The creation of Varganian guard 5

Four out of five from the group did not know was special about the name Only Arn had heard it before and even made fun about it many,many times. The useless cripple of Volsung clan .. .The half-heir.

But that boy from Volsung clan clearly could not operate qi circulation arts and for matters to be worse his lower spine was damaged, so damaged that no medicine could have help it.

"How is this possible! You must be telling lies .Thatboy was good for nothing cripple" Arn said with puzzled look because he was not sure how to react to the story.

" Oh Arn, you and me have great resemblance to our fathers " and he removed the mask " But your father was true father , not like mine.I was sent and used as sacrifice to great Skadi temple in the Iceland province but the great goddess despised me as well. She probably thought that im useless as sacrifice and granted me new body as a gift. You, what the hell happened to you? I remember when you disappeared old clan chief from Berlund clan searched desperately for two months. Than he stopped .I guess he found you but not in the right way. You were abducted by someone i assume?"

"Yes i was abducted by my uncle. He returned last year after obtaining title of the general in the berzerkers .That meant that he could challenge my father to a duel and go for clan chief title. But that old dog was still lot weaker than my father so he abducted me . Thats when my suffering had started .I became a bargaining chip in the war for clan chief title .My uncle did not do anything for 2 months and was clearly trying to find out how precious was to my late father. And than he proposed To give my life for my uncles . My father accepted but still made him swear to the gods that he would not kill me. So that old dog of my uncle could not kill me but still found a way to make my life living hell .He sold me into slavery .I was really lucky for you to spot me today. Nobody liked slave with low cultivation and even for sex toy my face is not pretty so i would not work,,, ,But now i have chance to become somebody great '" Arn said

with clear anger and hate towards his uncle.

"We can not do anything to your uncle right now . Your clan is an ancient clan and has deep ties with berzerkers .BuT even if now is not the right time i will find a way for you to take revenge in the future i promise it ."

"Good, thats enough for me" Arn happily replied

By that time old-man Bjorn returned with his patch of slaves. They were 4 of each kind. 4 runic masters , 4 smiths , 4 masters of herbology and 4 that would teach kids how to write and read .

Ivar was especially pleased with 4 smiths. Three of them were dwarfs , and everybody knew that

this race had special connection to the art of weapon making.

So the core of his guard was now completed. He had teachers, guards , and children now he needed just time. Soon 20 days passed in constant work .The new giant manor now had

giant barracks three giant courtyards (one for qi circulation practices one for basic warrior arts and one for special arts ). Also the children now got their own rooms and were well fed with decent clothes . Ivar had put some of the family of the children to work and help in the kitchen and the rest would do regular practices ..

Bjorn and Maximilian hit of from the start. They as older warriors had lot in common. Signi was also friends Helga and Friga and they got along pretty well. Only one that did not get any friends was Glorfindel.He was a bit moody and liked his privacy .The rest respected that and kept their distance . Soon children will be sorted into groups and thought various arts and even some science and philosophy. Ivar acquired some arts from the market in the last 5 weeks and also the two old men and some of the higher lvl cultivator guards still had their qi circulation manuals .So Ivar thought of a brilliant plan . He would introduce award system to the children .

Children would be awarded by their teacher for class activities and would get points.With it they could buy some special techniques , even more private classes and so on .. When Ivar proposed this to his band of teachers they all immediately agreed to it. It was healthy to have some competition in the squad and it would make all the children advance even faster. To make things more fair to the weaker kids he added chores into the system as well. So you could still gain some benefits if you help around the manor.

In these 20 days with all the work Ivar got from spirit realm lvl 3 to spirit realm lvl 7. This was not a difficult feat because regular children in his age would have same body cultivation as him .He attended the runic master classes in the morning and had great advancement in his speed of drawing runes. He could now draw 5 runes in 5 minutes and before he for the same job would require over a half hour. Halfdan did not understand why he was so focused on the speed. He should have focused on the profundity behind the runes but this boy did not think like that. To increase familiarity with elements one would need lot more time .And although when one made many runes of same type instead of one rune it would not be effective as that one powerful rune.For example if one made 100 runes of water it would have same amount as one rune of water with Higher dao of water in it but the attacking power and defending power behind it would be lot weaker.Ivar did not think about that. He wanted to increase his rune drawing even further so he could sell basic runes to common people. He figured that is lot

more profitable to do .Soldiers would often need to make campfire, they would also need water and it was difficult to carry jugs in the backpack.This could be solved by simple rune stones that had function of fire , water and so on .The temple of Mirmir did not bother with this kind of rune works and scribes did not want to mingle with poor and uneducated population of

the common folk .That all worked in Ivars favor. He would create big business in the future from this.On the one of the classes Ivar told his teacher that he reconstructed his manor in the slums of the commoners areas and even asked him to visit it . Old teacher did not want to do it at first but with Ivars constant bragging during next 2 or three classes he just could not turn him down.

He visited Ivars manor and was greeted by many of the kids there . He was astonished by the simple discipline and conduct the kids had .He first tought that Ivar bought many childrren as slaves but later Ivar explained whole situation to him . Old runic master was really pleased with whole plan and decided to do some rune works on the outer walls as a gift .Ivar even managed to force him to give some classes to the children but Halfdan actually liked that. He never taught to an empty book and he could transmit his teachings in easiest way possible .This was because children did not have the bearing of the scholars but also they did not have the arrogance of the common nobility and were open to every and all of his insights . The first two classes were about runic works and basic runes but later classes were also about life , philosophy and his own dao .Old dao master enjoyed this kind of commitment because every time he gave a homework or a difficult question children would try their hardest to find the truth behind it and solve it .Their answers were their own and some were even pure nonsense but some were decent as well . All this proved that his past life was a mistake and he enjoyed not the rune work and mystery behind the runes but he enjoyed and loved teaching worthy children .After five days old man was the one that would come and give classes to Ivar and than proceed to teach his new students various things .In that time the manor was not even finished and they held classes on construction sites . With his great cultivation old man even helped with some of the hardest jobs .

During that month the children advanced as well .All of that hard work remodeled their bodies and most of them now were at seventh or eight lvl of spirit realm .The qi circulation was a bit more difficult for them because they had not met with that kind of cultivation before . Also qi circulation was different for all the kids because all of them had different constitution . But with Halfdan present kids soon found their respective arts and started to cultivate them.

Everything was perfect in the manor of the newly-formed guard.

Daggertip city was busy at that time as well . Soon the great banquet would be held in the honor of the princess so the great clan hall of the Volsung clan was in full preparation. They even polished some of the bricks on the surrounding houses so everything would be perfect .Large golden tables decorated the hall and even lamps from colorful glass were put on in the place of torches .

Young man was directing the maids and men with final preparations .He took his time to deal with those small things and he even went to buy food from the famous restaurants so everything would be perfect. This young man had stunning resemblance to the Ivar .Only things that really made them different were their cultivation talent .One had boundless prospects and cultivation of core formation in soul and profound realm in body branch and other one was cripple.

"Young master Beowolf we finished with all of the preparations regarding the banquet .We are sure that young princess will be pleased with all ! " said one of the maids

"Good i hope you are right. " and he went back to his large courtyard to train...