Revenge (1)

"uhm" Ivy moaned,Colt putted her down and he started licking her pussy from the outside and the inside wich made her feel aroused that she took his head and shoved it in even more,Colt didn't stop licking untill she came, after that his sword was already rock-hard,when Ivy looked at it she coudn't believe it was a 10 year old dick cause it was huge, and he sticked it into her, since he had a lot of experience in his past life they kept doing it for almost 3 hours and he was sure to not let it in her to not make her pregnant.

"did you hand in coal today?" Colt asked with a cold tone.

"The coal that i mined with my friends was taken by the gang that these two guy's were in" Ivy said desperately

Colt's heart itched when he saw this girl's sad face so he said "don't worry, you have me now so i will get you your revenge!" Colt said then he putted his hand on her chin and raised her head a bit, went closer and took a quick kiss "and if you feel indebted you can allways pay me" when Colt finished his last words he winked at her.

Ivy felt helpless when she is with him wich made her feelings grow a bit bigger, she smiled and said "okay".

"So do you know where they are now?"

"Yes! they took the mine above us as a meeting place for them"

"okay let's go then, i am gonna show them what happens when you mess with Colt's girl" Colt said while leading the way, since this is a huge mine there were multiple floors to the caves.

"hihi" Ivy felt a sense of happiness and chuckled a bit when she heard 'Colt's girl', wich meant that he already decided that i am his, she felt that the sad and desperately times she had have already disappeared when she met Colt.

they were walking untill they reached the cave, "this is it" Colt said, when he looked at Ivy she had fear on her face it seemed that she really had some bad memory of this place, as soon as he saw her he felt his heart tighten, he really didn't want anything bad to happen to this girl, but then he heard some happy talking in the cave, he sneaked in slowly, he saw 5 men eating and drinking happily, it wasn't just eating bread and drinking water, there was meat, vegetables, wine,.. all kinds of food.

"Heh we got all of this thanks to you Zhou Brother" one of the men said to the one in the middle, he had the most food as well.

"What are you talking abou? we all werked hard to capture the girls, thanks to the chefs as well for buying theme from us for such good food, now we don't even have to work, cheers" the man in the middle replied to him and cheered with everybody else.

Colt looked at Ivy's face that was full of hatred and killing intent but there was also a bit of sadness she wanted to kill those bastards!

'Maybe the girls they are talking about are Ivy's friends?' Colt finally understood what is going on and his gaze changed as well, he didn't want to hear anymore of this so he activated his energy, dashed out he took the daggers and stabbed the legs of the guys that had their backs at him.

"Ahhh!" the two men screamd in pain while holding to their legs in pain.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man in the middle wich is the leader asked furiously but he was also suprised at this kids speed.

"I am the reaper did you prepare your souls bitches?" Colt said disdainfully as he dashed behind another man and stabbed him in the leg , as for the reason why he is paralysing them instead of killing them is only in Colt's head.

"ARGHH!!" the man was holding his leg in pain like the other 2 men

"Wait! wait!.. we can talk this out! how about i let share the food in here with us? this is a good deal, to spare our pity lives..." the leader started begging Colt to stop, but Colt answered him in an action, he dashed and the other man that was standing was in his feet as well screaming in pain, Colt looked at the leader with a hateful expression.

"Ivy come out" Colt aid in a cold face, Ivy didn't expect it but she showed herself either way, when the leader saw her he knew that he was dead meat.

"Were you talking about my friends just a second ago?" Ivy asked in a sad way.

"HAHAH they are already dead by now! i sold them to the chefs! you will not see them agai-" befor he could finish his last sentence his legs were sliced apart by Colt

"AHGH! you fucking shit how dare you touch me! just you wait until squad leader Grave hears about this you both are dead meat!" the leader seemed to have lost his mind, Colt went to him and sliced his arms as well as everyother mans limbs so they just layed there howling in pain, Colt went near Ivy and gave her the dagger,"you can do whatever you want with them i am gonna wait for you outside" he whispered to her and went out, when she looked at the dagger she didn't want to do it since she was a female after all and females hate blood.

"Bitch you fucked yourself and that little friend of yours you are both dead!" tge Leader didn't seem to want to shut up.

"Shut up... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Ivy screamed and went rushing at him and started stabbing him and all the other men, while Colt waited outside he remembered hearing a lot of 'Ding!' noises so he cheked the System if there's anything new

Name: Colt

Race: Human

Age: 10

Killing intent : level 1

Cultivation level: 4

Points: 15

Abilities: Souls Devouring

" Were you talking about my friends just a second ago?" Ivy asked in a sad way.