Trevon's Revenge

Trevon decided on a plan to get his money back. The Rabbink's suggestion would create too many deaths and destruction. He said his suggestion to Master Rabbink.

Master Rabbink even consulted with its other clones. After a heavy voting using a vote bot and arguments on a private Discord channel for the clones. Master Rabbink Assembly decided that Master Rabbink could do that.

"Fine. I could help you with your plan." Master Rabbink accepted after he read the conclusion.

"Good! Let's go to the Arena." Trevon had selected the best location for his revenge. He would mess with the biggest source of Redwood family income.

Trevon went with Berger and his bodyguards to the gallery where the kids were ready.

"I need you to do something for me today." Trevon said. "If we are successful, I will give one spirit stones everyone."

"Yes, Boss." Those kids were happy.

A spirit stone was very big for them. While some kids interested to steal the money, they knew they would never be able to run from McArthur family. They were nobody. Every gang which they joined would sell them to the family for less than one gold coin. At last, one spirit stones could repay their debts to the gang.

"I will give you some money to purchase the arena ticket. You will wait for Berger and Jonathan. I want you to purchase the bet for every fight. Some would need to make a rumor when you purchased the bet." Trevon said. His plan was using the kids to influence the rate to give him the maximum payout.

"Yes, Boss." Some of the kids already knew what they had to do. Making rumor was one of the gang's capabilities. Berger and Jonathan also gave some money to those kids.

"Follow me to the Arena!" Trevon said.

Berger and Jonathan coordinated those kids to go in smaller groups. Trevon didn't want to make the group easily found.

Trevon had decided to mess with the arena's gambling. He only had 271.275 spirit stones, but it was enough as long as Master Rabbink helped him.

Trevon arrived at the ticket box and purchased a VIP Box for the main dome. The ticket seller already remembered his face. He tried his best to give a VIP Box for Trevon.

Trevon paid a hundred spirit stones for the room. This main dome was where the fights would be conducted. It was the place where the big money and customers would appear. The same dome that he entered yesterday.

He walked towards the Dome gate.

"Good Morning, Young Master." A lady in a body tight robe received Trevon. "Can we see your ticket?"

Trevon flashed his ticket. After some inspections, the lady brought Trevon to the gate with two warriors protecting it. During the way, the lady had shown Trevon some skin from her robe's slits. She tried to offer fish to the willing cat. The cat enjoyed the beautiful view.

Trevon went to the same spiraling stair before he arrived at the large hall with huge windows. This time he was free without his grandmother. [Hwehwehwe.]

"This is your room, Young Master. My name is Beatrike. Could I get anything that young master needed?" She gave her widest smile.

"I want three attendants for me. Bring two of your most beautiful friends!" Trevon smiled. He took his fan and fanned himself.

The attendant was speechless. [This young master is too brazen. It is a secret and only personal deal. How could I bring another girl into the same room?]

[Huh?] Trevon saw the lady was petrified. [She didn't want to share me with other girls. Hehehe.]

"Do not worry, this young master always treats every girl fairly!" He took three spiritual stones and put it in the lady's hand. The girl finally smiled when she saw those spirit stones.

"Beatrike would need some time to prepare. I will call my friend to serve, Young Master." She excused herself.

Trevon looked into the fighting on the stage. He felt really confident today since he had managed to obtain Master Rabbink's help.

Even without Master Rabbink, he had tried this method in Bluestar. Trevon learned this method from a good brother in the pleasure house. Normally one could only get some small profit from it. However, with the Rabbink's help, Trevon believed he could recover his losses.

Trevon sat in the main chair in the room. Some maid had removed the extra chairs in the room while providing some foods and snack.

"I want more foods. Put those in my bodyguards' room." Trevon felt like he was a king who could overlook common people. [This is the life of a young master.] He fanned himself.

"Yes, Young Master." The maids exited Trevon's room.

Trevon felt he had his life back on track. [This isn't complete without... Hwehwehwe.] Trevon smiled. Three beautiful ladies in tight robes entered his room.

At the same time at McArthur Pavilion.

Issabella was watching some staffs reporting Redwood branch result. She was the grand elder who led the female department in the family. The female department had to ensure those females employees and descendants had their own right protected. Today, she received the report on the welfare of female members of the family.

"Knock... Knock... Knock..."

"Hold it!" Issabella said. Unless it was important, no one would disturb her meeting.

