Blood transfusion and finally at home

From her dance Ivar knew that he needed some kind of transplant to do the fire magic.

Dragons were sacred beings and their magic was special evolved magic of the elements ! And what better transplant than the blood ! It carried bought the essence and natural predisposition

in it .Humans were the worst of the species when it came to cultivation talent but they had one strength also ! They could take other races traits and make them their own and they reproduced really fast! The downside of the human blood was that they had to low of the start but they could brake the shackles of heavens at higher rate than other great races ! For dragon

race the shackle was the blood awakening for the High elf race and all elvish folk the problem

was with inheritors. The high elves had great predisposition for cultivation but as the cultivation went up probability of them leaving any offspring would went down ! Heavens were merciless they would not give all of their luck to one of the races but enjoyed in collective suffering of all!

"My queen this is to much ! I dont deserve your blood ( when one gives blood it also gives his essence with it ) " Ivar said as he looked into the queen witch transformed back to human.

"Only my blood will do .Your mark is a bit special . It gives you power to absorb all dragons blood BUT the quality must be of the dragon that experienced blood awakening !Do you know

why that ancient sect had eight dragons in its name ? It all symbolized eight different dragons

and their different arts ! As you see our red dragon arts are aggressive ones and i can help you just with this one stance ! I cant do any other dances of different dragons ."

Ivar was a bit disappointed , but just for the one second and asked :" My queen so to cultivate all 10 styles of the 8 dragon arts school i need to find other dragons with sacred awakening ?"

"Yes ", queen responded " And also this art is a basic one . The true arts should be in the ruins of the Eight dragons sect .The coalition probably would not take them as they knew the harsh

requirements for the training , But your sect ruins is no go zone in Northern wolf empire . It was grand elder of the Norther wolf branch of the sect that put a blood curse on anyone who dies on the sect ground.All the people who die would become Draguor - beings that left circle of reincarnation and were to wander the ruins of the sect to increase their number ! To make things worse he made his curse with his own blood.So when he become Dragour with last bit of his sanity he killed all the strong cultivators near him as revenge and risen them as Dragours , So now those Dragours have their cultivation at Martial emperors peak! "This queen said

not to discourage Ivar but to remind him not to rush there .

" Thank you my queen " Ivar said . She actually cared a bit for him , and that made him happy.

When queen saw the smile , she new that she left herself open ! " This little boy wont mention it ? Right ?"

She had to keep her grace ! I mean in the eyes of her people she was rock steady as cornerstone of the earth ! But now she showed some " human" qualities like anger ,annoyance

even a bit of worry .Why the hell did she blabber about that sect branch. Now this shameful young man can tease her about it !!!

As she was still grumpy and angered for her excessive words Ivar with large smile said .

"Thank you my lady for these kind words .When i met you i thought you are like nobles of the empire but in this life your demeanor is the first one i saw of real nobility ! "and he bowed again to her .First two - three times he bowed to save his life but this bow was the one of deep respect and gratefulness!!!

Queen strangely smiled back at him and said : " Stop with pointless blabber and come here to

get blood " as she took smile knife and cut her beautiful finger .

The red blood soon splattered the golden cup she was holding with her other hand.When cup was finally full she gave it to Ivar and said " Drink it. How much you absorb is up to you"

With no second thoughts Ivar took the cup from her hand and drank it in one go ! He felt his

insides were on fire as the fire ravaged his brain , bones and blood .It raised like the tide and were gone like the wind .In one second he was cold and in another one he felt that all of his blood cells were burning and decaying into the nothingness.Than the difficult part came .His dantian was under attack of the fire energy and since he practiced the ice qi circulation it hurt

like hell but when he was finally going to faint he remembered Maria and her torture .He grew

accustomed to this knew life of his.(The life without the pain without the constant torture )and this blood transfusion made him remember his purpose .TO KILL PHOENIX MANOR AND DESTROY ALL THOSE WHO WRONGED HIS LOVED ONES !

In the midst of the pain his crazed laugh returned .It was only mark left from his past life but that

one mark defined him !

In the meantime queen was waiting for him to pass out .That was her final ploy , to made him suffer a bit because he saw her true self and even laughed about it .She in all her great years was just a 20 year old girl when it came to her feelings and was still bit immature with them . She had to have her little wins in order to be happy . In her dragon tribe none dared to smile at her and to lie to her and this little boy did those things continuously.Then she tried to shame him by pointing out his mistakes but in her astonishment those "mistakes" were just part of his plan . This was the last way she could " win" .With all the pain that blood transfusion brought to him , the little boy would pass out and "loose" and she in her might and noble character would save him at first and teased him about it later. But when he did not do it and started laughing

her small mouth dropped to a new low .How can anyone accept that kind of pain with a smile!

But Ivar just did that he smiled all the way trough.When his bones were on the verge of the breaking he smiled , when the volatile flame qi merged with his dantian he smiled .His cultivation was also going up .For third level of qi circulation he went straight to lvl seven then eight , then back to seven.This was because fire qi cleansed his meridians and made the qi circulation faster trough the body .He was originally going to stay on lvl 8 of qi circulation but

with his foundation going unstable he reverted back to lvl 7.This was still great thing as it saved him at least a year of cultivation !

Finally after 5 hours of constant torture he absorbed every last drop of blood from the queen.He now had a little bit of red hue in his golden eyes but it would be unnoticed if you did not look strait at them .Also few of his hairs were red now and made his overall look more stunning ! When the pain stopped so did the laugh .He just fainted as his clear smile was still presett on his transformed face .

Queen did not say a thing . She took this sleeping boy and brought him to large bed in her cave .

Ivar woke up next morning in the strange place . The bed smelled really nice as it contained smell of 20 year old girl.He did not know where was he but with the smell present he guessed that he was in queen s bad . So first thing he did when he woke up he took large pillow and embraced it .Than the temperature of the room raised again.

"Oh shit i did not notice her ! " Ivar thought .

He at first was really scared of this red dragon queen. She was overlord of the dragons and was

arrogant in many ways but when she showed him her feminine human side he knew that all her arrogance was just for show and decided to exploit it.All the other dragons were fascinated by her beauty but none dared to even mention it ! Than Ivar came and tested the minefield .He was not sure if he liked her at all but her demeanor was really cute and girly!

"Oh my queen where i am ? "Ivar tried to correct his situation . I dont know how i got here '-he continued as he tried to wiggle his way out of this situation. He acted weak and wanted to appeal to her feelings but that did not work at start .

" Cut the act , i know you are fine " and she jumped to punish the men that wronged her !

Ivar could chose if he was going to stop the act or bring it to another level. He choose the latter

and did not try to dodge the slap that was heading to his face .The slap echoed and Ivar looked a worse then before , so much worse that queen started to question the force she used to " punish him".

With that slap he " fainted back" and was in "semi conscious state " again.This made queen worried and first he checked if the " degenerate" was faking it .But when all the slaps and the pinches did not work as Ivar could withstand those without changing his face she stormed out to look for help. Ivar had his smile all over the place as he was again hugging perfumed pillow .

Queen did not know what to do.She thought she had used little force but this maybe crippled that boys cultivation .She was not sure why he acted that way . That boy did not have much worth in her eyes.He did have great will power and some decent traits like loyalty and he cared for his fellow men but still these traits were not that rare.He was despicable in her eyes two as he tried to tease her and lied her . So when she stormed to the apple tree she did not know why she did it.Maybe because of guilt or some hidden bitterness as she did not want him to die or to become a cripple.

Apple tree had two guards all the time present. It was one of the sacred things in the island and

was only available for queen and some of the dragon cultivators with higher realm to use .