The banquet in her honor 1

During these days princess enjoyed all the benefits of the province capital. Especially young master of Volsung clan, that young boy had fallen for her since first moment he had laid eyes on her.She did like the attention and the gifts but she did not like young master that much .The boy was still younger 2 years than her and also even if he was a heir of an ancient clan he did not have "qualification" to date her. She was princess of the royal family and had many admirers in royal province of Skaane.Her two maidens were the ones that held whole situation in check. They suggested to young princess how to behave and how to politely refuse young master of Daggertip but that did not have desired effect .Young Daggertip master had same upbringing as her so when she did her best to refuse his advances he thought that was just a signal for him to try harder.Than he even made a great banquet in her honor. She was now stuck and had to accept it .Her mission was one of great importance . They needed yarls vote in the next clan assembly .

Royal family of the Great northern wolf empire did not have full control of the empire. The empire was just combination of powerful clans that swore loyalty to the royal clan and swore to come to their defense in their time of need. This oath gave them (The royal clan) total authority in the times of great invasions but they needed yarls votes if they wanted to invade with full power of the empire .The main reason behind this was that right gave imperial family sense of protection but also kept their power in check .Red dragon from imperial family was behind all of this , when Ragnar was slain he promised to all the yarls that were still on the royal clan s side freedom of raid.By this royal family could not swallow their opponents or the people that had different opinions than them and could not become truly despotic ruthless overlord.Over the time two great factions emerged .

One was born in great Karelia province and had the backing of the many border provinces and yarls.These brave north men saw too much blood from constant raids pillages and invasions of the grassland horse lords .These yarls were hard brave warriors but in all of their might they saw too much death , too much suffering and always voted for pacifist doctrine.They did not like the invasions and although they raided and pillaged Anglia as well they did not think that the best option would be an all out invasion. They knew about the great grassland tribes , and feared that if the empire raids the high elf kingdom of Anglia the great grassland tribes would seize opportunity and raid their border provinces as well.

Second was the royal faction of the core provinces. Since the war stopped between the clans with their unification the originally poor provinces in hearth land of the empire prospered. They were now rich and safe from all the invasions and grew as the time passed . Many of these yarls thirsted for glory for the opportunity to kill and enslave mighty cultivators from distant lands .This approach was not that much strange because all those yarls heard songs about brave men and their brave conquests on distant shores .Nobody cared about land border because there were not too many chances to get rich there but the sea was promise land for yarls and they wanted to be glorious famous and respected.Royal family of course did not share their opinion but used them as barking dogs to expend their influence .Even now the emperor only cared about the might of the clan and his chance to ascend into godhood.

Yarl of Daggertip was one of the neutral parties and his clan was always neutral in this squabbling clans.The princess wanted to change this because all the neutral yarls still respected and even followed the opinion of the mighty Volsung clan. Volsung clan was the clan of the warriors that did not have any ambition to extend their wealth .They were true north men and also the clan chief even sacrificed his firstborn son to please the mighty goddess Skadi.In the eyes of the many this was really a noble thing but they did not know that Ivar was not accepted in his clan at all .The offering was merely an opportunity for his father and especially his mother to pass the position of heir to a younger more prominent son.

So the young princess had to accept the courtship of the boy that was 2 years younger than her because her father demanded the loyalty of an ancient clan .Her days in Daggertip were filled with boredom since she knew nobody and the whole city was a bit grim for her taste. The royal clan area was really beautiful but the weather in the Daggertip was too moody for her taste .She did not expect that in this month she only saw sun couple of times and even that was just for an hour or so. The worst thing was the fog that had ability to become a rain in mere seconds but often stayed and masked the whole upper noble city for days ...When she went to the market house in a minute she was wet from the sudden downpour and when she rushed back to her courtyard and was on the front door of her house the rain stopped . She was than greeted by that young master for Volsung clan but the boy relentless in his pursuit of her still did not give her an opportunity to see his father. This was a ploy from Ivars mother of course but the queen had to accept because her mission was an important one .So to keep the things civil Beowulf promised as his gift that on the banquet he would arrange a meeting between Cecila and clan chief of the Volsung clan.

Over the days the specter of that young sailor hunted her mind.She was never called despicable in her life and her royal beauty was never despised in front of the people .That boy was not even a noble just poor sailor and he quickly unmasked her true intentions .Somehow the eyes of the boy had an effect on her soul .In all her years she always thought that the common folk are just wasted ants .She even had her maids in the royal palace executed for some small mistakes .She was not pure at any sense but still thought that she was.Those few words from Ivar crashed her reality and she was really angry at him."How dared he "she thought " my royal clan was selected by the great gods to lead you cattle trough the life ! Why should i care for any of the commoners and beggars on the street! They exist only to make my life easier! Well that boy surely died from the Scorpio Sshot .I wanted to witness his death .I wanted him to beg me to end his miserable life and i wanted to praise me as most beautiful thing as he slowly dies !! "" and white foam covered her petite mouth ."I guess i will never see him again but still to make me this angry ----- shameless cattle "" and she ran down to her bed to relax.....

"Achoooooo,sombody must be talking behind my back ." Ivar said

"Yo boy that banquet for the princess is tomorrow! Do you want to go? " Halfdan asked as they just finished with classes for today and were having a cup of tea in big manor in the middle.

" Teacher, I do not know that is difficult question .I wanted to take Bjorn invitation and accompany him but sentry barracks are still part of Yarls force and i will be easily tracked down. I wanted to ask you master can you maybe go with me to the banquet tomorrow?"

HhHAHA boy i was just waiting for you to ask me. I will go with you and assist you .. Also that will be an opportunity for me as well .This is the first time i have a disciple and i have smart one as well haha . So tomorrow when those ignorant Mirmir elders propose a challenge of wits you must participate. For rune making challenge you can participate as well but it will e difficult for you to win or take some notable rewards .For the matters of your identity dont worry .. As you know we in temples of gods do have some sovereignty and no army in the empire can come to our temples uninvited .Especially this is true for the giant library .No sane person would offend the rune makers and i am one of the 10 elders in the Mirmir temple .Take this" and than he showed wooden mask ." This mask will cover your face better than that lousy thing you have on .Also even the higher cultivation realms such as your father or Bjorn wont be able to see your true look .So this will make you safe at banquet hahah ... But boy what are you going to do there.? I know that you are special but still it is to early for you to defy your family openly ... "

"I do not know ... .Tomorrow will be a chance for me to see my family.I just want to see their happy faces after my sacrifices.I do not hate my brother and father but my mom... That witch is surely going to pay .... I dont know how , i dont know why but she never loved me .. Last time i saw her i was five years old and the last great healer from Skaane failed to treat me .Those eyes filled with disgust i want to see them again...." Ivar replied as the fire in his eyes was burning with strange red colour.