Issabella looked at Josephine. Josephine went to open the door and saw Darvis outside.

Darvis whispered a little before giving Josephine a small paper. He bowed and waited outside.

Josephine closed the door and went to her mother. [As we have expected, Mother. Trevon would get his revenge soon. He targeted the arena this time.] She said trough spiritual sense. She gave the paper to Issabella. "Trevon went to the Arena." She said in public.

[Hm... He wanted to make some money back from betting? He wouldn't be able to nudge the number with his assets. Does he manage to get Master Creator's help?] Issabella said using the spiritual sense.

In the paper was the report that Charles gave to her. Trevon wanted to manipulate the gambling to get some money. Issabella also knew this trick, every Arena management knew that. However, it wasn't easy. The arena had their own trick.

[It might be. Without Master Creator, it won't be easy to gain two million spirit stones from rate manipulating.] Josephine answered.

Issabella knew the amount of money that each dome could produce each day. Many people who couldn't watch would still buy a gambling ticket. Fighting was the top entertainment in the world. Nobody would miss the chance to get rich while having fun. Two million was big and hard to get with just rate manipulation. He had to win several times in a row.

[Hm... Should I bet on Master Creator's help?] She went into deep thought.

McArthur family's plan was to make their people in Redwood city would try to act high profile to attract Redwood family attention.

In order to do this, the family used several methods. They sent numerous local gangs to create some small disturbance. Their merchants' connections were stockpiling foods to disturb the food supply. Even their own spoiled young masters and ladies were allowed to play with their friends in the cities.

Those spoiled young masters and ladies didn't need to be ordered to attract attention. As long as the family released them, they would attract trouble everywhere they went. Even better, whatever troubles those young masters caused, the family didn't need to explain them. They were troublemakers in the beginning.

Other parties also couldn't do an excessive thing to these young generations. They were the children of McArthur Family elders in the first place. In the end, Charles would only need to make some small monetary compensation and a formal apology to the victims. It might make the family name a bit worse, but they were the cultivation family in the end.

This was the use of those spoiled young masters. Even her own grandson was assigned in this mission. Issabella herself was used by the family as a big bait. Redwood family already monitored her movement after she appeared. They would concentrate on her.

At the same time, their important elders had been slowly assigned to the mission in Redwood Forest. Of course, based on the formal report, those elders were assigned to several escort missions for some merchant caravans. It was their McArthur family most famous business in the first place.

[Vivian and Owen had reached the meteorite site. However, there is no report from him.] Issabella thought. She knocked her finger on the table while her beautiful face frowned a bit. [Tell Elder Charles that I authorize his suggestion! I want to see whether this would make some mess with their arena. Hehehe.] Issabella said using spiritual sense.

"Tell Charles to let the boy do whatever he wants! He just moved to Redwood. We should give him some breathing room." Issabella intentionally spoke.

"Yes, Grand Elder." Josephine left the room.

"We will continue the report." Issabella continued her act.

Not every member of her family could be trusted. Only elders and above had strict contracts. These middle and low staffs might contain some double agents. They would do their job as the contract stated yet they also worked for other families.

Even this meeting was a facade that she was working in the city. Other families wouldn't believe this. They all were also foxes with spies in the family.

Mutated Demon Beasts were the hot topic in the city. All would believe she was there for the mutated demon beasts. They wanted to know her movement in the mutated demon beast's competition.

Back to the Arena. A young master was standing in front of a painting easel. He moved his brushes and used several techniques to draw something beautiful.

Trevon didn't know his family's plan. He was happily painting in the room. [I finally have some suitable models for my Byeontae paintings.] Trevon felt happy.

Trevon was stuck because he was forced to draw a common painting. [This is what I need, suitable models. Hwehwehwe.]

"Beatrike, your facial expression isn't natural. Let me help you!" Trevon stopped his painting.

"Knock... Knock... Knock..." Trevon heard someone knocking on his room. The girls turned pale. While they didn't do something that embarrassing, they were in an exposed position.

Trevon went to open the door. He had another layer of privacy from his bodyguards. It was Jerry.

"I have purchased the bet." Jerry said.

"Good!" Trevon felt happy. His plan had been moved. As the young master, he only needed to enjoy the show.

It was the Rabbink responsibility to get his money back. This time with Master Rabbink, he would empty the house.

[Hehehe.] Trevon returned to his painting and helped the girls to change their pose.

