Her Plans

Lately, Jing Yi's barren courtyard had been secretly sneaking guests : Lin Feng Yu and his sub-ordinates.

As Jiang family had confined nurse Ning, nobody sent to take care of her daily necessities. Thus, Lin Feng Yu obviously had to take over her role.

Every night, he would come and brought her daily needs such as food, clean water to drink, and change of clothes. As for bathing, he would come along with several women in black, bringing a huge wooden barrel.

Those women were also martial artists. Their qi gong were quite high, thus it was an easy job to help her filled her bath water.

Jing Yi was feeling grateful. And those women also liked her, for she always acted polite and sweet. So, every two days, when they came over, they always brought her candies or cakes.

As for the Jiangs, they also came everyday. At least Jiang Chen Lu's two daughters — Jiang Rong Chen and Jiang Huan Li. Their main purpose : obviously to make sure that her daily life was miserable. So as not to arouse their suspicions and to avoid trouble, Jing Yi pretending to be sick and weak.

She didn't get rid her dirty gray clothes and bandages. Every day, when Ling Feng Yu's hidden guard —who was guarding her in the shadow during the day— notified her that the Jiang eldest miss and second miss came, she would quickly change into that clothes and put on the dirty and smelly bandages back.

After that, the scene was like in a tv drama. Both missus would did everything they could to bullied her. Verbally and sometimes physically — although not to the point to be too extreme.

Ordinary people who experienced their insults obviously would be very angry and filled with hatred. But who was Jing Yi? She was a 26 years old sales woman who came from modern world. Her resilient attitude was top notch. Thus, only a little bullying from those ancient radishes was actually nothing!

Moreover, those missus had helped her a lot by providing lots of important news from the main house. For example, about Jiang Chen Lu's new young concubine or about the eldest son's who had sucessfully passed the imperial exam.

Everyday was passed in that manner : humiliation during the day and pampered lifestyle at night. Also, under Pei Chu's superb treatment, in just two weeks, her injuries had been slowly recovered. Her body became healthier. Even her cheeks started to look chubby.

"This is actually a problem", Jing Yi mumbled to herself. Became healthy was actually a good thing, but as the Jiang family was waiting for her death, her recovery would alarmed Jiang Chen Lu. Thus, she decided to discuss this problem with Lin Feng Yu.

"You don't have to worry. Jiang Chen Lu couldn't kill you directly.", Lin Feng Yu casually said as he drank his tea.

[Couldn't kill me directly?]

A sudden realisation came into her. As Jing Yi knew that she was a presence that shouldn't be born into this world, why did Jiang family still let her live until now?

"That was also one of the secret that I haven't able to reveal yet .", looking Jing Yi's confused expression, Lin Feng Yu honestly spoke.

[Another secret?]

At the moment Jing Yi was frustated. Looked like everything about the previous body's owner were very secretive and tightly guarded. Even Lin Feng Yu couldn't find any clues.

Jing Yi was still pondering, while he added another remark, "Jiang Chen Lu will let you live but under some conditions. As you know, he cut off your daily needs by preventing nurse Ning to take care of you. That was one example. In short, if you can survive, he will let you go. But,"

Lin Feng Yu stopped for a moment, before he continued, "If you try to run, he will destroy your Soul Contract of Netherworld. You'll be tormented in a very cruel manner for a long time before you finally die and your soul will scattered…"

[Soul Contract of Netherworld?]

Such a thing…

Jing Yi felt that her head spinning. She started to hate this "fantasy world" so much.

The f*** was a Soul Contract of Netherworld? Was Jiang Chen Lu working for King Yama? How could he got something like that?

Lin Feng Yu could tell that his little sister was shocked, thus he said, "You don't have to worry. For now just try to keep yourself save. I'll try my best to protect you. But later, you must learn some skills. Thus when I must leave for some matters, you'll know how to take care of yourself."

That's right!

Jing Yi understood that Lin Feng Yu couldn't be by her side all the time. One day he must leave and both of them didn't know for how long.

[Then it is better for me to immediately work on those plans…]

Jing Yi lifted her eyes. With a determination, she faced Lin Feng Yu and said in confidence, "As for that, I have already have some plans. And I will need your help to make them work…"

The next day at midnight, under the light of illuminous night pearl, Jing Yi was staring blankly at the stack of papers and brush in front of her. Bewildered.

[How am I supposed to write by using this thing?]

She bawled inward.

For her entire 26 years of life, she had never learn calligraphy. Now the only thing she could use to write was this brush, she obviously didn't know how.

"What's wrong?", Lin Feng Yu asked, knitting his brows. The little lass asked him to prepared all those things, so he did. But then she just stared at them, seemed to be in confusion. She couldn't possibly cannot read or write, could she?

Jing Yi swallowed.

[Can the previous body's owner read or write?], she wondered. Moreover, she didn't know the characters used in this place. Were they the same as in her original world?

She racked her brain, looking for the safest solution.

"Brother… actually, all this time, they don't allow me learning to read or write. So I honestly don't know about characters or how to use a brush", she decided to answer with the most basic reason as she peeked on Lin Feng Yu's facial expression.

The big brother in front of her didn't immediately give a respond, but his expression obviously turned so ugly, causing the cold sweat started to stream down on her back.

Lin Feng Yu sneered. "This rotten Jiang family… only pamper those two brainless bitches that can only flirt and act spoiled. What use of beautiful face if the heart is rotten?" From his tone, Jing Yi could faintly feel a deep hatred.

As she also felt the same, thus she didn't say anything to muffled his anger. Instead, she muttered sweetly , "How about you help me to write just this one time? Next time, you can teach me how to read and learn. What do you think?"

Lin Feng Yu said that he would stay for a long time. That's why she planned to ask him to teach her bit by bit from the scratch. As they had plenty of times, thus she didn't need to be in such a hurry.

Hearing her request, Lin Feng Yu immediately forgot about his anger. He was so happy that a super wide grin showed on his face and his eyes turned into crescent. His voice rose one note as he answered eagerly, "Of course, everything that you want, big brother will comply."

Jing Yi was already used to his sister-complex behavior. So she didn't give so much reaction and just smiled happily as she pushed all the papers and brush to him.

"For now, let's start!"

Lin Feng Yu nodded firmly. He started to prepare the ink. His white and slender fingers moved very carefully but smooth and elegant.

Jing Yi stared at him with glittering eyes.

[Such an elegant moving. Very contrary to his usual behavior.]

The siscon brother actually realized of her shiny gaze. Thus he was elated and put more efforts to act cool.

Not long after, the ink was ready. Lin Feng Yu dipped the brush into the ink plate, ready to write the first sentence.

"Now, you speak, and I'll write.", he said.

Jing Yi shifting her chair, drawing closer to him to see better.

"Now, try to draw this courtyard!", she casually ordered, pointing her index finger to the paper.

Her simple order was actually surprising him. He frowned and darted a questioning look onto Jing Yi. "You want me to draw this coutryard?", he inquired.

Jing Yi lifted her brows and nodded. "Yes, but not just a simple drawing. But what I want is a blueprint."