The banquet in her honor 3

The whole situation was on the breaking point. 10 elders of Mirmir temple were really angry and even ashamed .No one would in their right mind even question the honor and dignity of the scribe but this lady did that and more.

"Who are you ? " Halfdan asked and pointed to half kneeling Bruhilda .

"Respected sir , this lowly one is named Bruhilda from the Ek clan .I am also prime disciple of the Njord temple.. " beauty said with respectful tone that hid a little bit of cowardliness inside.

She of course was not scared for herself beacuse she still represented great Njord temple but she was scared for her clan. Ek was a great sea clan ,They had many arts and magics dedicated to water but still their ships needed the runes ( not water runes but runes for fire ,wind and so on)...

"Your four clans think that you are larger then temples of gods.Now you even dare to strike one of the head scribes of our temple .Do you really think that you are stronger than us ? We maybe are the men of the letters but that does not make us weak !! Halfdan said and than turned around to one of the 10 elders he was going to continue with his speech when Bruhilda now totally frozen from fear stopped him..

"Respected sir, this is mistake please listen to me .... "

"SHUT UP !!HOW DARE YOU TO INTERRUPT ME WHEN IM TALKING... "Halfdan now mad from anger screamed "you should at least know how to respect seniority " and than continued to talk to elder man .

Teacher see ! I HAVE told you many many times that our school is not respected in the Daggertip , now even great clans have zero respect for our noble services ..."

Old man stood up .He had same bleak toga that all elders wore.He also had a penetrating smile and eyes that celarly hid his ages because they shined so brightly..

"Young Dan stop with the screaming . I will surely punish them " old men said with fox smile and went to the carriage where Bruhilda was in sweating in half kneeling position.

"Young girl.. Stand up..Im from older generations and ill leave bickering to you more youthful people .I wont attack you or even kill your guards. I think Halfdan killed those two who were going to kill our young scribe and thats enough of death .Still your side did a great injustice in this matter . For the next year our temple will do the scribe work for your Ek clan but i must increase the price .Lets say double from now on , is it fine? "

This was clearly a light punishment .Still Ek clan would loose couple of millions of gold but young miss was sure that temple would stop the rune works for good.

"Yes , thank you great master" and bowed again to the old man.Now she would need to find a good explanation to her clan but still matter was pacified in good way.

Halfdan wanted to say something but old master sent him a mental message "You seem to have a great disciple but he is half to blame here.From now on be a bit more careful with him .Boy is really smart , too smart if you ask me .His cover up was almost perfect but i saw that he was not afraid , not for even a second .He probably hid his badge somewhere and used her pride against her brain.This little girl seems to be spoiled and when he refused to move and had no identification on him she attacked .I m sure that she did not know that he is from our temple because the surrounding guards from Volsung manor had also puzzled looks when we arrived ... In the start i wanted to give him his prize but when he acted in front of all in such unyielding way i had to teach him a lesson. Well he is surely one of the smartest persons that i have seen but this will serve him as a small lesson ! Also since the girl was not to blame and i had to keep honor of our temple I decided to make them pay a bit more . Thats fair i guess "

Old man also sent a mental message to Ivar " Good try , but still not good enough haha , the new scribe of young Dan is surely interesting. I expect great things from you !"

He then stood up and said to all present " This is a happy day. I am sorry for inconvenience that this scandal may have costed you. Now since the matter is already closed i lets continue the banquet to honor our host ... Halfdan you may help your disciple i will go in with the rest of the elders.. "

Halfdan went to Ivar but boy still had puzzled look..

"You rotten brat of disciple how do you dare to trick me like this ! " Halfdan said with words that were to silent for anyone else ..

"Master she deserved it all the way. She is wicked and prideful , why should not i punish her when i get the chance to do it ? " Ivar asked with his most innocent face on..

"You rotten kid , of course you can punish her however you want but you must not use other people to do that.That is immoral and even wicked .Also you now need to take care because this kind of people will try to retaliate . See what problem you have given your old master. Now i need to cover my tracks when i am visiting your manor in the slums. But you are not that impulsive , why this girl? Oh i forget that you are from Volsung clan so you must have some connections am i right?"Halfdan already had forgot about the whole problem and asked Ivar...

"Teacher she was my only friend and first love in the manor" Ivar replied with deep red eyes.

Old Halfadn had finally found out the reason. Seems that Ivar was deeply hurt by this young lady. That explains it all . Its better that i know this impulsive side of his .And we managed to awake it here not in the banquet.. Now at least i can give him some advice because if he acted like this in front of a friend how will he act in front of the family ..Well at least he is full human with strong emotions and not some doll that is focused on pure success .

"Boy, from now on dont be like that.I know it must be difficult but we still need for you to be stronger. It is easy for me to take you to great library but what about old sentry and the maids.. Especially that old sentry would be punished because he had withed information that is crucial for the Volsung clan.Now when we enter promise me ! Do not engage in pointless chatter with anyone and also if you notice your family ignore them, Now is still not time for reunions . Later today there will be some martial sparring present , also there will be some fine arts and debates on mysteries.If you behave during the initial banqet i will let you compete ok? " Halfdan asked.

"Yes teacher, I was to stubborn and fast just to deal some minor damage to Bruhilda .It wont happen again i promise! "

"Good boy, lets come in ! You will probably notice some familiar faces .Just ignore them .And also main part of the banquet is in the front square of the great manor . I will show you to our seats .This is also an opportunity for you to socialize with some of the scribes and even meet some new interesting people " Halfdan full of new enthusiasm helped Ivar and showed him the way to manor.

The great manor of Volsung clan was a splendid fort .It had great walls with sentry barracks on one side and main grand lodge on the other side .The whole building stood in the same place for hundreds of years but still had beauty of new polished gold coin. On large roofs dragons from pale silver give the look of the mighty wind element and all the pictures on the walls were decorated by great griffons or hippogriffs witch were creatures of air .Even when you look three famous flying monsters you can clearly see the connection .Pegasus had calm and noble demeanor from the horse but sill had great wings of the eagle .The pegasi were noble creatures but were still easier to tame then griffons or hippogriffs .Hippogriffs were just a cross step between pegasi and griffons and had two of the back legs as pegasi but head and two of the front legs were from an eagle. They were the fastest of the three in regular climate but griffons had the upper hand in the cold winter winds and blizzards .

Ivar often dreamed of griffons as young boy .If you managed to tame one of them you would gain a loyal friend for life . But most important thing you would be free from the earthly chains and you would be able to fly no matter how small weak or broken you are. On that silver bird you would be a strong warrior worthy of respect .So when young boy dreamed of happiness he dreamed of great open seas on the back of a might griffon..Of course he did not day these things to anybody .Only a great warrior would be able to tame a griffon and he was just small waste in society of ruthless warriors .

After they passed and went to the great table .The whole arrangements showed how much respect was given to the Mirmir temple .They were close to Volsung clan and Ivar finally saw great beautiful lady in blue dress .She had black hair witch was unusual for the northern parts .Her beauty was in her natural looks .Everything on her was on its place and some small things enchanted her beauty to great extent. She had large longship pin on her beautiful dress .This was a symbol from Anker clan and the this was face that Ivar hated ,.This was his one and only mother Largertha...