A Crazy Rabbink

Trevon finally got the chance to sleep with a very beautiful woman, one of the most beautiful in Heavenly Phoenix. It should be a beautiful sleep, nevertheless...


"Aw!" Trevon woke and found he was already laid on the floor after he bumped into the wall. He saw Master Rabbink was sleeping soundly on its super luxury spirit jade pet bed.

He then looked to his own bed. Issabella had kicked Trevon from the bed. A Rank 3 warriors could easily throw people with only a simple kick. She was sleeping peacefully.

[Did my aunt also experience this?] He felt his body was painful. Trevon touched his body parts which bumped into the wall. Luckily, he was a cultivator.

[Does the Rabbink's bed feel good?] Trevon had decided to experience Master Rabbink's million-years spirit jade bed. He moved slowly before he pulled the pet bed and dived into it.

"What are you doing?" Master Rabbink was angry. It had a good dream before Trevon woke it. [What was my dream again?] The Rabbink forgot its beautiful dream. It was something about delicious foods.

"You! Return my dream!" Master Rabbink materialized multiple fists above Trevon's head. Trevon had prepared for this. In order to experience a very short nap on this million-years spirit jade, he would trade a bit of extra pain.

[This is great. A human could sleep on it.] Trevon thought. Million-years old spirit jade was even softer than his usual bed. He could feel the spiritual energy in the atmosphere gathered on the bed. It felt cool and refreshing. His sleep would be beautiful and comfortable.

[I only need a warm blanket.] Trevon thought. With an additional warm blanket, the experience would be the heaven between cool and warm.

[I could rank up by sleeping on this bed.] He had another thought.

Yet, it didn't last long. Master Rabbink launched its fists to Trevon.

"Gwah! Gwah! I am sorry!" Trevon screamed. He jumped out of the pet bed.

"This is my bed." Master Rabbink took the pet bed from Trevon. "Gah! This smells a male human." Master Rabbink couldn't accept this. It didn't want to eat the bed anymore. So, the Rabbink opened a portal and threw the bed into the void.

"What happened, Trevon?" Issabella was woken by Trevon's scream. "Eh?"

She saw her beloved grandson already on the floor, he was filled with multiple bruises on his face. [Did I hit him during my sleep?]

"Are you ok? Let your elder sister treats your bruises!" Issabella took some ointments from her storage ring.

Trevon acted as a pitiful good boy. He nodded a little. While he couldn't think to do anything untoward to his own grandmother, he could enjoy such care from his own grandmother.

[Ah! I should find a wife as beautiful as my grandmother, but with a character like my mother.] He thought.

He slept on Issabella's lap while she smeared some ointments on Trevon's face. Trevon enjoyed the soft touch of her grandmother's finger while the ointment gave him a cooling sensation on his bruises.

"Hey! I have calculated my attack. You only need to use a bit spiritual energy to recover." Master Rabbink complained.

[Shut up, Rabbink! I am enjoying the care. Ah...]

"This must be painful. Please forgive your elder sister!" Issabella hugged Trevon.

[OMG! Lucky, she is my own grandmother.] Trevon thought. If it was with another girl, he would already lose his sense. Meanwhile, if he lost his own sense, he would have to settle for those naughty young ladies as his wife. [I don't want that.] He thought.

Trevon enjoyed his sleep again. [No!] The Rabbink smirked.

He was kicked by his beautiful grandmother to the floor again.

[God, help me!] Trevon screamed in his heart. He couldn't sleep tonight.

"I won't." Master Rabbink rejected. While the Rabbink was a God of Destiny, it wouldn't help a free to learn apprentice God like Trevon. "You haven't paid your kowtow."

[Let me rent your bed for a night! You have many, right?] Trevon pleaded. It saw the Rabbink had taken a new pet bed.

"No way! This bed could turn you into an immortal just by sleeping on it for one millennium. This Rabbink couldn't directly help you." Master Rabbink felt annoyed.

[I will sing the entire night.] Trevon threatened Master Rabbink. He couldn't allow this Rabbink to sleep soundly while he couldn't.

"Fine. I want to see whether you are a good singer." Master Rabbink woke.

Trevon sang a song really badly, of course, he sang on his heart. This was why he didn't practice to become a singer.

"This is stupid. I won't even write that in my novel." Master Rabbink complained. While it could get extra words from Trevon's song, it was too ugly. "Let me show how a song should be!"

Master Rabbink started to sing loudly.

