Poor Velvet

Age: 10

Killing intent level: 17

Cultivation level: 43

Points: 2650

Abilities: Souls Devouring

"Couple of years? I… don't think that you can…" Rem didn't want to dishearten Colt.

"Just believe in me!" Colt took her hand and looked right into her eyes.

"O-ok" Rem finally believed Colt's words.

"I need to go now, I promise I will make Rai regret what he have done to you!" Colt was determined.

"I will wait for you, also you should go and participate in the "Wreim Tournament" it's a tournament that's done every year in the arena in Wreim, you can win a lot of cultivation resources and also some techniques." Rem seemed very confident in the tournament.

'If I remember correctly Wreim is the capital of The Reigh Kingdom" Colt had some memory about Wreim city, "do you know what the strongest person's cultivation level in there can be?" Colt wanted to make sure that he could get number 1.

"normally it would be level 30 to 40, but those level 30 and 40 could win against cultivators way stronger than them thanks to their techniques, there is also the disciple part in the tournament, the highest cultivator there would be level 10 or 11, that's where I want you to go, just ask people for disciplines tournament, and they would show you the arena. There's still 10 days before the tournament starts" Rem was hoping that Colt could get at least third place in the disciplines tournament.

"Don't worry about it, I am sure to get number 1!" Colt wasn't talking about the disciplines tournament, he was talking about the main tournament.

"I am sure you will!" Rem eyes turned watery as she say her goodbyes to Colt.

After saying goodbye to Rem Colt exited her chamber, he started running towards the entrance, after getting out the mine Colt didn't go towards the camp but instead towards the duke and the old poison man.

They looked exhausted, their Qi was already gone, their punches were just normal punches, but since their bodies are refined they didn't feel pain from each other.

"HEHE, the first task is easy, but the second one can be quite problematic." Colt whispered to himself.

"Hello there!" Colt went close to the two of them and screamed. But they didn't even look at him, they just continued on punching each other very slowly, their punches were getting even more slower."Fuckers!" Colt kicked them both to the ground as he hated people ignoring him.

"Wha…wha..you…want?" the two were half dead as they hardly pronounced the sentence.

"Which one of you two should I kill?" Colt looked at the old poison man as he took his enchanted dagger out of his inventory.

"Him…" the old poison man pointed at the duke.

"N-no…him" the duke knew that the dagger was enchanted and it could kill him.

'I can't talk to them like this…' Colt said as he bent over and exerted some Qi to their bodies, it was enough for them to talk but not enough to stand.

"I will ask you this time, who should I kill, you or him?" Colt looked at the duke this time.

"Him, him! he is a bad person, with poison element, he deserves to die!" The duke tried giving evidence to why the old poison man should die and no him.

"And you, why would I kill this man?" Colt looked at the old poison man.

"He steals from people, he chats them for money, he even buys girls for his son" the old poison mans evidence seemed a bit better than the dukes.

"You killed my wife because she chose me over you! And after that you sneak attacked my Wreim city and stole my one and only son!, now that he is dead I would do anything for you to die!" the dukes eyes were getting watery when he mentioned his son.

'Oh poor you, heheh' Colt was laughing inside. "

"She loved me! It was you that threatened her with her family if she marries someone from an enemy Kingdom!" the old poison man seemed to get sad when he mentioned the dukes wife, it seemed there has been a drama between the three before.

"Why did you kill her then?? You fucker!" the duke was getting angry.

"I didn't want to kill her! It's just that after I had an intimate relationship with her, she got sick with my poison! Do you think I want this element? This legendary shit? I don't want it!! If I could change something, I would like to be just a normal peasant with no element talent, living with Velvet, I just want to be with her! Do you think that I would ever hate her??" the old poison man was getting angry that he got accused for something he didn't do on porous.

"Why did you get into an intimate relation with her if you know that she can get infected?"

"I was angry when she told me that she was pregnant! She didn't even tell me when she married you, I thought I still had a chance, to save her family from you, and live with her forever" the old poison man was trembling at this point.

"Velvet cheated on me? How…how could she do such a thing? I and she did it when she was pregnant? Don't tell me… that's the reason for my son being a cripple…" the duke couldn't handle this as his eyes started dripping with tears.

"I am sorry… I…I…" the old poison man seemed lost in words.

Colt was just watching on the side, he was enjoying the show, he felt as if he was watching a drama series back on earth. But he didn't have forever.

"Alright! I am done with this! You are both bad people! You threatened your wife to be with you, and you killed his wife just because you were weak to protect her" every word that Colt said seemed to hurt the two old men.

They couldn't look him in the eyes as they just looked to the ground.

"How do you want to repent on your sins?" Colt pretended to be a good person, since these two could have some treasures hidden somewhere, he wanted everything that he could get.

"I want to give everything that I have to velvets family! I have done them wrong in the past, I hope they accept my apologies, but even if they don't I would still give them everything" the duke said with a quiet voice.

"I will give everything that I have to Velvets family as well, they deserve it after all that's been done to them." The old poison man was apologetic as well.

"Here this is a special key, if you show this to my guards, they would treat you just like they would treat me, ask my sister to show you the vault, you can open it with that key, take everything and give it to Velvet's family, they live in the common district house number 756, I put everything I have on you." The duke trusted Colt.

"This is the key to my chamber, there all kinds of good stuff there, you can take one thing as a thanks to giving it to Velvet's family" the old poison man seemed a bit more professional in asking people to give something to someone.

"You can one thing as well from the items in the vault as well" the duke didn't want to lose to the old poison man,

"Don't worry, all those things are going to reach the Velvets family" Colt said as he checked the two keys, they were real, he putted them in the inventory as he picked his steel dagger from the inventory in his left hand and his enchanted one in his right hand.

"In your dreams!" Colt screamed as he took the duke and the old poison mans heads. The last expression on their faces were disbelief, Colt loved trolling.