The chef (3)

" If you call for help you have to say goodbye to your friend!" Colt was more concerned about the leader calling more guards, he was afraid that there might be stronger guards that can even kill him with one punch, but even with this method he was still worried about the leader calling others, but if he did that he can make them both unconscious with the sleeping powder and then use The Walu Mask to take in the chef or Grave's shape then he would be fine, but as there was limited use to The Walu Mask he didn't want to use it recklessly.

The Leader looked at the guard in Colt's hands he thought that Colt being a child wouldn't dare to kill someone, but after seconds he looked at the 2 corpse to his right, there was even The Chef lying there but he was still breathing which meant that Colt didn't want The Chef dead, The Leader picked The Chef and putted his sword at his throat "you want this chef alive, don't you?"

'Heh heh idiot, I just let him live because I want to torture him but if you want to do that in my place…' Colt laughed in his heart but in the outside his calm face changed to a panicked one as he started shivering "no don't kill him!" Colt screamed at the leader.

'Heh heh idiot I got his weakness maybe this chef did something horrible to him and he wants to get revenge,…' the leader thought as if he knew what not being able to get your revenge feels like, "let him go and I will give you your time with this chef!" the leader had a serious face as if he really would do that.

"What? Really?" Colt had his 10 year old childish face on as if he really got believed what the leader said.

"Yes! let my friend go and I will not stop you from doing anything you want with the chef!"

"Umm… but how would I trust you?"

"What do you want me to do for you to trust me?" the leader felt a bit irritated at this kid, he just wanted to get this done with so he can go back to eating his food.

"Well… take off your armor and throw your sword away!" the guards didn't wear the outer armor but they had inner armor, Colt tried to stab the first guard in his back but he felt that there was something stopping the dagger from reaching the guard's flesh, that's why he stabbed the guards on the neck since they didn't have anything covering that part.

"I am not wearing any armor!" The leader threw his sword away but he didn't want to take off his armor.

"Umm… really? But aren't all retard… I mean guards wear armor?" Colt almost said what he was thinking of when he looked at this guard 'retard'.

"…Since we are guarding humans we don't need armor!" the leader was a bit silent to what the kid said but he just ignored it after seconds.

"Well… Give me your sword I don't trust you!" Colt was running out of bullshit to say so he wanted to start giving orders to the leader, but what made him feel a bit bad was that the leader seems to really care about the person in his hands, 'so you aren't asshole with the people like you? But you are asshole to the people that doesn't have anyone that can protect them? Alright…' Colt got a bit agitated at this world's way of thinking.

"I already threw it away!" the leader really got pissed, but he cooled down when he saw his friends watery eyes in Colt's hands, so he took it from the ground and threw it at Colt.

Colt just watched as the sword came, it was pointed at him so he just moved a bit behind and the sword came down and thrusted itself into the guard's leg.

"Ahgh" the guards noise came from under Colt's hand, as his eyes started tearing from the pain that was inflicted from the sword, he looked fiercely at the leader as if he intended that to happen.

"You mother fucker! You tried killing me with that sword!" Colt screamed as his dagger got pushed a bit to the guard's throat.

"No no I didn't intend that please don't kill him I owe him my life,… If you do anything bad to him you won't get your revenge" the leader picked up the unconscious chef from the ground as he choked him really hard.

"Okay what about this,.. we both throw the person in our hands at the same time?"

"Okay… okay start the countdown" the leader agreed to Colt's idea.

"3..2..1 go!" Colt said as he took the guard from his sleeves he pieced his neck from behind so that the leader didn't see it while kicking him to the leader, the leader just bluntly threw the chef at Colt but Colt didn't even care about the chef as he fell to the ground and some of his front teeth got dislocated

"You fucker! Why did you stab him?" the leader got mad at Colt as he rushed him.

"Okay… game over for you bitch!" Colt took the leader's sword in his right hand; and his steel dagger in his left hand, "come at me now!" Colt wasn't scared anymore because the guard was the same cultivation as him, since he got two weapons and the guard has zero that was a certain win for Colt.

The leader couldn't think anymore as he went berserk, if he thought for a bit he could've called for help from other guards, but the death of his friend right in front of his eyes made him forget that easy solution as he rushed to Colt.

Colt took a defensive stance as he activated his Killing intent.

Yesterday when he was trying to sleep he was trying to see if he could activate the killing intent, when suddenly it struck him, he already activated it when he was looking at the five guards in the cave, that pressure that he made was extremely enhanced by his killing intent.

When Colt activated his killing intent he felt everything turn a bit slower as his body movement was a lot faster and the leader that got slower as he felt a big pressure on him, Colt dashed behind the leader "this is the end for you!" Colt shouted as he sliced the leader's head from his body, his strength got enhanced , before he needed multiple stabs to cut through a level 3 cultivator but when Colt activates his killing intent he could even slice the head of a level 4 cultivator easily.