The end of the challenge and Fire dragon queen 2

With a slight pause queen continued " That mark you have will be your greatest weapon in the future . Guard it well and do not let anyone see it ! Especially those with high cultivation like Gods , Demi gods , and Martial ancestors .Also now the mark is still in its infant state and it will only start to awaken when you get pass the royal noble rank! It power could be used once every 28 days and it will completely negate one attack that comes in contact with the tattoo! If you wonder why the number is 28 days i do not know because information about the mark is scarce .The little things i know were only left in some ancient books that i read eons ago ! "

"I will always be in your debt oh great queen ! " Ivar said and went for the bow again.

"Cut with the crap and answer me this ! Why did you leave your formation in the middle of the battle and ran out were you scared ?" queen asked as she wanted to find out and shame him a bit. But in all off the bowing and useless compliments she did not know how to so she choose the one weakness he displayed , the " COWARDLINESS" on the battle filed .

" My great queen that was also a ploy !"Ivar smirked proudly. " When first fight ended i knew that captains would use all of their might to crush me .So i played a bit with circumstances . Since i knew dragon tongue and heard full challenge details from your lady s mouth i knew that blue dragon and black dragon had one magic attack each to use. I could have done a standard double shield wall with back to back men but this would not work to my advantage .I wanted to the "DIrect " black dragon to attack the backside.Why the backside? WELL Because it was 6 of my men versus 8 of their men with 2 captains .I directed black dragon to attack by creating an arrow head on my left and right so if black dragon attacked the arrow head he would swipe some of my men also. Since dragons are smart Chernoly attacked the backside and killed the 8 men that were attacking it. The original plan after it was for us to kill the remaining attacking forces but i did not calculate how great fire from dragons mouth would be .I did not expect that those shields with rune work would explode under the heat and even inflict some wounds to my men.That was the moment i knew that i could not risk the dragon fire head on and

also that my life does not worth more than my fellow men. I dashed pass two captains swords and then started to taunt two captains and dragon. Those two fools of the captains followed me like sheep when i mentioned their decreased brother and when i called blue dragon a caw he was sure to use his magic on me ,not on my men. I was not sure that the tattoo would work .It only had worked once before in Skadi temple but it was still my life versus the life of the 19 of my squad and i took a chance .In worst case my squad would survive with 19 men and i would die and in best case we all would survive ! I do treasure my life but those men that fought with me are my brothers and their life has as much meaning as mine and i would take a gamble another time !! Ivar cheerfully responded to the queen that had her tiny mouth wide open right now.

"How smart was that , How devious to attack enemies psychological weaknesses and than use that against them .This was clearly a mark of the genius and still he loves his fellow men .Maybe there is side of him that is different than this ." she thought but did not say it out because boy was already annoying right now . She could not give him wings when she tried to shame him.

"You won your freedom ,since you answered me all my questions i will give you opportunity to decide where will my dragons take you." Queen said as she was tryiing to be cold but could not do it anymore .

"Young lady i want to go to my home -Dragontip fortress but firstly i need a great favor from you! I have some scrolls from the art i am studying .The content is pretty vague but the manual should be easier to comprehend if the true dragon did the dance that was described in the manual.

Queen was again surprised by young man ." OK " she said finally .. "Where is that manual you are mentioning?"

"I left it in my backpack in the cage ,please wait a moment my lady " and he run out of the cave to the cages area .With a bit of luck he finally found it and ran back to queen as fast as he could.

" Let me see those manuals "and he took two parchments from his hands. First is ice qi circulation manual practiced by Skadi temple thats fine but second is what? The basic sword arts of dragon school!!! This boy has legacy of that ancient sect in his backpack. But was the sect and all of their arts destroyed long ago by that treacherous coalition .Now nobody even knows how mighty they were .What a shame ! "But than she stopped and looked at boy again ."This shameless little brat has another treasure ! Maybe others would not be able to cultivate these arts because they do not have dragon lineage but boy seams to have it .That mark of the

destruction dragon is a clear proof of that . Well i will help him this time i guess .It must be heavens will that he met me and i will not ignore it!!


She quickly transformed into the dragon form and started the dance.It was the dance of life and death. She used here great wings as blades and cut tough clouds and soon cloudy weather became bright one.

That was first stance: " Dragon ascends ( it clearly started as arts held by Draconicus family but it was not completed ) and Breaks the clouds !

This move got its usefulness in parrying ability but his father due lack of the second part used it as attacking move ! It was all in fluidity of the movement ! If one wanted to defeat a cloud ones sword should mick the currents of the sky, It should be able to block rain , sever the mist and guide the snowflakes !

So now he knew how to train first stance .He would basically need to strike the practice dolls until his movement becomes fluid as the great cloud . He needed to do this continuously while changing his position .Then he had to do the same with moving targets .So its practice all the way from now on !

Then the mighty queen changed her dance and started to fly in strait line . The speed was so great that the great dragon left something like a thunder mark on now clear sky.

That was second stance :Great Dragon travels tough the sky and becomes lightning !!

THE lighting part was crucial ! That meant that this stance was only completed after ones sudden attack break the sound barrier !! And the magic of the two stances was they worked perfectly with each other .

First stance would make ones swordsmanship as fluid at it could be ,would make it suitable for parrying and dodging and second stance would be great for sudden attacks , fast attacks and even killings !

Then the great dragon flew into the distance and combined two stances . It was like a sudden punch trough the sky as faraway cloud now clearly had a bullet hole that her great body pierced .

So to practice this stance i need to practice my drawing arts.I need to draw my sword , strike and return it back as fast as i could for the beginning ! "Another stance that is just basic sword art to extremes" Ivar thought " was this art supposed to be impossible to do without dragon lienage? "

Than queen started her third dance ." Dance of the fire dragon the scourge of the earth ! "

This stance had name " Fire dragon " in it . The temperature started to rise fast .The DRAGON became a herald of destruction ! The queen created large fireball and than jumped into it.The fire did not damage her , not even the slightest bit but it became her shield , and her attacking weapon as well.Fire would destroy everything so to show the power of that move queen dispersed some fog near the Island of swords and flew directly to the ocean. When she moved the sword shaped rocks melted away and sea evaporated near her.So the third stance is to control fire dragons magic. But how could one control fire dragon magic?Thats easy he needed the blood infusion of the red fire dragon!The purer the blood was the better effect it would be ! So that meant that queen was actually willing to give some of her blood to the boy .

Now most of the people would not be able to survive the blood transfusion but this boy had the mark of the dragon of the destruction on him . He could do it , he definitely could!!