Successors Of The Kings

Under Jing Yi's sharp peering eyes, Lin Feng Yu lowered his eyes. Although he had decided to tell her the truth, he still didn't know where to start.

Jing Yi didn't want to push him too hard either. She could wait because sooner or later, Lin Feng Yu would have to tell her everything anyway.

She got a hunch that someone wanted to use her and her brother. But for what purpose, she would find the answer later. Furthermore, she still didn't know exactly what had caused all these changes.

The frog had the ability to turn back the time, but it didn't seem to want to change anything.

[Just live your days as it should be! I can guarantee that this won't happen again for the second time.]

Jing Yi remembered that was what that frog told her.

[Looked like what had happened wasn't intentional. It was forced to turn back time, but why?], she pondered.

At that time Lin Feng Yu wanted to speak, but seeing her serious expression as if thinking about something, he closed his mouth back. He too, had his own worry.

His little movement didn't slip from her eyes. "Don't want to speak?", she asked.

Lin Feng Yu shook his head. "I want to. But I still think that you will not understand. I'm afraid… that you will hate me after this."

He knew that she will! Failed to protect his beloved family, that was always become his biggest regret.

"Yi'er, you're the only one family I have left in this world. I don't want to lose you too.", he said.

"At that time, when I almost died, I really thought about you. I regretted it so much, that I wasn't strong enough to protect you. You are the youngest amongst the four of us after all. As your brother, I have a responsibility to protect you. But I still wasn't able to unlock my power. Thus, I brought doom for all of us siblings."

The youngest… amongst the four of us siblings?

Jing Yi squinted her eyes. What was that mean?

"Siblings? What are you talking about, brother?"

Lin Feng Yu tightened his grip. He narrated, "That year, most of Tian Xiang magical beasts were killed. All of them became dust, no exception. Following month…"

A great famine caused by long war and nature destruction occurred. It was difficult to get foods and water in Dongfang. More and more civilians sick or even worse, died. Thus, Jiang Chen Lu, under the edict of the emperor, along with several high officials, sect elders and disciples, and martial artist, forced to go to the forest at the border of Dongfang and Qingsha to find foods and medicinal herbs.

"Wait.", Jing Yi interrupted his story. "Why did the emperor force father to go? Logically, under urgent situation, finding foods should be given to officials. Why involved father and cultivators?"

That was odd. The highest number of victims fell during the war was from the cultivators and martial artists side. Forcing them to do works that should be handled by related officials, what was the emperor thinking at that time? Didn't he afraid of riot?

"I know that you will find it odd.", Lin Feng Yu replied. "On surface, their purpose was to find food and medicines. But in fact, they went to hand over the peace token. Four successors of Tian Xiang."

At the time those beasts attacked, many dark cultivation sects suffered a great deal of loss. Lots of their elders and disciples died.

"One of dark cultivation sects, Ye Xing sect, experienced the greatest loss. Their head along with his wife and eldest son was killed. Leaving only two daughters born by his concubine."

Ye Xing Sect was very powerful, even compared with combination of several sects. But their ancestors were very adamant to keep the purity of their bloodlines. For hundreds of years, they only allowing marriage between relatives. The closer the blood tie was, it would be better.

"Incest?!", Jing Yi exclaimed in shock.

Lin Feng Yu nodded. He added in affirmation, "But it only permitted for Ye Xing Sect main clan, Ye clan. The reason… I don't know either. My guess is that it has something to do with their cultivation path."

Jing Yi was so shaken that she couldn't able to give a respond in time. The moment she gained her composure, she stuttered, "The-then… what happened next?" She didn't realize that her hands trembling.

"Of course, they wanted to take revenge. All members of Ye clan were very fierce. Even after losing their head, they didn't wither and fell down. In contrary, they became fiercer, more bloodthirsty, and stronger. I think it was because their blood ties are very close one each other, the impact of losing their head clan and his family was great."

Ye clan descendants never afraid that no one could continue their head clan's bloodline. But their deep grudge was more due to their 'affection' toward each other.

"Until now, I can't understand them at all. How deep their feelings are… maybe nobody can understand except them.", Lin Feng Yu sighed dramatically, as if feeling a deep grievance.

Jing Yi rolled her eyes inwardly.

"Then what it had to do with father tried to sacrifice you?", she inquired.

Licking his lips, Lin Feng Yu took a moment before he replied, "Ye clan wanted to launch another attack to Dongfang. But at that time, our kingdom had already very exhausted and didn't able to withstand another war. So, the emperor requested a peace talk with them."

Ye clan only gave one ultimatum : to hand over the four successors of Tian Xiang's kings or they would exert all their power to completely destroy Dongfang.

Exactly at that point, Lin Feng Yu stopped talking. He sneaked a glance toward Jing Yi and found that her expression was ugly. Surely, she could grasp vaguely the continuation of that tale.

Lin Feng Yu was actually one of the successors of Tian Xiang's four kings!