Dangerous Realm

"Colt!" Fury screamed as he tried to take the hand of Colt an fly away, but rocks kept oh hitting him, they weren't normal rocks that wouldn't do any damage to Fury, but instead heavy rocks, every one of them can be thousands of pounds.

"I feel…exhausted…" Colt couldn't move anymore, as if there was something taking his conscious away from him, «no! I can't give up" Colt bit his tongue until blood came out of it, he couldn't move his body the only part that was movable was his head. When suddenly he and all the rocks on top of him hit the ground.

'I can't breathe! I need to get out of here' Colt was thinking to himself as he channeled as much Qi as he could, and burst it out in one moment. The rocks on top of him shook but they didn't get away from him, they were still on top of him, the only thing that changed was now he can breathe.

"AHHH! Fuck!" Colt breathed out of exhaustion, he couldn't move his body, as if it was paralyzed.

'Ding! Host in dangerous real, chance of survivability 0.1%, recommended to level up first before going anywhere' The system's voice sounded in Colt's head.

'Realm? This is another world? What do you mean by survivability 0.1%? am I that weak?' Colt thought he was doing fine on his power level, but he need to get out of this place fast, so he tried absorbing Qi around him.

The Qi in this place was hundreds of thousands more compressed than the Qi in The Xale Kingdom, but it wasn't normal Qi, it had a bad feeling into it. As if the world is going to get destroyed if you absorb enough of it.

"Doesn't matter I need to get stronger now! Since the Qi here is more condensed I can level up easily, when I become strong enough I will get out from under those rocks. Colt planted his first step into this realm that he got teleported into.

Colt started absorbing Qi, after some absorbing he had a thought of using sound wave to see if there's anyone or anything near him.

Colt used Sound Wave, it wasn't as fast and big as Fury's but it still was enough to let Colt know some things about the place he is in right now. Colt felt walls surrounding him from all sides, which meant he was in a cave, but the problem with this cave is that there was no holes in it, as if it was just a big hole on a mountain, 'After I get out of here, I need to mine my way through.' Colt got another step to him getting out of this place, but he was still worried about the 0.1% survivability.

After a long time, it might be hours, might be days, and might even be months, Colt didn't know if it is day or night, but he somehow didn't get hungry nor sleepy nor thirsty, he just continued Cultivating without a stop, every now and then he would try to burst out of the rocks but he only shocks them a little, every time the shock would increase but his power was still too little.

When Colt cultivated even more, he wanted to see if he could shake the rocks off of him, he channeled all of his Qi in on burst that went right from his stomach, as it moved the rocks from him, he could finally see again, but he saw couldn't see anything but darkness, there was no light in this place, not even a speck of light could be seen. But Colt still couldn't move his legs he could only move his hand, even though his legs were out from under the rocks too.

Colt sometimes felt desperate, he didn't want to live his life here, if after all this time he could only burst some rocks away from him, how much time would he need to get out of this realm?.

'System' Colt thought.

Name: Colt

Race: 95% Human/ 5% ????

Age: 10.3

Killing intent level: 56

Cultivation level: 65

Points: 3200


-Souls Devouring

-Sound wave


-Shadow manipulator

"It has been 3 and a half months since I have been here? And this place doesn't upgrade my cultivation but rather my killing intent? Is this why I didn't feel stronger with just Qi but I needed to activate my killing intent", "What does the 95% human mean? Am I turning to something I shouldn't? or is that something good? I am not proud of being a human so it doesn't really matter." Colt's questions just increased without answers.

'System, what's my chance of survivability now that I can move my hands?'

'Ding! Chance of survivability 0.3%, suggest finding antidote to legs paralyze'.

"I am paralyzed? But how am I going to make an antidote? Maybe I can unlock alchemist as a profession if I make something easy at first, but what can I make I can't see anything" Colt was deep in thought of the best way to make this work. After some thought Colt just went "Fuck it! I will pick up random plants from the ground and eat them together; I hope that gets me the profession.

Colt started crawling while touching all around him while activating sound wave every second to see where the plants are at.

After two hours of crawling at his fastest speed Colt finally got some herbs, "Please don't kill me!" Colt said he ate the all the plants and herbs in his hands, some of them made him feel pain in his mouth as blood started dropping out of his mouth, while others had a sweet taste that made them favorable.

'Ding! Legs paralyze cured'

"Hell yeah, ouch! Even though my mouth fucking hurts but now I can move freely.

'Ding! Poison detected, Host has 3 days to find cure' The system's cold voice made Colt's happiness completely shatter.