
The man in black stood in front of the door, knocked thrice before a man's voice was heard from inside the room.

"Come in!"

He pushed the door open and walked inside steadily. Crossing the room partition screen, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe was sitting behind a purple wood table.

Jiang Chen Lu.

Holding a black jade pendant, his expression was solemn. His eyes flickered a bit as he saw the man who had just entered, kneeling before him with a lowered head.

"What's the situation?", he asked coldly.

The sub-ordinate couldn't help but feel the chilling air emitting from the master in front of him, slowly creeping onto his body. He shivered in fear.

"The young master has been came to An Yue courtyard every night to take care of third miss. He also ordered two of his guardians to protect her. They are currently guarding the courtyard in the shadow.", he reported.

Jiang Chen Lu had given him the order to spy on An Yue courtyard. Nothing there that allowed to missed from his supervision. Everything that happened there must be reported every day directly to the master.

"Has she recovered yet?", Jiang Chen Lu put the jade pendant down on the table and darted his sharp gaze onto the kneeling man.

"Answering to the master, third young miss has been recovered completely. Under the treatment from young disciple of miracle doctor Ding Jing, her complexion also turned to be better."

Jiang Chen Lu didn't speak much. His facial expression kept unchanging as he nodded and gave another order.

"Continue to keep your eyes on her from the dark and report everything directly to me. As for nurse Ning, don't let her leave the house. We still need to limit her move but don't act recklessly. We can't afford to offend the other party. At least not yet."

The sub-ordinate nodded in affirmation and immediately left the room in quick steps, leaving Jiang Chen Lu who was gently caressing the jade pendant on the table alone as he muttered to himself,

"Even after all this years, we are still ended up back to the zero point. Now that everything have already started, i wonder if you are still thinking that you can completely control the fate?"

A bitter smile showed on his face before he let out a deep sigh and then slowly closed his eyes.

These days were always busy in An Yue courtyard. Lin Feng Yu's shadow guards came and left secretly, executing orders. As for Jing Yi, she had been immersed in something : making blueprints.

Lin Feng Yu proved to be useless in this matter. In spite of his literary talent, turned out he couldn't draw well.

Remembering the "incident" that night, Jing Yi was flabbergasted.

"It can't be help. Everyone has their own weaknesses. And mine was that I don't have any interest in painting."

That. Was his excuse…

Jing Yi giggled to herself. Just as she thought, that sister-complex big brother of her was adorable. He did his best to maintain his "cool big brother" image in front of her. Which had actually collapsed lately.

With the corner of her lips curling up, she directed her gaze back onto the blueprint in front of her. Fortunately, Lin Feng Yu did his part pretty well.

He had found some experts who were really good in construction. And the most important thing : they could be trusted. Thus, she asked them to make a blueprint of this courtyard. The first thing that she wanted to make was something that could guarantee that she can do all her activities freely. Secretly and without fear for being caught.

An underground living space.

Actually it was common to build a secret room underground. But hers, was not something ordinary. She had planned some modifications that even making those experts gasped in awe.

Lin Feng Yu was obviously stunned at the first time he saw the modification plan.

"You plan to make something like this? From where did you learn about this? This is like placing a small house into the underground…"


That was what she wanted.

Checking the blueprint once again, Jing Yi was quite satisfied. The next step she needed to do was implementation.

[It will need a long time to finish, of course. And while waiting, I will carry out the supporting plans.]

She took out another blueprints from inside a red wood wooden box.

[With all of these, I don't have to worry about food and water anymore]

She understood that there were still so much to be done. She needed a lot of resources and Lin Feng Yu had told her that he would handle that matter. In fact, he wouldn't lack any of that.

She was still preoccupied by those blueprints when suddenly one of the hidden guards knocked the door.

"Young miss, Jiang eldest miss and second miss is heading here.", he notified from outside without entering the room.

Jing Yi lifted her head and replied, "I understand…"

She immediately tidied up those stack of papers and stuffed them back into the wooden box.

She hid the box in a secret storage under a loose tile under her bed before she changed into a simple patched green children outfit and sitting on top of a rounded chair, waiting for them to barge in.

Moments later, the door was kicked open from the outside. Jiang Rong Chen and Jiang Huan Li, along with two maids, came in.

"Looks like the third young miss is busy today, so she can't go out and greet her elder sisters.", Jiang Rong Chen sneered. She lifted her chin, showing an arrogant attitude while looking at Jing Yi in disgust.

Jing Yi restrained herself from rolling her eyes and scoffing at them. Instead, she acted as a timid and frightened girl.

She put on a surprised expression and quickly got up from her chair. She rolled toward them with a lowered head and stammered, "Yi - Yi -Yi'er is - is greeting the eldest sister and second sister."

Jiang Rong Chen snorted. Her eyes narrowed as she examining the dirty little girl in front of her, realizing that she had been recovered properly. Although still a little bit pale and skinny, the little girl looked healthier.

"Looks like you have been recovered.", she said as she entered the inner room and walked toward the bed, followed by Jiang Huan Li and the maids.

Jing Yi stepped aside. From the corner of her eyes, she observed their movements.

Jiang Rong Chen was sweeping her gaze on the bed. The wood had already old and looked like it could collapse anytime. On top the bed, there was a thin and shabby blanket.