Ivy Cougar

Colt checked his inventory as he finised the third quest because he didn't get any points so he thought that maybe he got items instead, he saw a weird looking mask in his inventory so he asked the System what it was.

"Ding!, Walo Mask, it changes the body structure and hair color to anyone you think of, warning: it has limited uses"

"This is just getting better and better" Colt said happily after taking the rusty daggers head he made from stones and putted it in the inventory near the steel dagger.

Colt got out of the cave as he went to the biggest cave that has almost a 1000 miners in it.

"Ahh" Colt heard a girl's voice came out of a cave he want by, since there's some women miners and there isn't any guards that keep the miners safe, things like rape were common, there were even some girls that sold their body to the chefs for food or to the miners for coal.

Colt activated his energy as he ran into the cave while thinking 'I didn't have any woman for a long time' with a little grin on his face.

Colt went in swiftly and sneakly as he didn't want to be late, when he saw them there were two big guys taking off clothes of a women that looked to be around 18 years old, the woman looked beautiful but she was crying so that meant this is rape, Colt dashed quickly behind the two big guys, he took the two daggers from his inventory, he stuck the daggers into the two guys and they fell down immediately, Colt was suprised as he didn't know he had such strength, the woman looked at Colt with open eyes as she didn't even see him befor he made it behind the two guys, and how he is on top of them made him look like a King, she never thought in her life thatshe would one day have feelings for a 10 year old boy but she indeed started feeling them towards him.

"Thank you!" the woman said while bowing her head to the ground

"You should only bow to your God why are you bowing to me?" this is what Colt truly thought of, because he was left by his parents in the two lifes he had he never respected them, and he was his God so he nerver bowed to anyone and he would never bow to anyone even if it meant death!

"I am sorry" the woman said surprisingly

"What's your name cutie?" Colt had a charming smile on his face while putting his hands on the two big guys he felt the same feeling of life that he felt from the firestones so he sucked it from both of their bodies but their bodies didn't have the same amount as a small piece of firestone so the feeling diminished quickly but they didn't become ashes like the firestones but the flesh started sticking with the bones and their bodies got smaller.

"My name is Ivy.. Ivy Cougar" Ivy said with a blushfull face, the feeling of her crush teling her 'cute' was truly too good in this hell place.

"My name is Colt"Colt felt that the two bodies are totaly out of energy and he heard a 'Ding!' in his head but he didn't check it

"Colt?" Ivy had a weird expression

"Yeah Colt, C-O-L-T Colt, easy right?"Colt said while sitting next to Ivy

"The chefs have been telling all the miners about a small child called Colt and that they should make problems for you whenever they see you" Ivy said worryingly but she eased up a bit after remembering his strength just now.

"Are you worried about me?" Colt happily said while feeling her cheek with his right hand.

"Umm" Ivy nodded her head blushing.

"You are just too cute" as soon as Colt finished talking he kissed Ivy, her soft lips were crimson, she didn't seem unpleased so he continued kissing while fondling her big and soft breasts.

'She gave herself to me so easy, maybe i am just too much handsome for the girls in this world' Colt thought, but he didn't stop advancing as his other hand went under her panties to her secret part, he first just flicked her bean, but soon he started fingering for real, soon he started taking his and Ivy's clothes off, wich made his muceles and abs that shouldn't be on a 10 year old show to Ivy, she stared at him dizzy since this is the first time someone wanted her to have pleasant feelings while having sex, as all the times she has done it befor were rape, so she started crying without knowing it.

When Colt saw her he thought that she didn't want to have her way with him wich made him a bit sad " if you don't wanna do it with me you could've said it" he said while picking up his clothes from the ground, he planed to get out of the cave but Ivy's voice sounded behind him," no that's not it I am just happy! this is the first time someone cared for me" Ivy said while hugging Colt, he was a bit shorter than her so her mouth was exactly at her nippels so he started sucking on them.