The creation of Varganian Guard 3

Next few days Ivar was really busy.He managed to create first fire rune after two days and in five days he was already proficient with all three runes .Halfdan was astonished with his progression but did not say anything so Ivar would not become proud. He even showed him some ways to upgrade his simple Air runes and Water runes. Now Ivar could create full jug of water with his water rune and his Air rune would create a slight breeze .His Fire rune was considerably weaker and made small fire spark but it was still stunning progression. In these days he learned lot about nature of fire and water from the books that Halfdan gave him and was astonished. Water had many combinations alterations and transformations. Ivar knew that water is the element of life but he did not know any mysteries behind .Now he was in whole new world of mysteries and he would go on and search every valley and pick every stone just to find the truth. Many of the elements were taken for granted but Air was the most.It was element of freedom , but also element of cold winds and storms so when Ivar was trying to connect to it he pictured himself under the snow wind in the front of Skadi castle. That was not perfect but he started to get a felling of Great northern wind dao and that dao was part of Air dao.For the fire he practiced and did qi circulation arts in front of his fireplace .This was not perfect but he did manage to get some familiarity with the dao of great forest fire(witch was the essence behind the fireplace wood fire) .So he was advancing fast with his rune works and was strengthening his soul foundation .He was already at qi circulation lvl 9 and was fine with the current progress. In these two days old-man Bjorn also checked hIs body cultivation. He was surprisingly at lvl 3 of spirit realm witch made bit mad .But this was a test of pure body strength and Bjorn commented that his speed should be already at profound realm but he needs to build his raw strength. So with Bjorn s suggestion Ivar added 20 kg of weight to his clothes .This was simplest way to become stronger fast but was also the hardest way. He would need to do basic duties with extra 20 kg on. The difficult part about this was the sword training .He could now do only 2 one- hour training practices and he would not be able to walk strait when he finished it !

Bjorn and old maid Helga succeeded buying manors from greedy manor owners and children were starting to come in . Soon there were over 1000 people in this new manor.There were some children in the rags , some were a little bit better and had decent clothes but all of them were orphans .All of them had no family and clan behind them .After they gathered in front of the main manor Ivar climbed to improvised stand and started his speech.

"You are all here as orphans that thirst for glory. You are all here as dogs, beggars and thieves that hate the society for abandoning you ! I will give you a chance , an opportunity to rise up and become great men! It will not be easy but i promise that whoever survives and completes the training will become someone great. Also if you gain some injuries in the training and you are not able to continue with training you will not be expelled and thrown out.Our brotherhood will be brotherhood for life and no minor or major injury will brake that. From you i expect total obedience .I will divide you into groups according to your talents and specific interests. Also if you think that you lack talent than if you follow me i will prove you wrong. I am willing to trust in you and if you are willing to trust in me i can make our guard one of the elite guard in whole empire. I do also require you to do unbreakable vow to the heavens but if you think that is to much you can go now" and he stopped with his speech for the moment.

None of the orphans moved .They had fire in their eyes as the wish to become great was finally within their reach .

"Since no one is stepping down i Ivar will give name of the Varganian guard to you. May you carry it with pride since that name was once synonym for great men. Also your training starts today . We need to clear these 10 manors down and build one that can house all of you! Are you ready my brothers? "

"Yes we are "was heard from the kids as they screamed it as loud as they could

"Than swear to me that you will never betray your brothers and that you will always follow my command from this day on " Ivar proudly said with his loudest voice.


"Good! From this day on we are brothers, Everyone will be my brother and we will share both luck and sorrow. I will get some teachers for you tomorrow but now start with the renovations. You have 1 month to create housing not a minute more !

With this the young boys took large hammers and started tearing down stone walls of surrounding manors . They would need to collect all the stones that could be used and transport them to the outer perimeters. From than on they would be used to build small wall around the manor for defense and against the eyes of the spies . Some of the groups also had to transport heavy wood logs from carpenters and assist the builders and others would dig wells to storage water. Ivar also joined and helped .He was in the group that was responsible for stone transport and he enjoyed the work. When others saw Ivar working they worked a bit harder because they had finally found someone worthy! Soon the first day was over and all the children were sleeping in improvised tents .

Early in the morning Ivar and Bjorn created some masks and went to the slave market, With everything good at home they now needed only slaves and time.

The slave market was a foul place. The slave owners would put a mark on dantian of the slave and by that control it. Slaves were kept as animals with little food and no access to daylight except when they were brought and showed to the customers . Some of the slaves were guards other more popular kind were sex slaves from distant lands and nobody but some wealthy noble clans used slaves for teachers. During the past few days two maids bought 50 slaves to be cooks,carpenters stonemasons and builders. Those kind of slaves were not to common but this market witch was largest in whole province had plenty with low prices. People would often buy those slaves for single event like house building and than sell them away later.With those fifty slaves bought Ivar now had just over 5000 gold - 5230 TO Be precise. Hehad already left some money for the clothes and food and his whole household was fine for at least a year .

By than he would create his own way to make money by selling runes.

So he needed some bodyguards with strength so they went strait away to that department of large slave market. If you wanted you could even find royal noble warriors with both body and soul cultivation there. There were also some slaves from different races like elves or even high elves , there were also dwarfs , centaurs ,murlocs and he managed to see even some gnomes and orcs that were from faraway lands .

Ivar used his "Mead" power and checked for the specific .He wanted to buy special slaves that could make his family stronger and that could teach the children their respective arts.

First interesting thing he noticed was a high elf .The creature was a bit proud looking with broad shoulders and ears that symbolize his origin .What was strange about this high elf was the fact that he had noble lineage and his blood should be one of great purity so Ivar asked the slave keeper for the price ..

" This Elf has decent cultivation and is already at Martial lord . So the regular price should be around 1000 gold dragons .The strange thing about this elf is that he can not speak and he as you can see young master looks little bit strange. He has different color of the skin so he must have better lineage than other high elves. So my price is 1500 gold "

1500 gold? Are you crazy the elf clearly is mix breed between high elf and wood elf .If he was an actual high elf i would give 1000 gold for him not a copper more but since he is not a high elf his price should be something between 1000 gold and 150 gold (price of the woodland elf with same cultivation). So i can give you 500 gold! Ivar said .

"Young man you surely know your stuff but middle price between 1000 and 150 is 575 and i can go as low as 700 for him " slave keeper responded as he was clearly defeated by Ivars knowledge.

"Well i can go for 650 and you must give me one more slave with lower cultivation for it! Deal?" And Ivar extended his white hand .

"Deal ! "and slave keeper shake Ivars hand to finalize the purchase .He went on and searched for some papers so he can transfer the ownership of dao mark to Ivar and by that make him owner of the slave.

"In the meantime you can search for that one slave with lower cultivation by yourself. Remember no special races and from humans noting that has cultivation higher than nascent soul lvl." and he went to get the papers.

Ivar looked into the slaves .Humans were prime goods in the slave market and were many. There were some that must have been long time within bars because they had no light in their eyes , no will to live . As he was searching for his second slave Ivar noticed 13 years old boy. Boy was in every way unremarkable but he had pair of red eyes that Ivar knew .He did not want to think for too long and used his power. His mouth suddenly went down as he now knew who the boy was . Information that his power gave to him was ;

"Arn heir of the Berlund clan betrayed by his uncle new clan head of the Berlund clan and sold into the slavery. "