A Week After

"What's that?" Ivy asked while shivering with fear.

Colt couldn't determine who's that, since he couldn't feel any Qi coming from that thing, I was either stronger than him or that it doesn't have Qi to begin with. "Do you feel anything from it Fury?" Colt asked.

"No… no I don't" Fury said while looking at Colt in confusion of what should he do.

Colt picked a pebble from the ground and threw it as hard as he could at the red eyes, the rock banged into the eyes but the eyes didn't even blink, they just stood there watching from far without moving.

Colt had two thought in his head, that this is either not what they think it is, or is that this is a monster that's stronger than them all, but since the monster isn't moving the first thought must be right.

Colt started walking cautiously towards the red eyes with Fury.

"If it moves even slightly get us out of here as fast as you can!" Colt whispered in Fury's ears, Fury just nodded as a response.

Colt got closer and closer to the red eyes, while getting closer the figure started appearing in it's true form, it was tall like a wall, wait… it was a wall.

The red eyes were just stones stuck to the wall, 'They must be some good material if they could withstand my full attack' Colt thought, happily with this lucky found. He remembered that he still has his pickaxe in his inventory, he took it out when he got it in his hands the dots that show him the wall's weakness were shown again, but there was now dots near the crimson stone.

"Ding! high level material detected, level 45 mining required to mine Crimson ruby" the system sounded in Colt's ears.

'I need to level up to mine this? Can't I just mine around it and get it out?' Colt was confused so he tried to cheat the system and mine around the crimson ruby. But as soon as his pickaxe touched near the crimson ruby the pickaxe shattered to millions of pieces, as it got taken by the air. 'I can't cheat the system…Fuck!' Colt got angry at his misfortune, but he wanted to level up his professions anyways so this is a good opportunity.

"We need to make fire if we want to stay here" Fury ignored what just happened to Colt's pickaxe.

"Yeah… Fury can you make a fire?" Colt asked.

"Yeah, since I got degraded I was left with the four basic elements, fire, air, water and earth" Fury was getting sad.

"I will leave that to you, I need to do something" Colt said as he opened the system, he went to the store and bought the best pickaxe he could with his current level, it cost him 250 points. The pickaxe's rode was green and his head was purple, those two colors didn't look that great with each other but the weight of this pickaxe was hundreds more than the normal pickaxe. Colt started mining in the dots while Ivy was sitting in the fire that Fury made, Fury was surprised at Colt's explosions, even though they didn't produce any sound, the sound of Rocks falling made it for him.

Colt continued mining until he got a bit exhausted.

"There's no food here, Fury do you mind going out and finding something for us?" Colt asked Fury.

"Yeah sure" Fury didn't really care about food since he doesn't need it.

Colt started mining again.

After sometime Fury came back with a 5 meters long beast, it looked like a turtle with horns and spikes on it.

When Fry got in the small sized cave wasn't small anymore as Colt mined a lot in it, it turned into a long Cave. Fury started cooking the food with things he made using some iron that was thrown everywhere thanks to Colt.

*Phyew* Colt sighed when suddenly he started smelling a delicious smell, "Fury returned" Colt went back to get some food as well.

Fury took some minutes to cook a good piece of the beast, after some minutes of eating the three finally had their meal.

"Can you start teaching me the sound wave now" Colt asked.

"Let's start then, the first thing you need to know is…" Fury explained how the sound wave works, and what Colt needs to get it.

The situation continued like this for a week, Colt was mining without a stop so he didn't know what level he was in currently, he learned some techniques from Fury not just sound wave, Ivy did nothing but sleep and eat, Fury goes hunting and then turns back makes food, and shows Colt some more techniques. In the past week Colt got 3 more techniques.

In the morning of the seventh day "I wonder what level I am at currently" Colt said as he opened the system.

Mining: level 54

"Oh wow, I leveled up way faster than I thought" Colt got surprised at his leveling speed."Now I can go and mine that Crimson Ruby" Colt got excited as he went straight to the crimson ruby, it stood at the entrance as a pillar with the stone around it.

"Fury I will mine them now" Colt said with caution, he didn't want anything bad to happen to him. Fury just nodded as a response.

"Here goes nothing" Colt hit the crimson as hard as he could, it got shattered out of its place, Colt kept hitting it as it got shattered more and more, every hit got him some crimson ruby, after some hits all the crimson ruby in the pillar was gone, Colt picked all the ruby on the ground and putted it into his inventory, "Nothing happened" After saying that an earthquake hit the cave as a big hole opened in the ground as it swallowed Colt and Fury.