Unlimited Potential

"It's a goodbye gift from me" Colt said smiling.

"Where did you get all of this?" Fatty Khan already heard Colts story, so he knew that he wasn't from a wealthy family and such.

"You don't need to worry about that, just focus on getting stronger ok?"

"OK!" Fatty Khan screamed with determination.

"I will miss you" Colt hugged Fatty Khan.

"I WILL MISS YOU TOO!" Fatty Khan didn't think such words can even come from Colt's mouth, he started crying as he hugged Colt too.

"We will meet in 5 years" Colt smelled Fatty Khans sweat, which made him uncomfortable in such a position so he tried getting out of it.

"WE WILL!" Fatty Khan was full of determination as he wore the ring in his finger and started running towards the exit of the mine.

"I hope you don't die in the process" Colt had eyes full of warmth when he looked at Fatty Khan running. But suddenly those eyes were filled with lust as he turned to Rem. "Let's continue what we were doing"

"Yes!" Rem can't be any happier than she is right now.


Fatty Khan took another 45 minutes, running and walking for breath, to get out of the mine, he went straight into the forest in front of him, as he walked in he smelled a disgusting scent.

"What's this?" Fatty Khan looked at the skinless body of Graves, he couldn't determine who the person is but he didn't feel like vomiting, he didn't even get shivers from what he saw, he just ignored it and went right into the forest, he found a cave at the end of it, so he took it as a place to cultivate all the energy stones Colt gave him, and training in hunting for food, because the food that was in his ring is expensive but it's quantity isn't much, especially for a big eater like him.


After a long time Colt and Rem finally stopped.

"Is this the last time I am going to see you?" Rem was sad at the thought of getting away from Colt.

"Of course not silly, whenever I have enough free time I will come for you, and whenever the time is right you will be mine, and mine alone" Colt knew that she had a husband, and the worst thing is that her husband is Rai, the cultivator sent by The Frag Kingdom to subdue any demon in Xale Kingdom. Which means he needs to be strong enough to be able to defeat her husband to get to her.

"I will miss you!" Rem hugged Colt really hard, if she activates her energy it's possible for Colt to die at this moment.

"I will miss you too Rem" Colt hugged her back, she didn't seem to want to let go,…. After 5 minutes, 10 minutes, she didn't let go of Colt, "is something wrong?" Colt pulled her hair to the back of her hair to see her face, her eyes were watery.

"I don't want to let go, I want to be with you forever" Rem finally started crying.

'She wants to be with me after half a day of knowing me? Am I really that much handsome?' Colt was confused at how easy life has been up to now, "don't you have a husband?" Colt wanted to know who this husband is.

"But I didn't want him! I was married to him because he threatened my family! I was forced to be with him! I tried running but he has assassins with strong presence detecting talent, so I couldn't run away" Rem was screaming with hatred, it seemed she didn't like her husband too much.

'Who could this person be? Don't tell me it's…' Colt finally started getting the hang of this, since there isn't that many people that could drive a squad leader to such a place other than the mayor and Rai. "Is you husband Rai?" Colt didn't ask if it's the mayor since he already has a wife.

"Yes! I hate him! just because he is strong he thinks he can manipulate whoever he wants, I have been searching for a way to get rid of him but they all end up failing, strength is just overwhelming in this world, if you have strength you have everything" Rem despised how this world works.

"Can you tell me what level he is at the moment?" Colt wanted to know how strong the normal demons are from this as well.

"He advanced to level 198 last year, I didn't really care what level he is so I don't know what level he is now, but since the Qi is not highly condensed in here his advancement shouldn't be too fast, so he is probably still level 198"

"198?... how old is he?" Colt couldn't believe that a human can be such a high level.

"He is close to a thousand, I think he will be thousand in three or four years" Rem looked confusedly at Colt's shocked face.

'I forgot! Cultivation raises age limit! What if I become as strong as God, or even stronger does that mean I would live forever with multiple beauties, but I need to make them stronger as well, or I can make some kind of a pill or tool that can give a human being immortality' Colt already knew what he needs to start doing as soon as he finishes from the mine. "Don't worry Rem, 198 levels you said? Give me just a couple of years I will get back stronger than ever, strong enough to beat the shit out of Rain, I will show him who's boss" 'System' Colt thought, when he saw what level he is his chance of success was at 100% already, 'if I got this much stronger in just 2 days in this world, how much stronger I would be in the next week? Or in the next month? Or even the next few years? I have unlimited potential, if I don't die to someone stronger than me, I can always outrun them easily! I should make this to my favor.