The Cave

"Where are you intending to go now?" Zain asked Colt.

"The first place would be "The Wreim Tournament"" Colt answered Zain's question.

"I will see you there then." Zain got happy to know that Colt is going exactly where he wanted him to go, 'is this fate?' Zain happily thought to himself.

"Sure" Colt didn't care too much.

"Wait! Colt! What about me," Zilean ran till he got closer to Colt.

"I wasn't interested in you to begin with, I don't want a trap as a lover! I only accept girls maybe if one day I turn mentally insane then you can have a chance, which means you will never have a chance with me" Colt was straight to the point since he doesn't want any misunderstandings.

"No…" Zilean was lost for words, he was truly sad to hear those words, while Ivy had a smug smile while looking at Zileans sad face.

"Well if you excuse me, I have places to go" Colt got on top of Fury as he placed Ivy down.

"What about the duke? Can we get him now?" Zain asked Colt.

"He got punished for his sins! And he accepted his death!" Colt looked coldly at Zain.

"Wha... What do you mean?" Zain knew he can't win against Fury that's why he didn't attack Colt by this point.

"If you don't believe me, here's evidence" Colt took out the key that was given to Colt by the duke.

"That's the vault key!" Zain was in shock since The Duke's wealth is all In there, 'but the key is in his personal Space ring, and no one can open it other than him, so is it true? What did he do to deserve punishment? He wasn't taking advantage of citizens or anything like that, I need to get more information from his sister, maybe she knows something about this' Zain was in deep thought. "Okay I believe you" Zain said to Colt.

"Good" Colt coldly said as he pointed towards The Reigh Kingdom, as Fury started flying towards it at high speed.

"Let's get going!" Zain screamed at the army as they started packing their stuff.

Zilean was in the side, he we on all fours crying, he wished that he could turn to a woman, he never liked himself as a man, he wanted to turn to a woman, "When- when finally I thought- I thought someone like me for who I am… I was wrong! I can't live like this!" While whining someone came in front of Zilean.

"You don't like being a man?" The man asked with a smile.

Zilean thought that he was talking to his inner self since the voice sounded from her heart not from outside.

"I hate it! I hate it! Why did I have to be born as a guy? I don't want this!" Zilean started screaming.

"What if I help you with that?" Zilean heard the voice again , but this time it wasn't from his heart but from outside, he looked up and found that a man was standing in front of her, looking at her with a smile. "MR-MR. Rai what are you doing here?" Zilean was shocked as he bowed his head

"I thought I felt a demon's presence but it was a wrong feeling, also you don't need to bow to me" Rai said to Zilean with a small smile on his face.

"Sorry!" Zilean was scarred to see the strongest person on The Xale Kingdom right in front of him.

"Don't worry about it, so you said you don't want to be a guy anymore?" Rai's smile turned a bit dark for a second.

"Y-Yeah… I hate being a guy" Zilean lowered his head.

"I can help you with that if you want" Rai smile was getting more perverted by the second.

"You don't need to" Zilean turned her head up, she cached a glimpse of Rai's smile as it turned to a normal smile again.

"I want to, I want to help kids like you, since I have power for it why shouldn't I do it?" Rai said.

"Okay-Okay thanks for the help Mr.Rai" Zilean was bowing his head again.

"No worries, let's go to my place, I have all my tools there, I can make you a ying-yang pill that will change your gender." Rai seemed to know what he is talking about.

"A YING-YANG PILL? The legendary pill? Mr.Rai can actually make such a pill?" Zilean was getting more suspicious but shocked as well.

"Yeah…Yeah of course I can make it, I came from The Frag Kingdom, we are the best in pills." Rai's ego got boosted.

"Yeah… ok" Zilean was getting more and more suspicious of this old man, but he already accepted so he can't say no to it.

"Let's go then" Rai said as he held Zilean in his hand and fled away.


Fury was flying with Colt and Ivy on his back towards The Reigh Kingdom when suddenly the dark sky started raining.

"Let's stop in a cave until the rain goes by" Colt said, he knew that he can stop the rain from touching him by using Qi, but that would take a lot of energy, maybe there might be some high level beast hiding somewhere that might attack so they need energy to run from such a beast.

"Okay" Fury said as he sent his sound wave to search for a cave.

"You need to teach me how to do those sound waves" Colt said to Fury.

"When we get in the cave, if it's just a normal cave I will teach you" Fury said as he just found a cave, there was some movement in the cave, but it didn't seem anything too much so he went to it.

Colt, Ivy and Fury went into the cave, it had plants growing from weird places like the ceiling, when suddenly they saw some red eyes in the dark inside of the cave, Ivy got scarred as she sticked herself into Colt.