The Mines (3)

"What?how?" FattyKhan questioned loudly

"I told you it's a secret" Colt said smiling even he wasn't expecting this much from level 9 mining only now did he finally understood the power of professions, he took a glance at the big chunks of rock and took another one at his pickaxe and he had a thought,'I need to try this' he thought to himself and his expression started changing to an excited one.

Colt held his pickaxe by the top of the handle so his skin was touching the pickaxe's head, and he moved a rock in front of him he sitted and started hitting the rock softly and slowly to not crack it open,Fatty Khan noticed what he was doing and he had an admiration look on his face while thinking 'why has no one ever thought of this?'but after seconds he knew why, it was because this kind of method would need too much concerntration and time, he didn't want to get in Colt's way so he got back to his mining




After 10 minutes

"Oh after all this time and i only managed to finish a quarter of it" Colt sighed and wiped the sweat in his forhead,'I only stoped to go and bring that fucker his food since i would need about 20 minutes if i run even though i will get exhausted even more i need to get back and complete this'colt stood up and was about to leave

"Where are you going?" Fatty Khan asked

"To i will bring that retard his foodn did you really forget about it?" Colt said smiling to Fatty Khan

Fatty Khan truly forgot about it after all these mind blowing things that Colt did so he just smiled blushingly to Colt and slightly nodded after that he turned back to his mining

Colt went to the dining hall, it was a huge room there were some people that were still eating but the sad thing is that there's no tables or chairs so they had to sit on rocks while eating there were even elderly that were getting robbed when Colt saw this his determination to completly anhiliate this mine got bursted even more, and the hatred he had for The Xale Kingdom went up by stages as he started to hate this Kingdom , but he can't do any of this even if he want to because he is now nothing but a slave so he needs to remove that title from him as soon as he could if he wants to deam big, so he went to the chef that was responsible for his group, when the chef saw Colt coming he recognised his as he was the only child in his group but he saw him coming barehanded so he got a bit confused

"Hello chef" Colt said indefrently he didn't even consider cheking his memories if there's anything about this guy infront of him

"Where's the coal?" the chef said disgustingly as he thought that Colt would start begging for free food cause there were some people that couldn't get the needed coal for days and they started starving so the only way for them to suvive is to beg for food.

"I was sent to get food for leader Grave" Colt said with a calm voice

"Oh he told me that a guy in my group was gonna come for his food, i didn't thought that by guy he meant child heh heh" the Chef said while laughing at Colt

"Can you give me the food please? I need to go back to mining fast" Colt started getting frustrated at this guy

"Okay okay wait a sec" the Chef said and went to get the food

When Colt saw the food he really wanted to go and kill Grave this second as in the food was in a huge bagpack and inside it there was all kind of luxurious food, this food would at least cost 1 gold coin but the slaves food wouldn't reach 2 bronze each as it only consisted of stone-like bread and a big cup of water, but Colt tried to stay as calm as he could cause if he didn't he may just jump on the chef and start biting him.

When Colt took the bag it's weight was about 10kg wich was almost impossible to pick up, he looked at the chef with bloodshot eyes, but the chef started looking around as if he didn't see anything,'this motherfucker' Colt thought before taking the bagpack in his back ans started running feeling as if his legs are about to fall off any second now.

Colt first thought of running to Grave's Chamber but after seeing how heavy this thing is it was almost impossible but he still tried his best, beacuse of his 2 years of working in the mines his muscles developed nicely and his strenght is about the same as a normal adult, every second that goes by while wearing this food bagpack and running his legs felt immense pain

After 15 minutes of running Colt's face was almost as pale as paper his legs were blood-red as if they were gonna burst apart anysecond now, the only reason he didn't stop was the fear of getting killed by Grave if he arrived slower, but the fear made him push himself even harder that he reached his destination in 15 minutes insterd of the estimated 20 minutes,when Colt saw the big chamber with the name 'Squad Leader Grave' on the door he felt as if just wants to put his head down and sleep but he didn't stop, he went to the door and knocked'tock,tock'.

After a second of silence the door slowly opened and graves tall figure was in Colt's line of sight he tried to jump and bite this guy to death but his legs failed him as he fell to the ground and fainted

"Tsk,Tsk,Tsk poor child i didn't think you would reach here after 15 minutes of taking the food from your chef it looks like you have some talent boy"Grave said and picked Colt with the bag with one hand and he took him inside and threw him to the ground, tok his food and started eating"

After 2 hours Colt finally woke up and found himeself in a big chamber with a huge guy besides him, it looked like Grave was cultivating, Colt had a stong will to just jump on him now but he knew that he wouldn't be able to do anything o him since he is a cultivator.*

"You are not gonna try to kill me?"Grave said with a smile.

"Why would i try to do that to leader Grave?" Colt changed to his innocent face again.

"You can leave now if you want? I didn't want others to start spreading news about finding a fainted child in front of my room"Grave said as he didn't want people saying he actually has this kind of fetish.

"Thanks for you kindness Leader Grave" Colt said smiling and went out of the chambre as soon as he finished talking, when he went out his face change grim again because he saw the back of the bag that he brought just now and it had metal scraps at the bottom, wich ment that the chef and Grave were scheming against him.

'Just you wait you are all gonna regret this!!' Colt screamed inside his head and he got back to the cave that Fatty Khane is in, his feet were still hurting so he didn't run to the cave but just simply walked wich took more time.

When he returned back he felt a lot hungry from all the exhaustion that he went through todayso he went to the wall again ignoring Fatty Khan and he picked the dots that were still on and the wall kept collapsing making sounds louder and louder he was so immersed in his hatred that he didn't care about the voice.

When Fatty started hearing the loud 'BOOM!' he looked and found that Colt is hitting the wall swiftly and every time he hitted it it would colapse as if a bombe just blew the wall but he got a bit worried that the others might hear the noises and come for their coal so he went behind Colt and tried to stop him but he couldn't.

Colt couldn't feel his mind as if he went berserk he just wants to take out his anger on the wall so he kept hitting it more and more and more.

"Ding!, danger! the host has 30% rate of going berserk a shut down will be needed"

But Colt didn't listen to it and kept hitting from how much destruction he made there was even some firestone in the ground.

"Ding! shut down in 10, 9, 8... 1, 0" the robotic voice stopped and so Colt's movement and he fell asleep.

Fatty Khan stood there dazed looking at all the coal and firestone there were hundreds of kg of coal and a lot of firestone when Fatty Khan saw that Colt fell asleep he didn't want to dissapoint him so he went to hide the firestone under all the rocks that were thrown left and right, he filled minecarts by coal, every minecart is equal to 100kg of coal, he took Colt to his bed that was made by a light sheet, he sold the coal minecarts wich got him 5 meals he brought them to Colt he ate one and hid the others, since all the other miners are still mining the chambre was completely silent.