The Rabbink sang a song about a rabbink who went into a war to protect its kingdom. It fought brilliantly in the war and became a hero. Yet the rabbink couldn't find its fiancée when it returned. Its beloved fiancée had been taken as a concubine of the king. The same king whom hero rabbink had just protected in the war. Hero rabbink decided to switch its allegiance and became a terrorizing demon of the kingdom. During a final war it managed to slay the king, it saw his own fiancée again. The hero rabbink...

"Hey! I haven't completed my story song." Master Rabbink woke Trevon by materializing some water on his face. Trevon had managed to sleep on the floor because of Master Rabbink's song.

"Gah! I managed to fell asleep!!!" Trevon complained.

"Did you make me singing so you could sleep?" Master Rabbink felt insulted.

This was a new way an apprentice had used it. There had been many apprentices who used Master Rabbink as a hidden grandpa or super master. Yet Trevon had managed to turn it into a 'Guard Rabbink' and this time into a 'Lullaby Rabbink'.

"Eh?" Issabella woke again. She found Trevon on the floor. "Did elder sister just throw you out of the bed again?" She asked. "Should I return to my own room?"

"No need, Elder Sister. I was woken by a strange sound. I just came from washing my face in the bathroom. Hahaha." Trevon didn't want to drive his grandmother out.

"You are the one who made me singing." Master Rabbink felt angry.

"You should sleep on the inside." She took Trevon to the bed again. This time Trevon slept on the inside. The beds in Heavenly Phoenix usually positioned right next to a wall or partition to save space.

Trevon finally managed to get a good sleep. [No. Of course. Gwahahaha.] The Rabbink changed a bit destiny.

He was kicked into the wall next to the bed. Luckily Issabella didn't add her spiritual power in her kick.

[Aih! This is why most cultivators married another strong cultivator.] Trevon thought while feeling the pain in his body. Only another strong cultivator could survive if the other party accidentally used spiritual energy. Therefore, powerful cultivator rarely stayed in the same bed with their commoner spouse. Even his father did this.

Trevon woke dizzily the next day. He woke very early and practiced his '1.000 Holy Flashes', but he didn't manage to increase his mastery level. [It won't be this fast.] He calmed himself.

Aya also started to practice with Jack. Jonathan, Berger, Jerry, Kevin, and Lance would arrive later. They weren't as maniac as those two.

"Jack you have to push-up two hundred thousand times today!" Trevon always got the last laugh. He remembered Jack tricked him. He was almost to unveil the herb girl.

"Yes, Young Master." Jack didn't know when he was wrong. He was a training maniac. An extra two hundred thousand was nothing for him.

"You are so diligent today." Issabella smiled when she saw her grandson already practiced. She had already changed her robe into a daily robe. The grand elder joined the practices. It was common to see many cultivators gathered together to practice their cultivation in the morning.

Some people argued the air had more spiritual energy before the sunrise. Most cultivators also believed the spiritual energy in the morning was the purest. It would allow greater result with half efforts.

"This must be because of my service last night." Issabella laughed.

Aya looked weirdly at Trevon.

Jack was already accustomed to his madam's behaviors. She always loved to tease other people.

"Elder Sister! That would make people misunderstood." Trevon complained.

"Yes. We had a short pillow talk yesterday." Issabella smiled.

[A pillow talk?] Aya looked to Trevon. [He really did it.] She quickly moved a bit further from Trevon.

"..." Trevon couldn't believe her grandmother intentionally do that. Aya hadn't known his grandmother.

Issabella took her space. She started her own practice.

The grand elder practiced only some cultivation movements. couldn't show the secret family arts in front of other people.

Trevon completed the practice, got his daily dose of trouble, fed the small rabbinks, and took Nana from his universe.

He decided to get his breakfast in the family pavilion. He wanted to check whether he got his compensation from the Redwood family.

Issabella followed Trevon to the pavilion. She said she had something to do in the pavilion today. After all, she was a grand elder with responsibility.

Trevon went to the dining hall. He and Master Rabbink were happily eating, when Darvis came.

"Young Master Trevon, Elder Charles has invited you to his office." Darvis said.

[Erm... Did I make some trouble lately? Other than Master Rabbink punched grandma and destroyed a few houses in the process.] Trevon started to think. [Is this because of the event in the arena yesterday?]

"Young Master Trevon?" Darvis had heard that this young master often 'disconnected' but he didn't believe it until he saw it himself. "Do you want me to call a doctor?"

Trevon was awoken from his thought. "Yes, I will go meet him soon." He quickly ate the foods on his plate and followed Darvis.

Trevon guided by Darvis went to Charles's office. It was the same comfy office that Trevon had visited numerous times these past two weeks.

"Trevon greets Uncle Charles." Trevon greeted his uncle in this informal meeting. Only two of them were in the room. Darvis was waiting outside to help with any sudden request from Charles.

