[Sidestory] Carina’s Story (1)

My name is Carina, Carina Wellington to be precise. My father is Jake Wellington, the former head butler in Harvard castle. I'm grateful for being born in Harvard castle. Master of Harvard castle, Baron John Harvard, my father's master is a good man with a strong sense of justice and fairness. He prohibits slavery practice in his territory, it's a kind of rare action when many other nobles still practicing slavery. Maybe that's why my father is so loyal to him.

My mother is a widow from a soldier of Harvard that die in the line of duty. Since my father still hasn't married until his age already reaches between the thirties and forties, Sir Harvard act as his matchmaker and marry him with my mother, Claudia, who just recently lost her husband and left without any children. Actually, my father feels a bit hesitant to accept sir Harvard offer to marry my mother. He said, "Sir, I'm already too old to marry and I already decide to serve you until my last breath, why don't you let me like that?"

Sir Harvard answer it splendidly, "Jake, I know your loyalty and I really appreciate it. But when your body getting older and weak, who will take care of you? The best people to take care of you, is your family, so while you still able, why not marry her? She's also alone in this world without husband or children. You can take care of each other later, isn't that wonderful?"

With that such convincing reason from sir Harvard, my father finally agrees to marry my mother and one year after they married, I was born. Too bad, because my mother condition, after giving birth to me, she can't have another baby again. So, I become the only child that my parent has.

When I grow later, my father takes me to the castle and introduces me to sir Harvard family. That's the first time I met brother Henry and his sister Eliza. He a few years older than me and has red hairs same like his father, Sir Harvard. When he sees me for the first time, his response is quite nice, he asks my father about me

"Uncle Jake, is this your daughter? She's so cute like a doll"

He asking that while caressing my hairs. Sister Eliza's also following him caressing my hair.

"Yes, young master, she's my only daughter, Carina"

"Can we play with her? Please, uncle?"

"Sure, Carina sweety…you play with master Henry and miss Eliza, okay?"

"Be careful when playing with her, Henry, she's your Uncle Jake's only child"

Master Harvard reminds his son and daughter when he about to take me to play with him.

"Don't worry father…I will be careful"

That's my first meeting with young master Henry. I become Henry and his sister's playmate since then. After that, Sir Harvard bring another girl to the castle as his son and daughter playmate. She older than brother Henry but younger than sister Eliza, her name is Clara. I heard from my father that she is a slave's daughter that just bought by Sir Harvard when he goes to the Capital city. Her mother is already sick when she bought and died during the journey to the castle. Her daughter then taken by Sir Harvard to be raised in the castle. Then another girl came when Sir Harvard return from his duty to secure his territory. She's the only survivor when bandits attacking a merchant convoy. Because Sir Harvard have a kind heart, he took that girl, whose name is Claire, to the castle with him. I, Clara and Claire later become young master Henry's personal attendant. Our relation is good, I called Clara and Claire as sister Clara and sister Claire because I don't have any real sister and they also treat me like their younger sister too.

Young master Henry also a kind person like his father. He never demands too much about our job and basically, our daily job is not too hard either. Changing the bed sheet, wash his clothes, prepared his armor when he goes out with his father, preparing his bath, cleaning his room. all are usual things that maids will do in every castle.

Until one day, when young master Henry goes out for inspecting an area and return in a wounded state. We, his personal maids really worry about his condition. Young master Henry is unconscious for days and his condition becomes worse. I, sister Clara and sister Claire take a turn in taking care of young master Henry during his unconscious state. We pray uninterrupted for his safety and hope his conscious will return. Our pray is answered by God, after one-week unconscious, finally, young master Henry opens his eyes. This is happy news for everyone in the castle.

After this incident, young master Henry is a bit changed. He's still a gentle, good and kind young man like before, but he becomes more reliable if I can say. And he did something that he never did before the accident like he goes to the kitchen and makes something delicious that we never eat before. Well, it's not he never comes to the kitchen before, but he only comes to the kitchen only to steal some foods or sweeties which he also shares with me. He also brings the solution for the salt crisis that currently faced by his father. Surprisingly, young master Henry also good in making song and singing. He makes a song that immediately liked by me, sister Clara, and sister Claire.

Speaking of my sisters, their relation also becomes more intimate. Once I ever see them hugging near the room's window watching the sun sets in the western horizon. It's a lovely view which makes me envy sister Clara. But brother Henry still good to me, he let me sleep in his lap and caressing my hairs like he used to do when I'm still little kid. Still, I can see brother Henry relation with sister Clara is going deeper. I see him sleep on sister Clara's chest when I deliver lunch to his room. I also want him to sleep on my chest too but he said my chest is not big enough. If I want him to sleep in my chest, I must have a chest as big as sister Clara or Claire

Hmph! You'll see brother Henry, I will grow a chest that even bigger than sister Clara or Claire which make you feel comfortable when sleeping over it!