"No... All of you have incorrect expression." Trevon felt frustrated. The disruption made the girls changed their expression. "I will help you all get back into the mood." Trevon needed to work on his models' expression. [Hwehwehwe.]

The match still continued. Master Rabbink was floating above it.

[Is this enough?] Master Rabbink still felt unsatisfied. This was only a simple match-fixing. It slowly changed the fight below. It was too easy for a Celestial God Rabbink.

"The Big Joe started to hit the Slim Baddy!" The announcer declared. "He uses his powerful Hundred Thousand Attacks! Could Slim Baddy survive this onslaught? A perfect hit! Slim Baddy would lose..."

Master Rabbink moved its small hand again.

"Oh! Impossible! Impossible! The Big Joe hits his own hands. This is impossible, he was in a winning position. Slim Baddy uses this chance very beautifully. He uses his famous Tornado Kick. Oh, God! The Big Joe was under danger right now. Could he survive?" The announcer commented the match.

Some cultivators relayed the announcer and the match to their friends outside. There were some Primary Rank 1 warriors who sold their service as a spiritual sense relayer to the common people.

Some restaurants and pubs also often showed this spiritual sense image to their customer. This was the only public entertainment in the city. Fighting was the main sport. Some would already purchase betting tickets from various places in the city.

"What an upset Today! Yet it was a happy day for Slim Baddy's fans. With this third match of the day, we have already two upsets today. What do you think Warrior Jesse?"

"Thank you, Brother Jamies. This fight was a very close match between these two powerful warriors. It seems that The Big Joe lacked the luck. Sometimes luck was the most important factor in a fight. We could see in the first five minutes of the match..." The paid warrior who commented on the previous fight continued to analyze each step during the fight.

At the same time, the fighters were both treated by medical staffs and the arena prepared for the next match.

The same delay opened the chance for the arena to marketed its gambling product. The main idea of the gambling was to keep their customer as long as they could in the house. As long as the customers stayed, they would return their winning back to the house.

"Put the winning in... Who do you want, Kasandra?" Trevon asked one of the girls. The next match was between a demon beast and a warrior. This was a rare fight where it would only end after a death.

"Of course, the human warrior would win, Young Master." Kasandra smiled. The lady was asked to help her friend, Beatrike an hour ago. After she saw the spirit stones, she decided to accept whatever request of the perverted customers.

[Who knows the customer is a handsome young master who only wished her to be his painting's model? This is the easiest job.] She thought.

Trevon went outside his room and knocked the bodyguard room.

"The previous match, young master wins." Jerry reported the previous match result.

"Jerry, Continue the roll! I will pick the warrior for the next fight." Trevon ordered. The more time one continued to gamble, the bigger the payout. "Stake everything!"

"Yes, Young Master." Jerry nodded before he returned outside.

"Aih! Beatrike, you have made me a huge money!" Trevon smiled. "I should give you something more."

Trevon took a gold jewelry from his storage ring. It was only a common necklace from Trevon but girls always loved them. He had to purchase some after the Rabbink absorbed his old jewelry collection.

"Thank you, Young Master. Beatrike is very happy."

"Let me put this necklace on your beautiful neck!" Trevon went to the girl called Beatrike. She was the attendant who received Trevon before.

The girl smiled and moved he body to make it easier for Trevon to put it on her neck.

[This spoiled young master is the best customer. He was handsome and gives lots of rewards.] Beatrike arranged her hair to allow Trevon easier access to her neck.

"What about me?" The last girl, Camile asked Trevon.

"You should wait, Dear Camile. I will ask you for the next match. If you managed to answer correctly, I will give you another reward. Hehehe." Trevon laughed.

"However, Camile had bad luck with picking bet." The girl pretended to be afraid. She used her innocent face. Some girls had been trained to avoid responsibility using their beauty by the arena.

"Do not worry! If I lose that is my risk. Camile only suggests me. Hwehwehwe."

"Umh... Young Master, that isn't my neck." Beatrike reminded Trevon.

"Hwehwehwe. I am sorry. Look at this, Camile! You made me lose my concentration. You must be punished." Trevon continued to tease the girls. Unlike with proper ladies, Trevon had good communication skill with the unruly ladies.

Jerry and Jack went outside. They went from the dome to the gambling box. It was a crowded place. People elbowed each other to place their bet.

