Die Sadistically

Feeling that her throat was a little bit dry, first madam Jiang lifted her hand and ordered the servant to bring her drink.

"Bring me my tea!", she said.

Zhu mama immediately stepped forward and moved to a redwood table placed in the middle of the room. She lifted a porcelain teapot from on top of the table and poured the tea inside into a teacup. The light yellowish tea was gleaming under the candle light and a very fragrant aroma was spreading throughout the whole room.

First madam Jiang was a tea-addict. She couldn't drink anything else except tea. Even the best wine, she didn't want to drink. Her most favorite was flower snow tea; a very rare type of tea made of first grade white tea and the petals of flower snow.

As a flower snow could only be found at the peak of eternal ice mountain and bloomed once in every five years, the rarity of this tea was unequaled. Just for a small bag of flower snow tea, people had to pay one hundred and fifty golden ingots. A very high price that even the imperial family would think twice to buy it.

But first madam Jiang was a very luxurious person. She only wanted the best things and nothing less. Therefore, her private storage room was filled with this kind of tea only.

Zhu mama walked slowly and brought the tea to her.

"If I remember correctly, tomorrow is the day that lady Bao from Zhuang Shu will come?", she suddenly asked as she reached out her slender hand and took the teacup from Zhu mama.

The servant nodded and simply replied, "Yes, madam. She will come tomorrow morning."

"Then have you ordered the young servants to prepare everything? We shouldn't make her feel uncomfortable.", first madam Jiang glanced at her as she sipped the tea and savored its taste.

"The preparation was ready. This old servant had checked it twice this afternoon." Zhu mama had already estimated that the first madam would inquire about tomorrow event, thus she had finished everything beforehand.

First madam Jiang nodded in satisfaction. After having another sips, she gave the teacup back to Zhu mama.

"And about the evil child, make sure that she come on time. We don't want to ashamed the whole fu in front of an important person and angered the master."

"This old servant understand."

Zhu mama turned around, intending to put the teacup down on the table, before she suddenly heard the sound of someone retching.

Shocked, she looked behind and instantly her face turned as white as sheet. What came into her sight was the appearance of first madam Jiang who had already fell from the couch, struggling on the floor while holding her neck. From both of her eyes, nose, ears and mouth, the blackened blood oozed out. Her initially fair skin suddenly turned purplish and big bloody bumps appeared.

"Aaah! Madam!!"

Zhu mama screamed in terror. She hurriedly ran toward the terrifying woman whose starting to twitch uncontrollably on the floor, in a pool of her own blood. But after seeing those bloody bulging eyes and mouth that constantly oozing bloody bubbles, she felt nauseous and didn't dare to approach her anymore.

As Zhu mama weakly fell down on her knees, suddenly the door was pushed opened from the outside. She rigidly turned her head and saw a handsome young man in black robe embellishing with golden thread embroidery came in. He walked leisurely as if he was just strolling around in the garden. His thin dark pink lips curled up, forming a faint yet cold smile. And his pair black inky almond eyes were shining with murderous intent.

"Aiyo! What a messy sight! Looks like my new invention is truly potent. Very good, very good.", he said in amusement, clapping his hands.

Zhu mama could only trembled on the floor. Her gaze was locked onto the beautiful youth whose standing in front of her.

"Hm?", seemed to realize that there was an old woman who was slumped on the floor and staring at him in fear, he tilted his head and his brows knitted.

"Oh, you are her loyal servant, i supposed."

The next moment he flung his sleeve and hundreds of insects came out and swarming around the old servant.

Another bloody and terrifying scene happened along with a horrific screeching, as those insects ferociously gnawing at Zhu mama's flesh and sucking all her blood. But the young man was just standing still with a happy expression, as if watching a good show.

"Hmph. Haven't you played enough? This is very disgusting. Can't we just hurry up and finish your matter? I can't stand this smell of blood."

All of a sudden, another young man wearing a red robe appeared from nowhere. He covered his nose with his sleeve and his face distorted in disgust. Looking at the ugly and messy corpses of two women, he felt goosebumps creeping all over his body.

The beautiful young man beside him didn't pay him any attentions at all. He casually walked into the inner room, approaching a painting of a pair of cranes hanging on one side of the wall.

His gaze traced the painting from the top to the bottom, scrutinizing it with a glint of nostalgia.

"I always hope to see this painting again.", he sighed. " Now what has been seized is back, my heart felt a little bit relieved."

The man in red robe stood next to him, observing the painting in curiosity.

"Is this what you're looking for? One of your father's mementos?", he asked.

The youth in black nodded and replied with a smile bloomed on his face, "Yes. A very precious one, more than any other. Do you see the golden crown on top of this crane?" He pointed his index finger onto one of the crane in the painting. It was standing on top of a big stone. "This crane is a magical beast. One of the four kings of Tian Xiang magical forest, Silver Moon Crane.", he said in glee.

"My father was very fond of traveling. One day, he accidentally entered a forest. It was very beautiful, just like in heaven. Then he got lost and couldn't get out. This crane was the one who showed him the way. Since then, both of them became friends."

The man in red stared at him incredulously. His mouth was gaping so wide, showing a foolish expression.

"Yo-your… your father befriended a magical beast? And one of the sovereigns of Tian Xiang forest at boot? Seriously?", he stammered.

The youth beside him laughed and shook his head. He didn't say anything as he took the painting down from the wall and carefully rolled it. After that, he took out a cylinder black container that hanging on his waist and stuffed the painting inside.

"Are we done now?", the man in red inquired. He really wanted to immediately leave this smelly room. Although he also sometimes had to kill somebody, but he never did it in such a sadistic way. He didn't like the spray of blood making his robe dirty after all…

The youth in black shook his head.

"Not yet.", he said while randomly knocking the wall in front of him several times. Not long after, a clicking sound was heard and suddenly the wall split in two, showing a secret storage hidden behind it.

"Finally." He inhaled deeply as he saw a white jade box that covered with golden membrane stored inside.

"Now you can finally rest in peace. Mother…"