"Trevon, the Redwood family had given your spirit stones yesterday." Charles told the good news to Trevon.

"Gwahahaha. Finally, you could increase your universe core!" Master Rabbink also felt happy. Finally, it could continue its syllabus.

Trevon had a bright smile. Rather than universe core, he thought about something even far more important. [I could purchase Margareth and Cecillia's contract now.]

"What?" Master Rabbink could believe what it read from Trevon's mind. "Seriously, upgrading your core level would give you multiple cheats that would make those other heroes would envy you."

[Make love not war, Master Rabbink!] Trevon used his ultimate slogan.

"However, I have some bad news." Charles stopped Trevon's delusional.

"Eh?" Trevon felt something wrong.

"They sent some bills about the destruction that you caused." Charles handed a long list of damage.

"It can't be." Trevon complained. "It is only ten houses." Trevon had renovated the gallery and it cost very cheap.

"Redwood family had written the exact damage. They included a private investigator to calculate the furniture and goods destroyed. This bill included the cost to rehabilitate some traumas on the passersby. All costs had been audited by a branch of a famous accounting firm."

Trevon looked at the long bill. Five percent was to replace the goods destroyed. Those houses were used as a store for some merchants. The other thirty-five percent were to rehabilitate the traumas of passersby and people who worked in those shops. Twenty percent as a fine paid to Redwood family for breaking thing in its territory. Thirty-nine percent were for the private investigator and accounting firm cost.

Trevon wanted to tear and eat the bill. Basically, only one percent of the bill was to really repair the wall. Trevon knew unless the shop owners were cultivators or merchants with full backing, the money wouldn't be paid to those victims. Those numbers were impossible.

This was because the total bill was 2.252.000 spirit stones. This meant he only got 248.000 spirit stones. If he got trapped by fifty percent discount that Olivia asked, he would need to work his asses to repay Redwood family. It was never easy to scam one of those big families.

[So, this is the real face of Olivia.] Trevon understood something. [I will haunt your Redwood family. I promise it.] Trevon always took revenge for his loss. He was the number one young master in Bluestar. Lose was never in his dictionary, perhaps except to Raina.

At the same time in a library in the center of Redwood City.

"Hachi..." A beautiful lady was reading a book in a wooden chair when she suddenly sneezed.

"What happened, Olivia? You should take care of yourself." A man walked next to her. He warmly smiled seeing the beautiful lady read some books. The heroic man looked into the book that the lady read and nodded.

"Olivia greets Ancestor Viero. Olivia will take care of my condition better." Olivia said. "Also, Trevon had rejected my request."

"No worry. I had expected that, Dear. Thank you for trying. It is for your brother. We should try to minimize your brother's damage or his chance to become the family leader in the future would be diminished."

"Yes, Ancestor."

"We will send you to the capital after this year. Prince Jorgin is a handsome genius. While you could choose, try to see whether the prince suits you. I have heard his character is nice and diligent in his cultivation."

"I will consider that, Ancestor."

"Good. Practice and study more diligently! Our family's future is in you and your brother's shoulder. I have another stupid descendant messing in the city. Hmph..."

Viero and Olivia continued their talk. Of course, the Rabbink intentionally made thing happened at the same time. Viero was delayed by several strange events before he reached Olivia.

Back to Trevon and Charles.

"Uncle, I got another trauma yesterday." Trevon acted hurt. "I was happily watching the fight in the arena with my grandmother. When suddenly, the crazy and arrogant Lucas from Redwood family entered..." Trevon told the story from his point of view.

"..." Charles couldn't believe what he heard. Trevon went with his grandmother. There would never be anything bad happened to him. However, he managed to make that he was physiologically hurt so badly by that Lucas.

"Fine. Uncle will request for an explanation from them."

Charles knew the family needed to distract Redwood family. Only Redwood family had access to the meteorite site other than their McArthur family. This was why Issabella and Trevon were allowed to roam around the city. Raina also didn't bother Trevon, Charles forbade her. Both grandmother and grandson pair could create high profile troubles in the city and made the Redwood family concentrated on them while their family aim was in the forest.

"No. I need a compensation. Uncle should find the best doctor in the family for me." Trevon wanted some hard cash.

He needed to purchase Margareth and Cecillia contracts before they were taken by other fans. For such top pleasure ladies, their contract could cost over than a hundred thousand spirit stones. The pleasure house had spent numerous training for many ladies. Often those houses cultivated those ladies. Nevertheless, only a few could become the queen of pleasure house.

