Digging Hole

Jing Yi found that the man in front of her was amusing. Observing how rigid he sat, she couldn't help but giggled inside of her heart.

From the moment he entered her room, the man didn't open his cloak. He just sat next to her without words while busied himself with the wooden box containing medicinal bottles and silver needles which were neatly arranged. Looking at his attitude, he shouldn't be just an ordinary doctor.

[Whoa. Big brother actually has an interesting friend… I wonder if there are more like this one], she thought, as her eyes glinted mischievously.

Lin Feng Yu was standing by the door, silently watching the situation outside, in case if somebody wanted to barged in. But the moment he smelled a refreshing and fragrant aroma that emitted from a white jade bottle in the doctor's palm, he startled. He immediately rushed to the doctor's side.

"Pei Chu, is that Zi Luo Lan you are holding? Uncle Ding's precious treasure?", he asked eagerly.

Zi Luo Lan.

Again. Another familiar words. Jing Yi was stunned.

Living without memories was hard for her. Actually she was scared. Although she believed that her memory will recover someday in the future, but what if she got killed before that truly happened? Just by thinking about that , she felt that her stomach churned...

Suddenly a strong headache was assaulting her. She held her head as her face turned pale and flashes of images came into her sight.

A woman with a gentle smile…

A young man in wooden wheelchair…

A jade pendant…

A seven colour lotus…

The appearance of Lin Feng Yu who stood in front of thousands of people, smiling to her...

A starry night sky.

The pain in her head lessen as she saw a blurry image of a huge silver light ball.

[Don't ever lost sight of yourself]

A familiar voice echoed inside her mind.

The image of the light ball which was initially blurry, suddenly became brighter and brighter. Jing Yi was squinting her eyes, but the next moment, the light ball had exploded into millions of fragments.

She felt that her body was thrown very far away because of strong pressure,

, until she finally fell down and was caught by a pair of familiar hands.

Faintly she heard someone continuosly calling for her, " Yi'er… yi'er, hold on!"

Jing Yi slowly opened her eyes. The sight of Lin Feng Yu's handsome face was right in front of her, staring at her with an anxious expression.

[ What was just happened to me?]

"Brother…", she mumbled weakly.

Seeing that his little sister had finally opened her eyes, he exhaled in relieved.

"Yi'er… are you alright? You suddenly fainted. Where is it that hurt? Tell your big brother!

Pei Chu is a great doctor. He will heal you…", Lin Feng Yu was supporting her limp body inside of his arms.

Pei Chu, the doctor, was stood aside. Looking at the anxious Lin Feng Yu, he was amazed. That was actually a rare sight.

All this time, Lin Feng Yu has a cheerful and friendly personality. But sometimes he could turn to be cold and distant. He also never showed any deep concern or affection to the fairer sex.

But right at the moment, the Lin Feng Yu who had been his best friend for all this past 4 years, was showing an expression that he never showed to others before.

And that was only because of this little sister of his…

"Xiao Yu, looks like Xiao Yi's injury is not light at all. I am afraid that we really should bring her with us. Let my master check on her.", Pei Chu urged with a heavy tone.

Right the moment before she fainted, he saw the little lass held her head with her face distorted, showing a painful expression. Thus he made a conclusion that her head injury was actually quite severe. And considering the treatment she received from the Jiang family, without a proper treatment, she would slowly die not too far away in the future…

Lin Feng Yu immediately shook his head. "No, we can't.", he stated, gnashing his teeth in fury.

[Huh? Why is that?] Jing Yi's ears perked. Looking at Lin Feng Yu's stiffen expression, she got really curious.

"You can't? Why?", the one who is asking was actually Pei Chu.

[Why can't he bring his little sister along with him? Won't it be better if they can live together? Nobody will bully her anymore and that obviously will make him feel at ease...]

"This is the secret of Jiang family. I also don't know. The only thing I certain about is that Yi'er will die immediately if she stepped her foot outside of this mansion." Lin Feng Yu's direct answer was truly shocking. Jing Yi gasped in fright and her face turned ashen.

[Immediately die if I stepped my foot outside of this mansion?]

Her heart thudded inside her chest and her brain filled of static. Desperation was engulfing her whole being.

[Does I really have to spend all of my lifetime here? Without ever seeing the outside world? Forever being a prisoner in this d*mn courtyard?]

Jing Yi screamed hysterically inward.

Don't ever joke about it!

A very big question that appeared within her was : WHY?

[After all, she is cursed]

That's what one of Jiang Chen Lu's pampered daughter said yesterday…

Because she was cursed? But what curse? In this two days she didn't feel anything wrong at all, except for her injuries. And that — she knew— was not caused by the curse.

[No! I won't let them do as they please!]

She was still alive, that's what count. She had a right to life and no one in this world could take this from her. If she couldn't go outside then it was fine! She would stay. But that didn't mean that she wouldn't fight back!

Didn't she came from a world where everything was build sophisticatedly? So far that's what she remembered. If someone was able to invent new things, why couldn't she?

[Yes, I can…]

She decided firmly inside of her heart.

Instantly, a fire was burning inside of her heart, giving her strength. She got up from Lin Feng Yu's embrace.

"Big brother, there is actually something that I need to discuss with you. I hope that you can help me with this. I really can't do this all alone…", she said in a very serious tone.

Lin Feng Yu, hearing her words just now, was very elated. His precious little baby sister was asking for his help! How could he reject her? Even though he must walked on top of the sea of fire or climbed the eternal ice mountain, he would still be willing!

Thus, he immediately nodded very vigorously. "If it is for Yi'er, I'll be willing to do it. You just need to ask and I'll give everything for you.", he said firmly.

Jing Yi and also Pei Chu rolled their eyes. Such amazingly flirtatious words! He really had a talent to be a casanova. His face didn't even change when he spat out those words…

[Turns out men in every dimension are the same ...]

Jing Yi let out a cough before saying,

"This is actually very important for me... Big brother, you can see that my situation is dire. In addition, father and the others won't let me live peacefully. Even now they had already cut off my daily needs, such as food and water."

Lin Feng Yu and also Pei Chu was listening to her attentively and couldn't help but agree with everything she stated.

"But I can understand that you can't stay with me and protect me all the time. No matter what you must be have your own matters…", she added.

Lin Feng Yu unconsciously lowered his eyes. She was right! He still had his own important matters. But, on the other hand, he couldn't just go wandering and neglecting his little sister...

A frowned showed on Lin Feng Yu's face. Obviously thinking about something. After seconds, he inquired, " Then what do you plan to do?"

A wide grin appeared on Jing Yi's face. Her eyes shone brightly, showing the fiery vigor in them as she merrily answered,

"It is just digging a hole. But first," she looked down to her dirty clothes. "I need to take a bath…"