Next story telling

I accompany my sister back to her room, and of course, we do not just stay silent during our walk.

"Sis, you're not come by to my room just to saying thanks for the dinner, right?"

"Mm…actually I also want to say thank you for accompanying me sleep this afternoon, but I can't say it in front of your girls, right?"

"Haha…I understand that, sis. So, how do you feel now?"

"Much better. After I tell you what I kept in my mind this long, I feel relieved and I have a good sleep this afternoon"

"Glad to hear that, sis. Look, don't think about that anymore, what bygones let be bygones. I just want you to have a happy life. How can I be happy if my own sister not feeling happy"

"Mm…thank you, Henry"

When we arrive in the music room and I put the guitar back on its casing, my sister speaks her thought again.

"You're getting more like father, Henry. He also likes to play guitar for mom, you know"

"Hmm…and you also look more like mom when you can get more weight for your body, sis. Mom is not as skinny as you, you know"

"Aaahh Henry! You're teasing your sister again. I eat a lot during dinner, you know….too bad you're not there to see me eat a lot. Nevertheless, it's a very delicious dinner, Henry, our younger sisters also enjoy it very much"

"Thank you for your praise, sis. I'm glad if everyone can enjoy my cooking"

"On that part, maybe you're way better than father, Henry. He can't cook like you, hihihi"

I also laugh with her while continuing our walk to her room. When we walk there, I can't shift my gaze from my sister. This time, she's not wearing her usual dress but already changes and wears her pajama which makes her look prettier. Clara and Claire didn't wear their corset when they wear their pajamas, I wonder if my sister also not wearing her corset too. Of course, I also keep talking with her about the dinner tonight to get their impression about the menu.

When we finally arrived at her room, she's stopping in front of the door and looks at me while still holding my hand

"Thank you, Henry. You accompany me back here…"

She still looks at me and holds my hand after saying that. I know she wants something and I know what that is. I lowered my back and give her a gentle kiss on her lips. She releases her holds on my hand to give me a hug, I also hug her when my hands are free. From there, I can feel she's not wearing her corset under her pajamas. When we finished kissing, she looks at me with a smile on her face.

"Henry….you seems knowing what's on my mind"

"That's because I know you better, sis. Now you should get some sleep because we will have many things to do tomorrow. Good night and have a nice dream"

I finish my words by kiss her forehead gently. She nodded and reply to my greeting

"That's right. Good night and may you also have a nice dream, Henry"

My sister opens her room's door and enters her room. After she closed the door, I leave her room and heading back to my own room.

After I return from accompanying my sister back to her room, I find my girls still in my room, waiting for me although they already change their clothes into their pajamas.

"Are you not going to sleep, girls?"

"We waiting for you to continue your story last night, Henry"

"Ah right, but I feel quite tired today. How about you give me a massage when I tell you the rest of the story?"

"Yes! No problem"

"Okay, Carina, you sit on my back and massage my shoulder. Clara, you massage my left foot and Claire will massage my right foot"

"Yaay, Okay brother Henry"

"But let me change my clothes first, okay girls?"

I get to change my clothes to my sleeping clothes before lean on my chest at the bed and let my girls massage my body.

"Where did I stop my story last night, girls?"

"When you climb down from the cliff to reach the cave under it"

"Ah, yes. I climb down using the rope, despite strong wind and sharp rocks on the cliff, and took quite a time before I can reach the cave below it…."

I keep telling my story until the part when I found a human skeleton inside the cave. My girls gasped in shock when hearing it

"Henry… Aren't you afraid when you see that skeleton?"

"If I said I'm not afraid that would be a lie. I ever think what if that skeleton suddenly rises up and attack me, what I should do next. But in the end, it just a skeleton of people who died a long time ago. Because I feel pity with him, I take his skeleton along with the birds' nest to give proper burial"

"Mmm…you surely a kind person, Henry"

I continue to tell my girls about my experience during stay in the salt camps until I receive news about Earl Stamfort arrival from a messenger and leave the salt camp immediately. My story continues to the part when I arrive at Silver Grass Village and fight with the wolves. When I tell the part about the shepherd girl leave with my horse and leave me alone fighting the wolves, my girls almost all at the same time cursing her

"What an ungrateful girl! I'll smack her head if I met her later"

"Calm down girls… Don't be so agitated like that. She leaves me because she worried I can't handle those wolves alone so she looking for help in the nearby village. In fact, she returns with several men later"

"Oh, that's good. Did she a pretty girl, brother Henry?"

Carina asking about that shepherd girl to me

"Hmm…she's not bad looking, her age maybe around your age and she's the daughter of the village chief near that grassland. She's quite a funny thou…she gives names to her sheep. I don't know if she ever makes mistake when calls her sheep because I think her sheep look alike one to each other"

My girls all laugh when hearing my joke. Well, there's not much left to tell for them, and shortly after that, I finish my story about my experience in salt camp.

"That's all, girls. Now get sleep because we have a lot of things to do tomorrow"

Usually, Clara and Claire will take Carina back to their room, waiting for her to sleep before sneak back to sleep in my room with me. But tonight, there's an exception because Carina didn't want to leave from my back although she was already done massaging my shoulder. Instead, she leaning on my back while hug my back from behind

"Brother Henry…can I sleep here tonight? I feel so tired to walk to my room"

I startled when hearing her request and so did Clara and Claire.

"Hey, your room is next to my room, not too far away…how come you feel tired just to walk to the next room"

"But I really want to sleep with you for once a while….it's already a long time ago since we have a nap together"

Ugh! Why she suddenly mention something that no longer done since a long time ago? I'm so afraid if Carina also mentions about our bath together this morning to Clara and Claire. I should think a good way to handle this matter. I see Clara and Claire already frowned their brows when hear this.

"Hmm…but if only you who sleep with me here, it wouldn't fair for your sister Clara and Claire. So if you want to sleep here with me, they should also sleep here with us, together. How about that? And also, if my fiancé already arrived here, you can't sleep with me. I don't want any misunderstanding happened with my fiancé if she sees other girls sleep at my bed"

This is also a hint for Clara and Claire to sleep at their room when my fiancé is here. I can't imagine if she suddenly visits me at night or morning like what my sister just did, and my fiance finds me cuddling with my girls, that will be very dangerous!

"Okay! Sister Clara, sister Claire…we going to sleep together tonight…Yay!"

I look at Clara and Claire with an apologetic look on my eyes. But Clara and Claire seem can accept that, but they surely wouldn't accept if I only sleep with Carina in my bed. The next matter is how to arrange their position since Carina wants to sleep by hug my body and Claire already reserve my back when we sleep, so I had to arrange Clara to sleep behind Carina. Fortunately, Clara didn't mind with my arrangement and we can have peaceful sleep together tonight. And that's how the day is ended.

End of the second arc.