"Yes. Uncle will do that. I will say the family doctor needs you to follow some expensive treatments." Charles said. "I will try to get more benefit for your loss. However, your treatment bill wouldn't enough to get one million spirit stones. You know I need some reasoning to get your compensation."

"Yes, Uncle." Trevon said while his brain started to work. [I want that money now.]

Trevon decided to spend the rest of his day to create some havoc for the Redwood family. He started to think where it would hurt the Redwood family the most. He came to his room in the pavilion and activated some formations.

"Master Rabbink!" Trevon suddenly called the Rabbink. Master Rabbink had tried to remove its presence as much as it could. It even stopped to ask for core level up from Trevon.

"Gwahahaha. I needed to cook some rendangs first." Master Rabbink tried to run.

"Wait! Are you being an irresponsible show owner? I believe you have said that you are a member of Responsible Celestial Merchants Union." Trevon asked Master Rabbink back.

Master Rabbink wanted to answer that the organization was canceled because it lacked members. Yet it afraid that would make this young kid purchase item with the rating above eighteen plus.

"This Rabbink couldn't help you directly." Master Rabbink said.

"Yet, you managed to make me lose 2.252.000 spirit stones." Trevon said. "It was stated in the contract that you could never intentionally weakening me." Trevon had read a tiny part of the contract between him and Master Rabbink. This Rabbink had used too many strange terms to protect itself. However, some points in the contract would benefit him.

"What? Where?" Master Rabbink acted like it didn't know. However, it saw a Heavenly Tribulation appeared above its head.

"Wait! You are correct. Gwahahaha. We have that agreement. So, what do you want?" Master Rabbink started to think about how to compensate. Its main body was always strict with the contract. It materialized some silk handkerchief wiped the cold sweat on its fur.

I couldn't help you directly." Master Rabbink said. "However, I could destroy thing for you. I could get some benefit for you. However, it couldn't be higher than your loss." Master Rabbink also felt wronged by the Redwood family.

Its punch cost Master Rabbink core energy. It was a huge number compared to the armguard that it sold to Trevon. While it was very cheap for him. Nevertheless, it created a blemish on its CV. For making a loss in a transaction, the other clones would laugh at it in the group chat. The Rabbink had felt its smartphone shook non-stop from the group chat. This had become a personal feud.

Master Rabbink needed to vent its own frustration. "How about this? I will make every Redwood family young masters and ladies meet with bird poo accidents? Or all their stores suddenly get robbed by insider staffs at the same time? Or all gangs rebelled in the city? Or their treasure vaults somehow disappear into the void?" Master Rabbink smiled evilly. It had read too many evil hero novels.

Trevon was afraid with every tribulation that the Rabbink suggested. It might implicate him.

"Perhaps some big dragons would attack the city? A deadly plague covering the city? Wait! You might want some tribulations to appear above every Redwood family member. No. that would be too easy. I will send Lighting Tribulations to everything with Redwood family name, Redwood Store, Redwood Sword, Redwood City, and many more. Gwahahaha." The Rabbink's eyes looked dark. It floated higher into the sky.

"The last sounds good. Perhaps I should send all together. Gwahahaha." Countless lighting appeared behind Master Rabbink while a thunderous sound appeared in the sky. The sky turned dim and the birds ran from the city. Even Nana on Trevon's shoulder hid into Trevon's robe.

Trevon didn't know how could he saw the sky while inside his bedroom. [This must be some special effect from this Rabbink.]

Trevon had never seen this side of the Rabbink. [I should repent. I will never mess with a rabbink again.] He never knew a rabbink would keep its anger this much. [What would happen if those cute and harmless rabbinks mutated into a God Rabbink?]

"Is that ok? You are a creator of The Light side, right?" Trevon felt afraid. "This would cause a huge destruction."

"It is in my employment contract with The Light. This rabbink could use anything at my disposal when I met someone who messed with this Rabbink's first."

"Glup..." Trevon remembered he had written too many bad things about the Rabbink in the comments section. It was too many to remove. [Help! The apps even didn't allow the commenters to edit. I am dead. I am dead. I am de... Hey! He declared I am a disaster first in the first Chapter.] Trevon didn't feel guilty to the Rabbink.

"Hmph... You are lucky. This Rabbink couldn't attack you based on the contract. Otherwise, I will make you a grilled young master based on your comments." Master Rabbink had seen those comments. It floated before Trevon. The Rabbink could only attack back using another comment.

"Hahahaha!" Trevon felt nervous.

"So, how do you want this Rabbink to compensate you? Destroying the Redwood Family? Getting you some money from the sky until your loss covered? The total benefit couldn't excess the number that you lose."