The Mines (1)

When Colt opened his eyes all he could see was darkness

'What is this place? am i dead?' those were the questions in him mind

"Rebooting the system" suddenly a robotic voice sounded in his head

"What? where are you?" Colt asked while looking around him but he could only see darkness

"Rebboting completed, welcome to the Demonic System, please register host's name"

The rebotic voice sounded again but only now did Colt finally understand what was going on,he used to read some System Novels when he was young

"My name is Colt" he said with a calm voice

"Ding!, congratulations to the Host for successfuly registering name"

after seconds a list of informations came infront of Colt's eyes

Name: Colt

Race: Human

Age: 10

Points: 0

Abilities: Souls Devouring

" i am 10 years old?" he said while looking at his body but only now did he notice that he is shorter than what he used to be, and his arms and legs are shorter as well

"what is souls Devouring?" he asked with a confused look

"Ding!, click on an ability if you wish to know what it does" the System said

"ok" he said casualy then clicked on it, instantly a texte came after the Souls Devouring Ability

Souls Devouring: Devouring souls from dead bodies befor they leave it, the stonger ones Cultivation level the stronger his soul is gonna be.

"That's demonic, now i know why it's named The Demonic System" Colt said unmoved

but he knew he needs a skill like this for him to be able to get stronger since this is a cultivation world.

"Ding!, transition is 98% completed"

"What do you mean by transi.." Colt couldn't continue since he fell asleep after moments.




After 7 hours of sleeping Colt finnaly woke up to some pain in his back as if he was sleeping on rocks

"Eh? where the Fuck am i?" he said confusedly while looking around

There were hundreds of people some still sleeping and some just woke up, he was in a huge chamber made by rocks, so the seiling can fall off at any second but no one seemed to be worried

When colt tried to stand he felt huge weight on his right arm when he looked at it he found a fat guy sticking to it

"Fatty Khan" somehow he knew this fatty and he felt a sense of famility to him

only now did he remember that he isn't ih his body anymore so he tried to check his memorry but it was still a bit fogy all he could remember was that this child's name is Colt as well, and the fatty's Khan,when he looked at the fatty again he kicked him as hard as he can for he was feeling a bit disgusted at the idea of another man hugging his right arm and a fat man on top of it.

"Ouch!" Fatty Khan said loudly, some of the bypassers looked at them and laughed while there was some of them that just ignored what happened

"Oh Colt you're awake?" Fatty Khan said with a smile as if he already got over the fact that he just got kicked by his friend

"yeah i woke up just seconds ago" Colt said while cheking his memory for anything useful

He started getting more and more stuff from his memory like where he is and why is he here.

He is in The Xale Kingdom , Yrison city wich is the biggest city in the whole Kingdom and it is powered by the coal mine that Colt is currently in, as to why he is in here it was because his parents sold him to the mine for 25 silver so they can pay their debts.

'heh.. it seems we have the same kind of parents' he felt a bit od heart ach as he remembered his past life.

there's a unique schedule to the wokers in this mine wich is to either mine 100kg of coal wich can be thrown into the huge reactor at the center of the mine to power the city and the leftover of it will be sold, or the other way wich is to mine 1kg of firestones wich is rare to find and can be sold to fire cultivators at a high price each day.

"let's start the work" Farry Khan said to Colt while standing up.

"Ok" Colt said indifferently

while walking Colt thought 'System' and the system poped in front of his eyes'so i just need to think of it and it will pop on'

but there was a difference to what it looked befor.

Name: Colt

Race: Human

Age: 10

Cultivation level: 0

Points: 0

Abilities: Souls Devouring

and there was also two new tags that said 'professions' and 'quests' so he clicked on professions.

Mining: level 9

"so i can level up professions as well? this can be useful" he said with a smile

after that he clicked on quests tag.

quest 1: level mining to level 10

quest 2: devour your first soul

quest 3: reach Cultivation level 1

quest 4: (locked)

quest 5: (locked)




'So i have 3 quests available maybe i need to complete them to get the other quests, but can't i see how much exp i need to level up?' Colt thought silently

"Ding!, you need to buy exp analyser in the store to have the ability to do that" the System's cold voice sounded in Colt's head

'Where's the store tab i can't see it?'Colt thought confusingly

"ding!, at lease one quest finished required to open store"

while lestening to the system's voice Colt bumbed into a huge guy with a scare on his cheek

"oh sorry i din't see you"Colt said indefrently and continued walking

"wait there you little shit"The big guy said while walking to Colt


