Todays no different from any other day only Daquan finds his mother in more pain than ever. panicked he runs to her side to comfort her.
"Mom are you alright? you seem worse what can I do?" Daquan asked while getting a wet rag and some water.
"Boy you don't gotta worry about me you know I'm fine, In pain but Im fine". she answered
even though she said she was fine Daquan knew she most certainly wasn't. they were too poor for any proper treatment and the medicine they were able to get their hands on were losing their effect. Daquan quickly wiped his mothers forehead while giving her, her morning medicine. even if it wasn't the best it was all they had that and some hope.
hope will get you far no matter where you are in the world and Daquan always had hope that his mother would get better and that his family would stay safe.
Today was one of Daquans only off days and he planned to spend it at home taking care of his mom but first he had to go shopping. he quickly took his leave "I'll be back in a bit y'all, don't get in too much trouble while I'm out"
While walking to the store he started to think. think about his mom, his life up to this point, and how it be from here on out. [I gotta do something and quick before her condition gets worse. but to even help her out I need money and I can't get that type of money from working around here. actually there is a way…] his thought trailed off as he finally reached the store.
as he entered the store a young women in her early twenties mid height, brown eyes, brown hair, scar on her forearm greeted Daquan "Heyyyy Dayyy-quuaaan what up boo"
"What's up Destiny, hows it goin?" Daquan said
"oh you know same old same old" she smirked
"Girl what you makin that face for, I don't got no time for none that I'm here to get some medicine for my mom and some food for the kids". Daquan sighed as he replied to Destiny's silly self
"haaah yeah yeah, the usual right? let me get it for you" Destiny said as she laughed running to the back getting the medicine for Daquans mom
taking out his wallet and gesturing with money Daquan asks "thanks b, means a lot how much I owe?"
"No no no it's on me you been coming in a lot more recently. is your mom getting worse?" Destiny asked while forcing a smile.
"you know how it is can't get no better at this point but you can always hope for the best" Daquan said as he walks toward the door to leave the store
as if saying good luck or something Destiny smiles, shrugs, then gives him a thumbs up as he leaves the door.
[Man what should I do. now I have to pay Destiny back for the medicine and still get more money to help out my mom. I could try getting another job but I don't really have much time for that and I gotta make sure the kids are good] "ah shit man this is irritating" Daquan accidently yells out while thinking of what he can do to help his family.
on his way back home Daquan passes a house that he sees everyday but this time he notices men carrying duffle bags inside, as he watches them bring the bags in he catches a glimpse of what's inside, MONEY. Money is inside of all the bags the men are taking into the house. [man right now all I need is some money, I could do just about anything for some quick cash if it meant moms getting better] he thought as he slowly walked by.
As he walks by watching them carrying in all that money he gets an idea. "what if I were to go in and borrow a little bit when no one was home" Daquan mumbles to himself
Back at home he gets everyone in the kitchen for lunch, he made them all ham and cheese sandwiches. then he makes sure his mom takes all her medicine and also some painkillers he managed to get ahold of and held onto until now.
once they all sit for lunch Daquan gets lost in thought on what he should do [Hmm I could go in and take a bit on my break when there's no one there. I don't know if I'm up to it though I've never done anything like breaking into someone's house then again how hard can it be. if I do do it, it should...] "HEY DAQUAN LET'S PLAY, PLAY WITH US" his thought interrupted by his little sisters Alyssa and Pamela who quickly finished their lunch
"Okay okay. what do you want to play?" Daquan laughed while asking
"Hide and seek!" the two yelled almost in complete unison.
"haha alright should we go outside to play or..?" He says shaking his head
"Of course! where else would we play dumby" Alyssa interjects before he could even finish his sentence.
Daquan still worried about his mom asked his little brother Daniel to watch over her and his little sister Taylor while they go out to play.
Not giving up on his previous thought he continues where he left off [If I'm going to break into their house then it has to be while I'm on break and no one is home. it'd be better if I do it later at night since they're out sometimes partying or whatever, it can't possibly be too hard. can it?]
putting aside whether he can or can't do it for now it's time to play a little game of hide and seek! Daquan loves spending time with his siblings he doesn't know why but when he's with his family he feels a sense of security and safety as if nothing could ever go wrong.
but with the current thoughts going through his head he can't help but worry of the things his family might get caught up in or what they'd do without him.
either way the time with his family is the most important thing for him especially since he's the only one there to take care of them. "Ready or not here I come, yall best be hidden good don't wanna find you too quickly now!" Daquan shouts out.
It's now nearing the middle of the summer and they've been bringing back more and more money each week. Daquan sees this as his only chance, his mother isn't getting any better and the neighbor is asking more for watching little Taylor while he's out at work. if he doesn't do anything soon it might be too late.
[Alright it's now or never I'll do it friday night when they leave to do their pick up or whatever that should give me enough time to get in, look for the cash, and get out no problem. Just in case though I should bring my dads gun that he left here probably won't need it though] "ah okay let's do it" Daquan sighed as he finishes his thought.
it was a warm friday night, clear sky, people inside and nothing but the sound of the distant cars in the road could be heard so tonight was the night that he'd planned to go through with everything he thought of till now. First he got dressed, threw on a white t shirt, a black hoodie, some dark black jeans, and his black Timberland boots. Once he got dressed he got his backpack and out of the closet a box hidden in the back under numerous things he pulled it out an opened it. in the box was a gun his father had left at the house when he was only seven years old and abandoned him and his mother. there was also some ammunition in the box he didn't think he needed it but he didn't know if he needed it either so he just threw some into his backpack and stuffed the gun partially in his pants ready to leave.
All ready Daquan announced his departure and that he'll return soon so don't stay up worrying about him. Though he got into fights often when he was little he was never as nervous or scared as he was right now. he never broke into someone's home let alone used a gun. but he kept telling himself that everything was going to work out.
out the door he walked down the block watching the house waiting till he knew everyone was gone and it was clear to go in. As Daquan waited he began to doubt whether he was doing the right thing for his family. but determined to do it he goes in
"Alright let's do this…" he quietly whispers to himself