Not The Same As What had Happened In The Past

Jing Yi was currently lying on her bed, waiting for Jiang couple and daughters to come. But even though the sun had already reached its peak, the long-awaited enemies still hadn't showed their shadows yet.

[What is happening? They should've come by now]. She pondered in confusion.

Jing Yi lifted her body up and sitting on the edge of the bed. Her brows furrowed. Based on what had happened in the past, Jiang Chen Lu and the others came to see her before noon. However, what's happening now was different.

The past had changed!

Her intuition said so. Got a sudden urge to find out and appease her curiosity, she got out of the bed and walked to the door. She opened it slowly and peeked outside. However, immediately her heart sank.

[Not everything seems to be change.]. She sighed inward.

The courtyard was as barren as ever. Without even a single weed grew on the ground. Jing Yi stepped outside. She fixed her gaze to the small gate not too far from her, deciding to check whether it was guarded or not.

"Strange…", she murmured when she saw no guard there. She took a moment thinking if she could leave her yard and see the situation in the other yards. Lin Feng Yu once said that she would die the moment she took a step outside the mansion. So as long as it didn't leave the mansion, then there would be no problem if she looked around a bit, right?

That's sound logical…

[Let's look around at another yards, then]. She prepared to step out of the courtyard before suddenly someone patted her shoulder.

"Don't go outside!", hearing that familiar voice came from behind her, Jing Yi immediately looked back in glee.

The voice that was belong to Lin Feng Yu.

"Big brother!", she exclaimed as she dashed closer and wrapped her hands around the person's waist. Wearing a black hooded cloak, Lin Feng Yu in front of her was the same as in the past. Inside of her heart, she felt relieved.

Lin Feng Yu did really come!

[But it is still noon...]

Jing Yi creased her brows and pondered. In the past, the first time Lin Feng Yu came to find her was at midnight. He brought her a roasted chicken and doctor Pei Chu to examine her injuries. Right now it was obvious that everything had changed. Jing Yi unconsciously felt alarmed.

[How can the past change just like that? Something must be happened. I need to figure it out.]

" You can still recognize me?", she heard Lin Feng Yu asked from above her in amazement. "Even though the last time you saw me you were only 5 or 6 years old? Then you must be have an exceptional memory."

Jing Yi whipped her head upward as she stared at him and laughed awkwardly.

[How should I put it? Will you believe me if I told you the truth?]

"You are my only brother. How can I not recognize you? We share the same flesh and blood after all.", Jing Yi decided to come out with that reason. No matter how deeply Lin Feng Yu spoiled her, he wouldn't believe if she said that a magic frog had sent her back to the past.

Lin Feng Yu arc a brow faintly. "Really? Even though we only met three times before?"

In fact, in the past, since his sister was born and his mother died, they were separated and could only meet occasionally. For almost 6 years, he could only meet his sister 3 times. And after that, the incident happened and he was almost killed in that forest. Since then, he never stepped his foot again on this Jiang mansion. For Jiang Yi to still remember about his existence, he was really grateful. No matter what he didn't want to get separated from her anymore.

[Th… three times?] Jing Yi was speechless. Lin Feng Yu didn't want to talk about it either, so he immediately changed the topic.

"Right. Where do want to go just now?", he inquired.

Jing Yi swallowed. The atmosphere was a little bit awkward just now. She felt a difficulty to answer just like that. But seeing Lin Feng Yu stern expression, in the end she stuttered, "I-I just want to look around. It is boring to stay only in my courtyard."

Lin Feng Yu frowned and immediately shook his head. He forbade, "No, you can't. It is chaotic in the mansion right now. You'll invite trouble for yourself if you insist to go."

[Chaotic?] Jing Yi showed a confuse expression. Was there something big happened in this mansion? That was why nobody came to find her this morning?

"I knew it!", she murmured to herself. Her voice was actually so small but it couldn't escape from Lin Feng Yu's superb hearing.

"What did you say just now? You knew?" He slanted his ear toward Jing Yi, thought that he misheard her.

Indeed, Jing Yi didn't know how she should explained it, thus she looked away to avoid his gaze.

"Who told you about this?", he urged again. "Someone came and told you? Is it nurse Ning? No, it is not possible. This mansion is heavily guarded. Jiang Chen Lu even personally had given orders that no one should approach this An Yue courtyard."

Jing Yi furrowed her brows. Confusion and curiosity mixed up within her.

"No one.", she hurriedly refuted. "No one told me. It is just my intuition. You know, I just got hurt by that young master Qian Fei Yan. That's not just a simple matter, right. I though that Ji... father must be quite angry with me and would come to reprimand me. That's why I waited. But no one actually came to find me. So I thought that maybe there was something wrong..."

At the moment, she peered at Lin Feng Yu's expression. Indeed, it was as dark as storm clouds. Jing Yi tilted her head and slanted a sidelong glance at him.

"What is exactly happening?", she asked in low tone.

Lin Feng Yu lifted his eyes and darted his gaze randomly, seemed to be having a dilemma. After some moments, he resigned. He lowered his head, stared straight into Jing Yi's eyes and answered, "First madam Jiang was killed last night."