Soul Contract of Netherworld

The words came out from Lin feng Yu's mouth just now, were like a clap of thunder on the daylight. Lin Feng Yu in the past had told her about the reason of his disappearance. He indeed said that he almost died in that hunting ground. But without any details. Now after she had heard all of it, she couldn't help but feel goosebumps creeping all over her body.

Suddenly felt unwell, she inhaled and exhaled heavily. "Sacrifice? For what purpose?", she asked.

Lin Feng Yu pursed his lips and closed his eyes tightly, seemed difficult to answer. Jing Yi thought that he was really poor. For such a young boy, wasn't loved by his father, and left behind alone to die as a sacrifice. What could be worse than that?

"It's okay.", she held Lin Feng Yu's hand inside of hers and said softly giving him comfort. "You can tell me. I will listen until the end. As your sister, it is my privilege to shoulder the hardships along with you."

The little lass wanted to comfort him. Lin Feng Yu felt warmth emerged inside his heart. He smiled and patted Jing Yi's little hand. "That's right. From now on we will face all the hardships together.", he affirmed.

Jing Yi nodded at him. Feeling relieved that at least she could ease the pain in her big brother's heart. Just a little bit though, but it was worth it.

"Now answer me. What sacrifice? And for what purpose.", she urged once more. She could feel that her big brother's grip tightened and next moment, he answered,

"That was because of our blood..."

That was such a long story. Instead of talked directly to the point, Lin Feng Yu started off from the war between dark cultivation sects and righteous cultivation sects thousand years ago. Jing Yi felt tired by just listening to it. She wondered if Lin Feng Yu felt that his mouth became sore or even sprained his tongue.

The main point was evil and good could never be able to coexist under the same sky. Both side had been engaged in bloody war for a very long time, bla… bla… bla… This elder got killed, that young master avenged him and etc and etc…

[So tired…], Jing Yi softly pounded her sore shoulder with her fist. How much longer should she listen to such an ancient story? And Lin Feng Yu didn't show any sign to stop soon either. She grimaced.

[How could he tell so much detail as if he had witnessed all of that?]

Seeing her tired face, Lin Feng Yu abruptly stopped. He lifted his finger and touched Jing Yi's pale cheek. "I'm sorry. I almost forgot that you're still injured.", he said regretfully.

"It's okay.", she shook her head and smiled. "No matter what I still need to know. Just a little bit tired, don't mind it."

Lin Feng Yu seemed reluctant to continue. His gaze moved from the bandage stained with blood on her forehead to the purplish bruises on her right cheek and eyes.

"I will take you with me tonight. After that we can continue this conversation at my place. What do you think?"

His little sister needed to be treated as soon as possible. Looking at all those injuries, he felt sad and anger in his heart.

Just a mere 10 years old girl, and that pervert young master Yan let out most of his strength to struck her. And after that, nobody bothered to call for a doctor. Their attention had been usurped by first madam's funeral. If it continue, in less than a week, another funeral will be held in this mansion. And that would be his little sister's!

But Jing Yi immediately shook her head. She had some doubts and questioned, "How about the soul contract of netherworld in our father's hand? How can I leave this mansion if it's still in his grasp? Won't I be dead then?"

Lin Feng Yu was surely taken aback. "How did you know about that soul contract? Did Jiang Chen Lu tell you?"

Although she didn't want to make her big brother suspicious, but she really didn't want to hear anymore "long story". So she decided to directly struck to the point.

"I didn't remember who had told me this. It was years ago anyway. Maybe it was father. I really forgot. Let's not think about that small matter. The most important thing is that contract. How can I leave this place if I still bound to it?"

The more she thought about this, the more she felt that it was odd. Lin Feng Yu obviously knew about this matter. But he dare to take her away from Jiang mansion. With her intelligence, she could make a conclusion.

Her soul contract of netherworld had fallen to Lin Feng Yu's hand!

[That must be it.], Jing Yi positively believed that it was what happened. But still she wanted to hear it from Lin Feng Yu.

Sure enough her big brother didn't think the same way as her. He insisted to know from whom she heard about this matter. "Impossible. Years ago you're still too little to understand. How could it be father? Don't lie to me, Yi'er. Tell me who is it!", he urged.

Jing Yi felt a sudden headache. This big brother of her could be very persistent sometimes. How could she tell him? Of course she couldn't!

"Brother…", she sighed. "I understand that you worry about me. And I don't want to hide anything from you either. But I couldn't remember. Really, I don't lie to you. I forgot so much things in the past. Maybe it's because of my injuries, especially here."

Jing Yi pointed at the injury on her forehead. Feigning to lost her memories was the safest move at this time. After all she didn't lie. She really couldn't remember much of the past.

The reason given by her was reasonable. So Lin Feng Yu decided to drop the matter. But his worry intensified. Turned out her injuries were serious to the point she lost part of her memories!

"You need to be treated. Yi'er, we really need to leave this place now."

Jing Yi rested her head on her hand. "You haven't answered my question yet. What about that soul contract of netherworld?"

"You don't have to worry about that!", Lin Feng Yu abruptly got up from his chair. He walked around Jing Yi and kneel in front of her. Gently he took both of her hands into his. "It's not in his hand aanymore. I got it already. Now you're safe. You can go to wherever you want."

That's it! He bit the bait. Now Jing Yi could asked for more important matter. "How? How could it fall into your hands? I know that your martial art are high, but I also know that you still couldn't beat father. Or else you wouldn't wait for so long to come and find me. Tell me, who's helping you?"