it's a beautiful Spring morning and the birds are chirping about, squirrels running around and the taste of morning dew in the air.
Daquan Starts his day like any other by waking up his sick mother and 4 younger siblings. As he wakes everyone he prepares breakfast.
today he made them eggs and toast which might not seem like a little but for his family it was already a lot more than they usually had and although he never eats with his family saying "I'll eat when I get to work, don't worry about me." he never does.
Daquan's mother Sylvia is sick with cancer, while his younger siblings are too young to help out with much. their only responsibility is going to school to get an education. though it's not always easy they do the best they can. As for him everyday he goes to work at his manufacturing job in the morning and his delivery job at night. each day going the same route passing by the same houses, some nicer than others, he knows the area rather well and can get around with his eyes closed. to him it's nothing just some run down ghetto that no one cares about, deep down he doesn't want to admit it but this is home and where his family's at.
Like usual after everyone eats and goes off to school it's time for work. he packs everything he needs into a backpack and is off.
As he leave he always notices this one big nice house belonging to what he believes are drug dealers in the neighborhood. They're always in a group carrying around guns, money and riding around in a nice car even though everyone else is so poor and hungry.
But he can't risk getting into trouble now seeing as he has a family to take care of. And work to worry about, so he countines his route passing the houses on the block to the main road then by the nearby gas station and taking a left and then a right to his job at the car parts factory.
Since this was such a poor neighborhood they only produced small parts like the knobs and lighters, and sometimes gas tanks if they had enough materials and it was ordered of them.
Since they didn't manufacture much they're income was a very small amount of five dollars and seventy five cents an hours. if Daquan was lucky he could work as many hours here that he wanted even if the pay wasn't all that great, it still brought food to the table. But sometimes though they couldn't afford to pay them.
When the company couldn't afford to pay they promised to pay double the next three paychecks but that was never the case, they would never get anything other than the regular amount. But who would dare rebel and cause a scene when you have a family of six to feed and barley any jobs for anyone around here.
While as his delivery job is more stable when it comes to getting paid based off of tips of course. Even though everyone in the neighborhood is too well off they still make sure to tip especially since they've known Daquan when he was just a little baby and know all about his past and current situation.
With the pay from his factory job and tips from his delivery job he makes sure to buy enough groceries to last the week for his whole family and anything else they need.
Times are tough but you make do with what you have and that's how Daquan get through life working to make ends meet and care for his family never doing anything for himself always for others.
It's nearing the end of May and Spring is almost over, temperatures rising, and more problems as its nearing Summer. What does that mean for our stories young protagonist Daquan? as said earlier "only time will tell".
For now it's time Daquan heads home after a long day of work going the same way he always goes just like any other day.