Creation of the Varganian guard 2

After the whole incident the streets calmed down.It was a usual thing that would happen at least twice a day so they were not bothered to look.Ivar and guard were processing the children to the manor.All kids especially young boy had hate in their eyes.They knew what slavery was and detested young man that would become their owner.

In the front of the manor door they were greeted by old sentry.Bjorn already finished his duties for the day and was waiting for his young master.The guard that was accompanying Ivar now was happy that he did not argue and offend him.Children followed old mans instruction to come in and Ivar thanked guard for his service .Then they parted ways !

Ivar and Bjorn were standing in front of the children .Bjorn waited for his young master to start and brought out 4 simple chairs and some food and water.When kids saw the food they rushed and ate it as fast as they could.They were probably hungry and tired from constant robbing.

After some time Ivar started

"First who are you and why do you rob people?"

The boy with black hair stood up and politely responded:" We are just beggars , why did you take as to be your slaves?"

Ivar was a bit displeased with question and than responded :"If i tell you that i am planing to take you from the streets and give you home would you believe it? "

"No,because good things do not happen .Especially not to useless beggars !" boy with a little bit of spunk responded .

"But to me you are not useless,not at all.You can maybe even become someone important in next few years" Ivan said with confidence.

"You are lying ... Why should we , or even how could we became important when we are just orphan beggars!?"

"Yes you are beggars , and you do not have anyone .But those two things are actually qualities for me! I need children that have no family and friends to join me."

That finally sparked some interest in young boys eyes and said : "What are you willing to give us if we join you? And what are we required to do !"as he now already HAD forgot that he was basically a slave...

"Im not saying it will be easy. It will be hard really hard.I want to make soldiers for me and my manor. You will have to give up your family surname and all your relations to the outside world.

But you will be fed , taught how to fight, how to write and how to be a man.Also you will be worm and well fed and most importantly you will gain a family .I swear by the havens and all the gods that i will treat you well.! On my dao i swear you that if you work hard you will be someone great in the future " Ivar explained

These kind of oaths were unbreakable and boy knew that Ivar was telling the truth all the time.

"Now tell me your name boy?" Ivar again repeated the first question

"My liege , I am Frollo and i dont have surname .Me and my younger brother were left in front of orphanage 10 years ago, He is sick and i am trying to take care of him .If i join will be possible for me to care for him and visit him as well?" boy asked with respect and admiration.

"Well, when i said you will give up all your relations to the outside world i meant that .But this new force i am building will not turn head when others are suffering. So if you want to take care of him also i can let him join too .At first he can help in the kitchen and with some house work and later he can join the core force .Now i need you to find me 500 young men that have decent constitution and that are same as you.WILLING TO BECOME STRONGER"

Frollo wanted to help but he was not sure that he could do it and said"Young master It is easy to find 500 boys on the streets.We have thousands of beggars in the commoners town but im afraid that nobody will trust me .Your words are to magical and they will think that im spreading lies."

"He will follow you and help you with selection" And pointed to Bjorn " . They are also allowed to bring their friends and family .For friends lets have 2 as max number but for family i will not give any restrictions ! You four will be staying in our manor in meantime and help our maids.Is that fine for you? "

"My lord Its truly a blessing that we have met you! "and he cupped his hands in approving manner.

"Than that was a lot more easier that i originally thought.Old sentry did you gather any information about manor owners?" Ivar turned around and looked at old sentry.

Bjorn reponded :"After i finished my duties for the day i managed to buy 5 of the nine surrounding manors for pretty low price. But after it those snakes from the other four raised the price of their respective manors so what should we do ..?

"Well i did give you a week to finish but nobody expected that we would find children this early .We need space for housing and we need it fast ! So press them as hard as you can and do not give them any copper more that you gave to those 5 manor lords. They want to make profit from my suffering They are so wrong ! And if they bring the city office to meddle do not waver and bribe city officials instead. To oil the gears you are even allowed to use your sentry badge.I think with that present city officials and guards would not even dare to take your money hahaha .They will even force those greedy owners to lower the price " and smiled sinisterly

"Young master this can work .I will do exactly as you wish." Bjorn responded.

