The banquet in her honor 2

Time flew and soon it was morning. Ivar agreed yesterday to go separately to the banquet and only meet with Halfdan there .This was more convenient for the old rune maker and Ivar could pass the gates with regular head -scribe badge .The weather was decent , even sun was seen in the gloomy Daggertip island and Ivar thought that it was probably magic. Cultivators with higher realms of spirit cultivation could affect weather in a way but still whole process was unusual. Due to defensive function of the fog in the Dagger tip they rarely did that. Soon Ivar climbed the slums and went to the market area .During these days squads found out that he was scribe for the temple and quickly let him trough .The marble of the second tier city greeted him .This time Market city was shining under the sunlight and it had certain charm to it. He quickly passed the Market area went up to the third tier of the city .

Unlike the first 2 tiers the third tier was a bit smaller but lot more broad. Streets in the market area and in the slums were a bit narrow (especially in the slums).On the third area all the manors had a look of an art form with mighty chimeras greeting the passengers and carving of the sagas on the marble wall .The streets were wide so 2 or three carriages could pass and on the edges of the street large grass patches of land with exotic herbs gave the smell of the medical field .Since today was a special day many passengers on the road had shiny armors representing each of their clans or gods.Ivar had unremarkable toga on with large badge that symbolized his position as head scribe . He also had put the mask Halfdan gave to him earlier so nobody would recognize him.

Soon he was in the front door of his ex home." Old building still is really beautiful " he sighted and was mesmerized for a second .He did not like this place but still have some feelings attached to the large halls and great jade dragons . Unlike the other kids he could not walk and he did not have that many friends .At first young lady from the Ek clan was his only friend . Her name was Bruhilda and she was really really beautiful .She was from the main family of the Ek clan and also had great talent and looks but most importantly she was Ivars only friend .When she met Ivar both of them had only 5 years .She did not have pure intention and was sent by her clan chief to further the Ek clans prospects in the city .But Ivar did not know this .She accompanied him and made his days sunny but still as it was more and more evident that whole case with his legs was not going to be better she grew distant . Then when his mother chased him away from the clan grounds The "pure" Bruhilda finally revealed her true colors .She was apparently the same as his mother and did not like him one bit.She did not even like his company and thought that he was a waste of space !

On that day Ivar climbed the beacon tower and tried to commit suicide but old Bjorn saved his life.The old sentry forced the young cripple to make an oath not to gods but to underworld that he will not try to do that again.Ivar after some bickering accepted and from that day on his days were filled with his charity work,reading about the North and although the pain was still ever present he knew the way how to channel it to make something decent from his life .

He got some news about his ex friend from time to time .She was getting more and more beautiful and she was accepted as prime disciple in the Njord temple. Her Ek clan had deep ties with the sea god temple and were really proud of this matter. Since Ivar was not present her new target was his brother Beowulf but she just could not get near to him .This was due Ivars and Beowulfs mother of course ... Even if in the surface whole clan situation was peaceful the all four clans were competing against each other. Well not four but three .Volsung had yarldom since the beginning but the rest of the clans especially Anker clan (clan of Ivars mother) were in fierce competition for position two. So when girl from Ek clan tried to climb up Ivars mother was doing her best to counter her all the time .

Ivar was bit unremarkable with his toga and now he was holding the line .Soldiers with great eel on their armors approached him .

"Boy move aside , our young miss is going to the banquet" one of the soldiers that were in the party of 40 ordered .

"Move aside ? Why should i do that? I am going to the banquet as well! " Ivar proudly said ....

That soldier started to laugh " hHAHAHA you a beggar is going to that banquet? Well even if you somehow managed to get an invitation our miss is Bruhilda from the Ek clan .She is also prime disciple of the Njord clan so move your beggar ass and let us pass trough!"

Many of the soldiers did not know how the badge for Mirmir scribe looked .Mirmirs scribes had a hermit bearing and were in the giant library most of the time.They did not mingle with common folk of the Dagger tip.Even more elusive were the nine head scribes .They had great power within the temple and were prominent in the rune works but still did not show their faces on any of meetings or social events and Ivar was now the 10th scribe..

"No, I will not move away ...Wait your turn" Ivar said calmly but his voice still showed a bit of anger in it .

