
"3 Days??" Colt was shocked at his misfortune, but this didn't stop him instead it gave him a burst of adrenaline to get the antidote for the poison.

'Why didn't I think of this before!' Colt had an idea to getting this place lit up. He went to the store menu, at first he wanted to but some lava, so he could make fire from it, but then he saw something that picked his interest.

'Blacksmith special edition' It was one of the things to buy from the blacksmith section, but it had rainbow colors. Colt checked it and found out that it has a full set of blacksmith tools, from a hammer to the anvil, it contained absolutely every tool a blacksmith needs. 'Sine I want to survive in this place I will need this anyways' Colt had some hypotheses, like maybe there's no humans in this realm, which meant he needs to create his own weapons.

It cost him 800 points for the whole setup, it seemed he got a weird looking hammer, the second he picked the hammer from the ground his Qi just disappeared and because the hammer was thousands of pounds it got dropped instantly which resulted in a dislocation in his wrist's bones. "AHHHH!" Colt screamed from pain, as he didn't think the system would give him a hammer that takes his Qi.

Colt swung his hand around from pain which only resulted in even more pain, "I need to get this sorted!" Colt said as he went to the store again, but this time he went to the alchemist section, since he got it from combining those herbs before.

Colt searched for some medical supplies but all he could get at his current level was a weird herb that he needs to scratch in the dislocation to make the pain go away for 1 hour. Colt bough a lot since they were only 15 points each.

Colt took the herb as he scratched in his wrist, when he was scratching it he felt his wrist get hotter and hotter, "AHHH fuck! What's wrong with this world, as soon as I got here everything is against me!" Colt got mad t is misfortune again, but after seconds the pain from the dislocation and from the heat went away completely.

*Sigh* "At least they worked, I need to get my alchemist profession's level up, ASAP!" Colt took advantage of the lava as the huge cave was somewhat lit, he started searching for herbs in the further away places now that he could actually walk.

After some hours Colt finally returned with all the Herbs and plants he found in this cave, but what was fascinating was that the herbs that he already tried the first time to get rid of the leg paralyze now had a description to them, it was a screen that pop on them that explains what they do.

Colt now knew that the herbs that had a sweet taste were actually poisoned while the other horrible tasted ones had healing, buffing and also cleansing effects. But there was still a lot of herbs that he didn't taste yet, so he had to take this chance."Please either level me up enough for me to buy an antidote…wait… I forgot that!" Colt remembered that he saw an item that might help him now. Colt went into the store, Alchemist section as he bought a pounder, so instead of just eating them directly he might as well pound them to get higher quality and this might also give him additional exp.

Colt bought the pounder, when he got it out of the inventory a screen with a list came in front of it."What's this?" Colt asked as he searched what's on that screen.

After some time Colt finally knew what it was, it was a crafting screen, it shows him the things he can create at his current level and even the things he can't make right now.

Colt went though it as he searched for a poison antidote, when he reached some antidotes they all had strange name Colt didn't know what kind of antidote he needs. 'System, what kind of poisoning do I have?' Colt asked the system hoping he would know.

'Ding! the name of current poison: stomach worm, it's a worm in the host that will keep on eating from the inside, after 3 days of eating the worm matures as it becomes a worm parasite turning the host's body into hers.' The system explained what is the stomach worm as well.

"That's fucking disgusting! I need to get that shit out of my stomach as fast as I can, now where is stomach worm antidote?" Colt searched the name as it popped up, it was a level 16 recipe. Colt had enough herbs to get him to level 16 but when he looked at the ingredients needed for the antidote, he didn't have any of the two ingredients, but when he clicked on the first one it sent him to another screen which had the recipe for that ingredient. He had what was needed for that ingredient, it just needed some of the herbs that Colt had so Colt went back and checked the second ingredient, the second ingredient needed some herbs that Colt had, but it also needed 2 days to dry out.

Colt went back to the antidote, and It didn't need any drying, so it meant that the antidote is going to be ready in 2 days at least.

Colt started mixing and pounding the herbs he needed, when he finished the first ingredient the new herbs that Colt didn't even taste had the description, which meant he doesn't need to taste every single herb in the world to understand what they do, but rather just use them without fear of poisoning or even instant death