Request for my sister

With the underwear that I received from Clara, I go to my sister room in the other side of castle. When I knock the door of her room, it's my sister who opens the door again.

"Henry? You come to visit me again?"

"Yes, Sis. I need a favor from you"

"Please come in, Henry, what can I help you?"

I follow my sister enter the room and sit on the available chair

"I need to use your sewing skill, Sis"

"Oh? What do you need me to sew? If only your shirt or pants get torn, Clara or Claire is able to stitch that"

"Not my dress that needs your sewing skill, sis, but these clothes"

I handed her the underwear that wrapped in a package. My sister receives it and opens the package. Her eyebrow frowned after she saw what inside the package.

"Henry….this….this is women underwear, right?"

"Yes, that's women underwear, sis"

"This underwear is not a new one, whose underwear is this?"

"Those belong to Clara and Claire"

"What? Henry…you…you.."

My sister looks at me with disbelief eyes

"What's wrong sis?"

"A woman will not just give their underwear to a man without any close relationship. Henry, tell me how deep your relationship with them?"

"Err…in short, our relation is close and intimate, sis"

"Did you….did you already do that with them?"

"Do what, sis?"

I pretend to look dumb to probe her intention

"Ehmmm….hug them"

Her face is blushing when asking that. Ah right, my sister is still a virgin, she doesn't have any close relationships with other males except me, her fiancé, and my father. I can understand if she gets curious about the male-female relationship. It seems that bastard Roland Easton not interested in doing anything lewd to her. My sister is just his stepping stone to acquire Harvard territory after he disposes of me.

"Already do that"

"Did you also already….hmm….kiss them?"

"Do that every day"

My sister face's getting redder after hearing my answer. She looks cute when blushing like that.

"Did you… Also, touch them?"

"When I hug them I must touch them, right?"

I still act dumb when answering my sister questions although I know what she wants to ask.

"Henry! That's not what I mean"

"And what you mean, sis?"

"Had you…. Had you … take their chastity?"

"I had sis"

"Henry…how could you…do that to them…We and them grow up together in this castle…they already like our own sister"

"I'm sorry sis…that was an accident…but I don't mean to play with their feeling…I will marry them one day and treat them good"

"Henry…do you love Clara and Claire?"

"Yes, I love them, sis"

"What about your fiancé then?"

"I also love her sis"

My sister looks at me while shaking her head….her face looks solemn

"Tsk…I never thought my little brother will be grown into such womanizer man"

My sister words make me lowered my head down

"Sorry, sis…I just don't want to be irresponsible after what I've done to Clara and Claire"

I look again at my sister's face…there's a big smile on her lips, which make me confused. Seeing me look at her with a confused look, my sister laughed

"I know that Henry, Clara, and Claire already told me about that. I just want to see your true feeling for them. And you not disappointed me, Henry. You did not consider Clara and Claire just your plaything, besides, it's common for a man to have more than one wife"

"You already know….that's mean you only testing me just now?"

"Yes…hihihihi…it's funny when I see you confused looks"

My sister is laughing again, she looks happy she succeed in tricking me.

Grrrr…..she really playing me just now, but when I see her laughing face, suddenly I can't thinking anything anymore. Watch me just look at her blankly without saying anything, my sister stop her laugh and ask me

"Henry…why don't you say anything? Are you angry?"

No sis…I'm just thinking"

"What's on your mind Henry?"

"I thought you should laugh like that more often…you look beautiful when laughing like that"

My sister's face become blushing again while fidgeting her finger, she shyly asks me

"Henry…is that true? You're not just flattering me, right?"

"Of course, sis. I'm sincerely saying that"

Suddenly my sister hands grab my cheek and pinch it

"Well well…you are also a sweet talker Henry, no wonder Clara and Claire fell in your hand"

But after saying that, she kissed my forehead which makes me a bit surprised.


"Mmm…that's your reward to make me have more confidence and that delicious lunch. So, what do you want me to do with this women underwear?"

"Ah right, I want you to modify this underwear so this underwear will have the shape like this"

I spread the underwear on the table, pointing the part that must cut and the final shape of the underwear later. After I explaining the details to my sister, she nodded her head, understand what I want to do with the underwear.

"Henry, I know what you want to do with this underwear…but isn't the underwear become provocative to wear later? It shows the tight of the wearer completely"

"Sis, this is underwear. People still wear the outer garment to cover it, where it's become a provocative one? Unless you only wear it and show it to people around"

"Henry…you scoundrel…but your words make sense. Your modification makes this underwear easier to wear…and also look sexy. What are you going to do if Clara and Claire wear this sexy underwear?"

"Hmm… Can't tell you right now, sis, but let Clara tell you about what I do with this underwear later when the time is ripe, okay?"

"Sure, you can take it tomorrow. I'll finish it tonight"

"Thanks, sis, if I can give a suggestion, you should make one for you too"

"Huh? Henry…do you want to see me wearing underwear only?"

My sister looks at me with a weird stare and red face.

" like that, you misunderstand, sis. I make this modification not to please my eyes but for something else. Something special that I only give to women that dear to me, please trust me"

"Mmm…okay, still I can't figure it out what good can be made by changing this underwear into the sexy one unless to please a man eyes"

"In the right time you will know, sis, by the way, can I ask you something?"


"How do you know that I, Clara and Claire already….you know"

"Mmm…it's just my feeling. I see Clara and Claire looks more feminine and womanly after you go on the mission. So I ask them and they tell me the truth about that"

Wow….my sister intuition is really sharp, I must keep my secret carefully in front of my sister.