"Well , how dare you I will make you move aside you mice!" and he along with two swordsman drew their large shiny swords...

"Are you sure about this?Your clan may regret it later." Ivar with a smile said ...

"My clan hahahaha no matter who is backing you up you will move aside for young miss.." and was walking to the Ivar .

"Stop, I order you to stop! Lovely voice "was heard. Beautiful lady that had 15 years of age came from golden carriage to inspect situation...

"Mister , this is my mistake .I wanted to get to the banquet as soon as possible and i gave my guards the orders to reach the Volsung clan yarldom as fast as they can . Can you please let this matter aside and move so we can pass?" Young beauty asked with such believable acting that the guards that all those guards were again stunned by her manners.

But not Ivar . He knew her better than most .He would step aside and let all of them pass if it was not for her ...After all these years he wanted to see his first love, his first betrayal and wanted to play a little so when she jumped from carriage he carefully placed his head scribe badge on more secretive place under his toga..Well she was beautiful with large delicate heir and the long eyelashes of the phoenix .Truly a heavens daughter Ivar thought .Maybe not a daughter but a bitch... Well he was in usual toga and he hid every bit of the badge so she could not guess his identity ..

"Young miss, i accept your pleading for forgiveness but your dogs actually wanted to harm me and you should punish them.Well im on my way and you can pass after me goodbye"and he turned around and went strait to the gate ...

"Pleading for forgiveness.... Who the hell gave this pleb such poisonous mouth. " Bruhilda thought and clearly lost demeanor of the heavens chosen daughter .She was so mad .This trick with the beauty would always work and she never faced defeat in her life .She even asked Ivar to move aside politely but the stubborn commoner refused her ...Well even if this is banquet for royal princess Volsung clan would not care for simpleton with used up toga and common mask ... Well lets kill him she thought and than ordered two of the swordsman to do it...

Ivar was waiting for this moment precisely.He started to scream as two men were approaching him .That drew some of the attention from the banquet hall to the entry .Halfdan was carefully drinking hi mead and discussing runes with his friends from Mirmir temple when he heard cry in the distance .He knew the voice perfectly and jumped from the table to the entrance of the manor.

All the elders from Mirmir temple knew something was wrong and in a second followed him...

Ivar was not scared not even a bit. But still some things had to be done and he acted as maniac as he tried to escape two swordsman.While the two swordsman were charging to him he moved his badge to more visible place .Now even Bruhilda from 20 meters away saw it .In that instant she knew that she made a fatal mistake but it was to late....

"You actually dare to strike one of my students ! " Halfdan screamed... "Your deaths will paint the color of the front porch haha " and used fire and ice mastery to first lift those two up with ice and than burn them ...

"What happened over here !!" one sentry captain asked ."He did not know the whole situation he just noticed the aura of ice and fire and wanted to check if all was ok...

"This is why i Halfdan never come to this kind of meetings ! Over the years i never had disciples, never liked teaching and spent all my time in the great library.Now when i finally get one scribe and want to show him the city some ignorant dumb people want to kill him.. Where are your sentry squads , where are yarl guardsmen ? You would actually let my disciple die in the front porch of the banquet .And for matter to be worse we were invited to this banquet especially by yarl." when he said those words nine man changed their look to look of pure anger. Even though Mirmir temple had bickering between old men all the time their disciples were sacred territory....

Bruhilda knew the whole situation was getting worse and bowed respectfully and said." It was all mistake of this one. I had thought that young man was a mere commoner.He even disrespected me and turned his back against me ..I beg your pardon sirs but he is to blame also,, "

That solved the whole situation.. Again her brilliant acting skills did the part. Some of the elders softened a bit after those words. Victory was close but the silence was broken by angry voice.

"I am to blame ? hahahahaa I still have badge of head scribe on and you still wanted to kill me. And i disrespected you? How is that my young lady .I was definitely first in line to the banquet. Than i was stopped and swords were drown to kill me .Than young lady wanted to pacify situation but still ordered me to move aside .. When i refused and went to the guards you wanted to use your clan influence to kill me in front of the yarls manor .How the hell were any of these things my fault!And i almost died . What would have happened if my master was not at the banquet?" Ivar said....

That was clearly adding oil to the fire .10 Elders of the Mirmir temple were all laid back good people but she touched their reverse scale .....