Sing the song

While walking back to my room, Claire never let my hand off from her hands. I can feel her hands slightly tremble, I don't know what made her trembling like that.

"Claire…are you still thinking about what my father just said?"

"Yes Henry….I'm thinking what should I do if the worst thing really happens"

"Please… Didn't I just say I will find a way to keep you by my side? Just trust me"

"Mmm…I do trust you, Henry. But if that really happens I must be prepared, also I have a request for you, Henry"

"What is that Claire? Just say it"

"Maybe I and sister Clara will try to live somewhere else by ourselves…but I want you to give me a child to accompany me to spend the rest of my life. I feel I will never ever love someone else besides you, Henry. Can you grant this my only wish?"

Her simple wish makes me want to keep her more on my side. I hug her while whispering on her ears

"Worry not, Claire, I will never be abandoned or forget you"

Claire didn't answer, only nodded and hug me tighter. For a moment, we hug each other with a solemn atmosphere. My words were clear, even if Claire and Clara live somewhere else, I will come to visit them, give them support and make sure they live a decent life.


"Yes, Claire?"

"Can you sing to me again like yesterday?"

"Sure…let's take the guitar first and back to my room. I'll sing for you there"


"We stop by at the music room to pick the guitar before return to my room. Clara and Carina already wait for us there. when they see the guitar in my hand, they cheered because know that I will sing again tonight

"Brother Henry, you bring guitar because you will sing again, right?"

"That's right, Carina. Now get to your seat and hear me sing again"

I take a seat in the couch and my girls take the seat in front of me, they sit close to each other and waiting for me to start singing. I'm not in a hurry to sing, take some time to tune the guitar before finally singing the song that I sing yesterday, 'If you're the one'. My girls watch me singing while playing guitar with passionate eyes, they even hold each other hands and swing it together following the song. And when the song ended, they also clap their hands and praise my singing.


"I never bored to hear brother Henry singing"

I'm in the middle of enjoying their praise when my room's door suddenly knocked.


I wonder who visit me at this hour. Usually, most people in the castle already prepare to get sleep. But before I stand up to open the door, Clara already stand up first to open the door

"Let me open the door Henry"

Then she walks to open the door and see who knocking my door. Surprisingly, when the door is open, it's my sister who stands in front of the door and knocks it.

"Oh hello everyone…I hope I'm not disturbing your fun time here"

"Please come in sis, you're not disturbing anyone here. It's rarely for you to visit me here. Please have a seat, we only have fun before taking a sleep later"

My sister comes inside and takes a seat near Claire and Carina followed by Clara after she closed the door.

"Actually I already stand in front of your door quite a while, Henry"

"Huh, then why don't you just knock it, sis?"

"I'm afraid disturbing your singing…it's a good song and I want to listen to it until the end. That's why I only knock after your singing is ended"

"Oh, I see…if I know you were standing there I already sent you in, sis. Is there anything you want to talk to me, sis?"

"Nothing special Henry, can't your sister visit you here? I just want to thank you for the delicious dinner today"

"Hahaha…of course you can visit me, sis. It just I'm not always in the room all day so just leave a message to Clara or Claire when you want to see me"

"Okay…The song that you just sing… that your creation?"

"Did you ever hear someone else sing that song, sis?"

"Haha…no, I didn't…. is that song that you want to perform during the banquet?"

"No, this song I just make on a whim when I'm away at salt camp. The song for the banquet is another song, different from this one"

"Oh, can I hear it?"

"Sure…but the singer will be Carina. Carina, will you sing for sister Eliza?"

"Yes! I haven't sung the song today…please hear me singing sister Eliza"

Sister Eliza chuckled when seeing Carina's excited expression when asked to sing. Carina stands up from her seat and waits for me to accompany her with my guitar play. With my marks, Carina starts singing the song prepared for the banquet, 'A thousand years' song. Since she already practices to sing that song many times, she could sing it smoothly without any trouble. And when Carina finishes her singing, applause claps from my sister, Clara, and Claire fills my room.

"That's a good song and you sing it splendidly, Carina"

My sister praise Carina's singing and Carina reply it with a humble tone

"Thank you, sister Eliza. I hope my singing can entertain important guests tomorrow"

"Ah right, it's already late and we have important guests arrive tomorrow. I guess it's time to sleep, yes?"

"Let me accompany you back to your room, sis. I also want to return this guitar to music room"

"Okay, Henry. Sorry to trouble you"

"Nah…what trouble? It's nothing besides I also want to bring back this guitar to music room anyway"

So I accompany my sister back to her room while returning the guitar back to the music room on the process.