Daquan Ain’t Never Gone Through a Normal Childhood (Updated (possibly still unfinished))

As you may have already guessed Daquan isn't from a well off family or live in a very nice neighborhood like some of us. He hasn't had the easiest life either. Daquan was only seven years old when his father left him and his mother and it left a big mark on him making his a better man down the line. anyways shortly after his father left, his mother met another man John, John was a good working man. He had two jobs and took care of them making sure they had everything they needed. Sometimes he got them a little something extra every now and then making sure they were happy. And they were, very happy actually better than they had been for sometime.

as time passed and Daquan grew to be nine years old his first sibling was born a day after his birthday, a younger sister Alyssa, she was a small thing and Daquan vowed to protect her no matter what. She was family and family looked after one another and nothing could change that no matter what happens or what was said.

not even a year passed and his mother and John were back at it again doing what they did best and Sylvia was pregnant all over again. Daquan was happy that he had a new sibling on the way but was very conflicted at the same time. With another sibling meant less sleep, more money needed to care for the baby and just so much more.

Although John was doing all he could to care for all 4 of them it was still rough. money wasn't easy to come by and all the jobs in the area didn't pay all that well, even so he did what he could and stayed he did not abandon them to find something better. John really loved Daquans mother.

John would sometimes work two to three jobs when he could so that the family could have some extra money. His mother Sylvia would stay at home watching his little sister Alyssa while he went to school.

Daquan wasn't very good at school he didn't have the greatest grades but he definitely wasn't dumb either. He could easily learn everything being taught but that wasn't really the problem. The problem was the other children.

While he wasn't the worse at school he had trouble with his work because the other kids always made fun of his mother calling her a "crack whore" and saying that his father left because he didn't want to take care of a "crack baby" he would get into fights often. Daquan most the time would win but that didn't stop the other children from poking fun at him and his mom.

it was almost time for his eleventh birthday and his family had grown by one another sister named Pamela all together celebrating his big day only it wasn't a celebration because his mom and John had just found out that Daquan was being kicked out of school due to fighting.

This last fight wasn't just a little bruise and everyone was okay no he beat the kid up so badly that he had three broken ribs, a broken arm, leg, and a cracked skull. The other family of the kid wanted to sue but were too poor to afford a lawyer and didn't want to get the police involved by pressing charges.

By the time Daquan is fifteen his first brother is born, his name is Daniel named after Daquans father who left when he was young. at this point in time Daquan is back in school and people know now not to mess with him.

Even with his bad rep he has lots of friends and is known to be a nice kid who cares for others. He wasn't getting into much trouble recently although that doesn't mean he never still got into trouble.

Close to his seventieth birthday his last sibling another girl, Taylor was born. and unfortunately shortly after John who was like a dad to him for most his life was gunned down on his way to work. the police say it was a random robbery but none know for sure because recently John was coming home with more and more money and Daquan and his mother could only guess where he was getting that money.

Once the reality of John being gone Daquan dropped out of school so he could take care of his family and provide them with everything they needed. especially now more than ever since his mother was diagnosed with cancer and wasn't expected to live much longer. The doctor never said how much longer but without treatment it can't be much longer till she's gone. they couldn't really afford any type of treatment but Daquan made sure to get whatever type of medicine he could to relieve his mothers pain. Even if it was expensive he'd make sure to put in a few extra shifts to get it when he could get a job.

Living in the ghetto and dropping out of school wasn't uncommon. what was uncommon though was the fact that he did it to get a real job and not to be out on the streets selling drugs like many other kids in his neighborhood. living in such a poor area made it hard to find a decent paying job that would allow him to support his family but after two and a half years Daquan is now nineteen working two jobs taking care of his sickly mother and younger siblings. His mom has gotten worse over the course of two and a half years but she is still healthy enough to do things on her own. At this rate no one knows when she'll be too sick to even move let alone how long she'll be alive.

With his mother to worry about there's also the kids and when he goes to work Alyssa, Pamela, and Daniel go to school while little Taylor stays at the neighbor's house to be watched for the day until he can come and get her.

It took him a good minute to find a decent job that'll help him care for his family, he ended up working at a car parts factory during the day and delivering food during the night but during his breaks he'd make sure to go home to bring his family food. they weren't the best of jobs but they allowed him to make sure they had all the necessities to live.

For Daquan doing this was the least he could do to pay back his mother for all she did in the past. Though he doesn't always enjoy it he does his best. working all the hours he can get, overtime if possible. And just about everyday of the week at that with only one off day. one day to spend time with his family and properly relax. Working two jobs going back and forth from his job to home when on break to make sure the kids are good is very exhausting on a young man like Daquan. To Daquan that's just part of the job and he doesn't complain what needs to get done gets done and nothing gets in the way of that is how Daquan has come to think.