The Mines (2)

As Colt heard the man's voice behind him he started cheking his memory if there's anything about this huge guy that looked to be about 2 meters tall and he looked all muceles without brains

Colt found some useful stuff with the guy's name, his name was Grave Yain and he was one of the 4 squad leaders, as there was ranks in this mine, it was the mayor of the city under him are the 4 squad leaders with every one of them having at least a hundred chef under them as for the chefs each one of them is responsible to take the needed quantity of coal or firestones eachday for 20 miners.

As there are more than 400 chefs and more than 8000 miners the Yarison's coal mine has one of the biggest economical earnings in the whole Kingdom, that's why the Emperor sent cultivators to take the squad leaders rank.

"Leader Grave i am sorry i didn't see you" Colt said with an apologetic face as his attitude just had an 180 degree change.

"You won't-" befor Grave could complete his sentence.

"How about i bring you food to your chamber for the next month as an apology" Colt said with an innocent smile as if he truly never ment any harm.

"Hmm" Grave thought about it for a sec because the mine was so huge that the way from his chamber to the dining hall was over an hour by foot "ok but instead of a month it would be 3 monthes" Grave wanted to get the advantage of this stupid looking kid in front of him

"Ok i woud be happy to serve you leader" Colt said again with a smile but in his mind he already started to think of a way to end this bastard and he chose the leader's chamber because he was alone in the chambre not like the miners chambre where there's hundreds of them in one chambre.

"heh heh i am gonna go now i am expecting you to bring me my food after 30 minuts from now" Grave also thought about this idead befor accepting, if a normal miner did the same thing to him he would refuse and punish the miner but since it's a little child he must have a hard time getting the 100kg of coal and it's almost impossible for him to be lucky enough to get firestone but even if he got the firestone it would get stolen from him so by accepting this deadl and wasting about 2 hours for the coming and going period that would just make it harder for him, so it was 2 birds with one stone.

"i will be seeing you then leader" Colt said while turning back his head, as soon as his back faced the leader his face changed from a smile to grim, as he knew how Grave punished the miners, the luckiest one of them had his arm broken wich led to him dying of starvation at the cause of not being able to mine the needed amount of coal each day.

Fatty Khan was standing in the side the whole time as he was scared shitless when he saw his only friend bump into the fierest person in the mines, he wanted to help Colt but the fear of dying stoped him from moving when the conversation between Colt and Grave ended he felt weakness and he wanted to get stronger to be able to protect the ones he love

"I am sorry!" Fatty Khan said to Colt

'This idiot' Colt thought "why are you sorry it was me that didn't pay attention"

"But..but."Fatty still wanted to blame it on himslef for being weak.

"What do you want to do when we get out of this place?" Colt said with.

"I want to be the biggest merchant in the world and i also want to be strong!" Fatty Khan said with a determined face.

"And do you think that you are gonna achieve that by whining here like a bitch?" Colt loudly screamed at him.

Fatty Khan felt that he finally knew how to get what he wanted as he was to now only dreaming and never tried to do anything to get closer to his dream.

"umm!" Fatty Kahn nodded at Colt and swiftly went and hugged him.

When Colt was about to kick him like this morning he saw that Fatty Khan was crying so he endured it this time and he huged him back.






Fatty Kahn didn't seem to want to let go so Colt kicked him anyways "what are you doing hugging me for so long? don't tell me i am that handsome that you changed your taste?"

"No! no! i am just happy that i have a brother like you" Fatty Khan said happily.

Colt face had a small smile at the corner of his mouth when he heard Khan's words "let's go now, i want to start planing on how we gonna escape this shithole" Colt said with an evil smile.

"If you need anything to help you just tell me Colt!" Fatty Khan didn't seem suprised by Colt's choice.

when Fatty Khane said 'help' Colt remembered that for the past 2 years that he worked in the mines he never finished the 100kg of coal as Fatty Khan would always finish his first and start helping Colt to finich his as well.

'First i need to find a way to get ride of that fucker Grave!" Colt said as he was now 10 time more determined to escape from here not just for himself but for his one and only friend Fatty Khan, they went to a cave at the very right, as there were hundreds of caves, the most popular ones had hundreds of miners in them and the reason for that is the possibility of finding firestone, the one that Colt and Fatty Khan went in had a 0% chance as no one has ever found any firestone in it that's why they were the only miners in it, when they reached the deepest part in the cave they found their two pickaxes waiting.

Fatty Khan picked his and started digging in the left side, but when Colt held his he found it weightless and he could swing it as if it was air itself, when Fatty Khan took a glance at him he was speechless as this pickaxe is 3 kg even thought it's not heavy but a 10 year old shouldn't be able to pick it like it's nothing , Fatty Khan is 14 years old and he is gonna turn 15 in two monthes.

"Eh? is it supposed to be this light?"Colt asked confusely ' maybe my strenght is boosted by the System?' he had a thought but it turned to be wrong, when he picked a rock to his side he felt it's weight, but only now did he had a hypothesis wich is maybe his level 9 mining profession.

"How are you able to pick it so easly?" Fatty Khan curiously asked.

"That's a secret" Colt said, when Fatty Khan heard him he didn't pay anymore attention and focused on mining his daily needs.

But what mesmerized Colt was that when he looked at the rocks and stones in the walls he could see some dots, when he hitted the dot a big chunk of the wall colapsed and a shit-ton of coal made it's way to his feet,this made Fatty Khane's eye wide open and his chin slame the floor

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Fatty Khanscreamed while looking at the floor, the wall and Colt's happy face

"Looks like we won't have to spend 10 hours working everyday now" Colt smiled as his gaze shifted to Fatty Khane'and it's my time now to help you with mining' Colt thought to himself