He did love his master as father would like his own child .Originally he did not have any family connections left. His brother died when he was young and when he left to join berzerkers and later sentries he had lost all familiar ties and friendship to the outside world. He did have some good friends in the sentry barracks but this was different. This was his new family .He even shared meals with this boy!That was where his official sentry job ended and boy became his friend and family. So he did not care for the money.He even enjoyed Ivar s new will and ambition because only he had known how this prideful young master had suffered over the years.He was eager to see him as the mighty warrior that can with one swing of sword destroy castles ! So the whole plan that Ivar proposed filled him with anticipation and delight. He was willing to be a cornerstone and even felt proud to be part of it .

"Now only part that we did not cover are the slaves. We need to go to the slave market next Sunday .We still have five days to finish all the basic preparations. On Sunday i need you to accompany me and we must disguise ourselves so the birds would not chirp. Also the lower quality slaves could be acquired by two maids so we do not raise to much suspicion .For our children we need some cooks and maids at least until they learn how to do basic house chores."

"Young master I heard some interesting news in barracks! Your brother will create a big banquet in princess honor in a month.They postponed it to make it grand. That will make city office a bit busy with preparations and they will not play as much attention to the commoner area as they do regularly. This is a blessing for our cause and will keep many interested eyes from our trail .Also do you plan to attend the banquet? "

"Thats great. I want to attend banquet but not as Ivar if i can somehow come as somebody else i will go. We cant use your regular sentry invitation because its to easy to trace .Maybe i will ask master Halfdan to give me one of his invitations because he surely has some."Ivar responded

"Ok young master, I will surely pay attention to the chatter in the barracks .Maybe some of the news will be even more beneficial for you .Im off i need to chatter with old maid and prepare her for incoming children.You should cover the younger maid! "Old sentry winked with his large eyes and went to find old maid.

"cc this rotten old pervert " Ivar muttered but still went to find lovely Friga.

He had found her soon in the courtyard. She liked the flowers and nurtured them with great care and love. Her and Ivar were best friends before.She liked him and even had some feelings of love for him and often teased him about it. Ivar did not try to do anything because he did not consider himself a man before but now everything changed. She with all her teasing was still a shy girl and when Ivar returned she was so happy that she fainted .On the next day she tried to avoid him and went to do some house chores in the market but now they were finally alone.

Ivar took some moments to look at her.She was not a noble beauty but she was different from all the girls Ivar knew.Some beauties are appealing to the eye but have rotten core but she Friga was another way around. She did have great eyes and beautiful white smile but her best quality was her temper. She did not judge anyone and all men could be friends with her. And she was truthful and loyal to the fold.

When she heard the steps that were slowly approaching her she was startled a bit so she stood up and looked for the visitors/

"Its me Friga. You were trying to avoid our encounter for these two days so i was trying to be a little more quiet" Ivar said and came into the light .

"Who was trying to avoid you?Me? Thats not true. I really had to buy some groceries yesterday and today i really had to go to the carpenter" with a little spunk Friga said.

"You know your cheeks turn red when you are telling lies and thats one of your many qualities "Ivar proudly proclaimed.

"What qualities you stupid young master and i did not lie.I did not want to hit you before but now you are looking for a beating" and she turned away so Ivar could not see her cheeks anymore.

"Well i came over today to tell you some things. Soon we will have over 1000 people in our house hold but you dont need to worry .You and old maid Helga would still be first in my hearth."

"Who wants to be first in your hearth ?"Friga coldly responded "If that is all , i have to go and do some house cleaning .Not all of us are noble- some need to work" but still she did not turn around and look at Ivar.

"Fine ill go but you have to give me a good nights kiss as you did when i was younger "

Ivar always had nightmares when he was younger .Friga kissed him to the cheaks every day for a month before sleep and nightmares passed. He always teased her about that.

Than she jumped , kissed Ivar and ran away .Ivar was so happy. Even a kiss that lasted only a second was a clear proof that Friga liked him.

He went to his room , did the regular training and finally at 10 clock fell asleep.