The Best Defense Is A Good Offense

[What is she up to?]

Jing Yi couldn't help but feeling suspicious. Jiang Rong Chen and Jiang Huan Li always looked for trouble with her. Even a few weeks ago, when her wounds still hadn't recovered yet, both of them intended to hit her with rods. The reason was simple. Because she couldn't get up to serve them tea.

[Such a blatant bullying…]

She sighed inside her heart. The Jiang family surely full of hypocrites.

Jiang Rong Chen traced her fingers on the blanket. Jing Yi couldn't read her expression at all as she still stood behind with a lowered head.

"The winter comes near. Mother had ordered everyone in the fu to get two pairs of winter clothes and a new cotton blanket. And tomorrow, lady Bao from Zhuang Shu will come to take our measurements. Including you. So, don't be late! She isn't a very patient woman…", Jiang Rong Chen said. While doing so, she walked toward the cupboard. Looked like she wanted to inspect what was in it.

Jing Yi was standing still, didn't try to stop her. Everything inside the cupboard were just her simple clothes. Nothing more. The clothes that given by Lin Feng Yu for her were hidden inside the secret storage under the bed. Thus, looking at Jiang Rong Chen who was casually opened her cupboard and randomly checking everything in it, Jing Yi didn't feel nervous at all.

"What are you searching for, big sister? Just looking at her poor appearance. How did she manage to get something valuable.",Jiang Huan Li who had been silent since they arrived, finally opened her mouth. She looked at Jing Yi, scrutinized her appearance. Inside, she was a little bit envious.

Although only a 10 years old kid, her beauty was already visible. Even with just a simple dressing, and her hair tied up in ponytail without any accessories, it couldn't hide her natural charm. Maybe in 5 or 6 years in the future, she would be a devastating beauty who could topple the whole dynasty.

Jiang Huan Li clenched her fist. In Dongfang Kingdom Jiang Rong Chen was known as one of the most beautiful young maidens. Although she wasn't the number 1 in the list, but a lot of noble young masters were lined up to get her attention. But until today, she was never interested in any of them. Instead, she had fallen in love one sidedly with the crown prince, Dongfang Li.

As for her, although she too was a beauty, but it wasn't enough to push her up into the list. That fact had became her sore spot. As she had been living under Jiang Rong Chen's shadow since birth, the seed of envy had grown and firmly rooted inside of her heart. Moreover, the man she is interested with was one of those noble young masters who competed to ask for Jiang Rong Chen's hand in marriage. Thus how could she not feel hatred and envious?

And now in front of her, there was another devastating beauty, maybe even far more than Jiang Rong Chen. In result, Jiang Huan Li's hatred toward Jing Yi was deeper and fiercer, although she didn't dare to show it blatantly.

Jing Yi instictively could feel that Jiang Huan Li was smarter and tougher than Jiang Rong Chen. The hatred and envy emanated from her eyes, though vaguely disguised, were more piercing and fiery. She thought that if she had been given a chance, Jiang Huan Li must be gladly to cut her into thousands pieces and then threw her remains as dog's food.

[What a troublesome fellow]

Jing Yi already took a note inside of her heart, to will be very careful toward her second sister. Who knew what schemes she had under her sleeves? Which was probably much more cruel than Jiang Rong Chen's.

As she didn't find anything suspicious inside the cupboard, Jiang Rong Chen frowned. Her main purpose came to An Yue courtyard was to vent her boredom by making everything to be difficult for Jing Yi. She hoped that she could find a reason to hit the nasty little girl 20 times by rods.

Unsatisfied, she slammed the cupboard door harshly and humphed. Her eyes narrowed. Looked like she needed to find another venting target today. Didn't want to waste more of her times, she immediately turned her body toward Jing Yi, intended to leave.

"Fine. Nothing more that I need to inform you. So just don't forget to come on time tomorrow.", she hurriedly said. She threw her gaze onto Jiang Huan Li and both maids, to follow her out, leaving the courtyard while stomping her feet and cursing in whisper.

Jing Yi shook her head while pondering, whether she should take early action against them or not. Waiting for troubles knocking her front door was not her characteristic. If she could do early prevention, then it would be much better.

But, she also understood that with her current condition, it would be a disadvantage for her striking first without strong foundation. Thus, she needed to finish all her plans first.

[The best defense is a good offense after all…]

A faint devilish smile showed on her face. She got hunch that tomorrow event would be fun. Really, she couldn't wait to see their drama.

Chuckled, she walked toward the bed. Again. Intended to busied herself with those blueprints.

Huan Ping courtyard. Midnight.

First madam Jiang was reclining on an ebony couch, thinking. She wore her sleeping gown with her black hair hanging loosely. Her index finger was tapping the blanket under her body as her trimmed willow brows knitted together.

Today, again, the master didn't come to her courtyard.

Resentfully, she bit her lower lip.

"How long has it been already? He always stays with that brothel woman every night and never set his foot here. So hateful.", she said in anger.

The one she called as brothel woman was Jiang Chen Lu's current favorite concubine, Hong Ye. Before she entered Jiang household as a small concubine six months ago, she was a singer in Thousand Flowers Pavilion.

Last year, Jiang Chen Lu was invited by the second prince, Dongfang Shu, and left prime minister, Luo Ming, to watch a musical show. At that time, Hong Ye was on the limelight. Her graceful and melodious voice had caught Jiang Chen Lu's attention. And since that day, he became her regular patron.

"Such a wretch. Surely is a sly and evil woman. She really thought that with all her tricks she can climb onto the higher branch and step on my head. Hmph. Keep dreaming.", first madam Jiang scoffed.

Zhu mama, her personal servant was standing next to the couch. She lowered her head as she listening to her mistress' continuous rantings.

"She maybe young and fresh but she is just a lowly peasant. How can he favor that bitch so much? My husband usually is a wise man. Why can't he get away from that whore's dirty traps?"

Although first madam Jiang was nagging for such a long time, Zhu mama didn't utter any single words. For she had been served the madam since she married into this family, Zhu mama had fully understood about her temperament. Her likings and dislikings.