There were different times when people loved to put their bet. They were two days before, a day before, early in the morning, and even directly before the match. Every time one put a bet, the rate would be updated. This would allow the house always won based on the rate.

Most people prefer to bet right before the match started. It was for the latest information about the fighter.

This was what Trevon used by sending those kids to make a rumor. As long as a match hadn't ended, a bet could be put. A dome would accept all bets. They would only change the rate to prevent people picked certain options.

Jerry queued with several people. They were also some errand guys for other young masters and rich merchants. On another side, the box was even more crowded. It had more attendants since common people would bet at this box.

[Jonathan, young master selected the human warrior for the next match. Tell the kids there is a rumor that the human warrior injured during the practice.] Jerry said.

Jonathan and Berger had been told to increase the odds. The six thousand kids would manipulate the crowds. They would gossip about their fake insider information while queuing. [Ok! I will tell the kids.]

This would turn the common people to bet a certain candidate. The kids even used real money to bet as they gossiped. People would believe when they saw that. Trevon had been ready to lose twelve thousand spirit stones given to the kids to manipulate the rate.

Meanwhile, the big bet would be done by Jerry and Jack. They would gamble all Trevon's money. While his money was just a drop in the ocean, it would be a huge number if he won multiple times in a row. Especially with him still continued.

Trevon was one hundred sure since Master Rabbink controlled the fight directly. Trevon even allowed the girls to select to prevent the arena accusing him of having a backdoor negotiation with the fighters. He believed the Rabbink would never fail.

While Jerry and Jack betted for him, Trevon continued his painting. At the same time, Master Rabbink ate the delicious foods and snack. Trevon even ordered far many foods to prevent people saw his foods disappeared. His excuse was his bodyguards ate a lot.

"Hey! The extra money will be mine, right? Gwahahaha." Master Rabbink laughed.

[Yes. As long I could make Redwood Family bleed a little that was enough.] Trevon answered the Rabbink. The rest of the winning would be given to the Rabbink after Trevon recovered his loss as its food research budget.

Trevon didn't care about that. He wanted to play the family until the end of the day. [It is their fault for messing with my compensation. Hmph.] The unreasonable Trevon appeared.

"What is wrong, Young Master?" Beatrike saw Trevon expression turned sour for an instant.

"Nothing. Hahaha. It just I remember some unhappy memories. You have to help me forget that, beautiful Beatrike. Hwehwehwe." Trevon teased again. He swiped the painting brush into the lady.

"Ah! Young Master is naughty." The ladies pretended to be angry.


While Trevon enjoyed his painting time on the gallery, the match continued.

The Rabbink used another portal to grab more snacks and watching the show. As a Rabbink it didn't understand human's love for flawless jadelike skin. It prefers fluffy rabbink's fur.

"Welcome to the third match of the second series." The same commentator said.

"You are still with Jamies and next to me the brilliant Peak Rank 2 warrior from Heaven Fire sect, Jesse Alisster. Brother Jesse, what do you think about the next match. It is a rare demon beast versus human warrior fight."

"Yes, this will be a bloody match. People have to know about this powerful Top Rank 1 demon beast. It was a Phantom Tiger. This Tiger is a hard opponent with its ability. The other side was only a Peak Rank 1 warrior, the infamous 100 Slayers. He had killed over one hundred victims during his life. Nevertheless, this would be the capital punishment for him."

"Don't you think the famous slayer would have a chance? He is very powerful. The last match, he also won brilliantly. If he managed to defeat this demon beast, he could get his release. He had won his previous nine fights."

"This is why I don't think he would survive. The Redwood family would pick the perfect opponent to prevent him being released. The demon beast is very powerful. With only one rank cultivation higher doesn't guarantee you could defeat it. We need three people of the same rank to have a chance to defeat a demon beast. 100 Slayers wouldn't get a good weapon or armor to reduce this distance."

"If this as what as Brother Jesse said, then today at this second series. We would see BLOOD for the first time!!!" Jamies screamed.

"Yeahhhh!!! Fight! Fight! Fight!.." All spectators screamed. A human versus demon beast fight was what made Arena very fun. The fight couldn't be manipulated, this was the fight to the death. This was the real fight.

"Look! You will make me lose a big number, Kasandra. Even the famous commentator didn't believe the human warrior would win. Hehehe." Trevon teased Kasandra. "Let me punish you first!" Trevon used the brush on his hand.

"Hahaha." The girl laughed with the ticklish sensation.