will lead to something interesting."

"M-maybe there will be more cute slime…!"

A half broken Ivy and a spirited Lucia replied to Poe's suggestion and soon all three of them made their way back into the fluffy rabbit border fortress.

All wondering what place the little black slime would lead them.

"Maybe... It will show us the kitchen of this place!"

Both Lucia and Ivy ignored Poe's unique prediction and just followed the little black slime.