The Chef (2)

"Guards help m-" The Chef knew that Colt wasn't a normal miner because of the illusion that he had so he didn't risk it and went ahead and called the guards but before he could finish Colt already appeared behind him and closed his mouth with Colt's hand.

"What's happening in there?" the guards heard a scream so they quickly went to the door but they didn't open it since they knew that Grave was in so they just asked from behind the door, after moments of silence no one answered, Colt didn't want to waste another use from the Walu Mask for weak guards so he took the chef and hid behind a food closet, the guards rushed in and they found no one in here, the guard in the front signed to the others to be cautious, the guards dispersed as everyone went to another root, some of the were fascinated by how much food there was in here, Colt sneaked a peek to see how many guards rushed in here, there were 4 guards but he felt that their Qi was a lot bigger than the guards he fought before, but he quickly understood why, since the guards outside were meant for miners so they were the weakest, but the ones in here were meant for chefs which means that they should be a lot stronger than the ones in the mine.

When he looked at them he could determine that three of them were cultivators level 3 and the leader was level 4, which means he can't just rush in and kill them easily, a guard was coming closer and closer to him from the left, Colt took some sleeping powder from his inventory and stuffed it into the chefs nose, the chef fell asleep as soon as he breathed it in, Colt putted the chef to the side slowly, and he held his dagger in his hand.

As soon as the guard reached the part that he was in he got dragged swiftly by a hand that covered his mouth to not breath and the guard felt a dagger go through his neck as he stopped breathing after seconds, Colt threw his corpse on top of the chefs body, he picked up a bread from the food closet that he was behind and threw it to another closet just in front of him.

All the guards moved their eyes to the leader when they heard the noise, they seemed more professional than the others since these ones knew how to work as a team and not just rush into the noise which made it harder for Colt to assassinate one by one, the leader did some signs with his hands again and the other two guards went to check the noise as he stood at the entrance, he did this because there was a possibility that the criminal is not in that place and he would rush out as soon as the guards go to check the noise that's why he stood there and was going to make sure that the criminal that broke into here is going to get catched.

Colt had a big grin as he saw what just happened this was all of his plan even though he risked it of being found but he had the Walu Mask so he could take this risk without being in danger even if he gets caught, the guards came to the place they heard noise from and they found a bread thrown to the ground, they sighed and signaled to their leader, when the leader saw them he his face had a smile since he felt proud that he have did the right thing, When the guards went back the leader saw that only one is coming back while the other one just vanished.

"Where's Zin?" the leader asked in a low voice.

"Hmm?" the other guard looked around in confusion as he thought that he was following him, "maybe he is checking the noise more?" the guard had a weird expression as he looked fiercely at the leader.

"Yeah maybe he is just checking there more" The leader just nodded slightly as they both went slowly to the bread, they didn't make any noises while walking there .

When Colt saw the two guards that wanted to check the bread leaving, he swiftly took his hand by one of the guards' mouth and he brought it back safely without getting noticed, he took his dagger and stabbed the guard, the guards had thick clothes and also hard skin since they are cultivators, so it wasn't easy to kill them, so he needed to keep stabbing the guard's neck until his eyes turn blank and he stops breathing that was the sign that Colt took, he guards of course were human so they felt a lot of pain but Colt didn't stop stabbing the guard, it took about 12 stabs to kill the guard, the guard had tears in his eyes, but what fucked Colt's plane was that a tear fell on the ground and it made a 'splash' sound even thought it wasn't loud but cultivators' hearing is enhanced which made the two guards that were sneaking on Colt hear it, they knew that the criminal is 100% behind the food closet in front of them.

The Leader signed 3..2..1 and they jumped in both sides to the food closet they found Colt was about to throw the guard's corpse on top of the other corpses, but when Colt saw them that took him by a surprise so he threw the corpse in his hands at the leader while dashing behind the guard with his dagger on the guard's neck.

"Stop right there!" Colt said calmly since he did this before in his past life he knew how to handle these unlikely situations when they accrue