

Haven drank in the sight of Ater. The cobble paved roads, the tiny buildings made of marble, brick and the bustle of the crowd.

"This... is amazing." He breathed in, glancing at the surroundings where players started to pop in.

The air was crisp and clear and had a slight rejuvenation feel to it. Haven felt refreshed breathing it in.

In the year 2032, the air was congested and it was hard to breathe in due to the excess particles of dust and carbon that contaminated the air. People usually had to wear masks to filter it out.

It wasn't a very nice place to live in.

In here though, it was fresh start where the air wasn't polluted, filled with dust or any other sort of substance.

"Hmm? That's odd." Haven exclaimed, confused.

He stuck his tongue out in the air as if to taste it.

Was he mistaken? He could have sworn there was something in the air. An almost intangible substance that flowed past his skin.

"That's mana, kid." Came a voice to his right.

"Huh?" Haven turned and noticed a tall young man in his twenties, standing to the side of him, watching him amusingly. He wore a snugly fitting coat tail vest over a shirt and had a top hat in his hand. A gentleman's outfit in the 1800's.

The only thing out of place was the massive curved great sword occupying the strap on his back.

"You feel it, don't you? The slight taste of a substance. Feels almost physical, almost like air but more tangible except you still cant see or touch it?" The man responded.

"Yes... I suppose so? I thought that was my imagination for a second." Haven replied.

"Haha, no. That is the energy of nature, mana." the man explained.

"Wow. This game's pretty neat." Haven muttered to himself.

"Game? The hell you talking about, kid?" The man asked.

"How did you hear- never mind. Can you tell me more about mana?" Haven asked.

"Sure. You're one of the chosen aren't you? No one living in Ater doesn't know about this info after all. Cept' for the retards I guess."

"Right... what do you mean by chosen?" Haven asked, feeling more confused than anything.

"You know, Immortals, Chosen, Ones who never die, Travelers. Heck if I know what the other dozen titles are." He iterated in a tone that seemed to convey that Haven was a retard.

Haven's eye twitched. This guy just didn't know how to explain things well now, did he? As if sensing his irritation, he hurriedly explained.

"About a year ago, a message was released from the heavens. It exclaimed that travelers from a different realm will convene on Ater. They would be undying, immortal, cursed to forever walk this accursed plane of existence till oblivion. They have innate magics that allow them to travel to and fro from their world to ours.

I'd suppose you could imagine what that would of done to everyone. We started preparing of course. This here's one of the hundreds of thousands of towns of beginnings, where it was prophesied that they would appear. And seeing many o' you Level 1 schmucks, the prophecy was true."

Haven was stunned. This man was an NPC. He acted very real though. There were virtually no flaws in his entire being. This was Ater. A world created by the genius, White.

And he was talking about players. 'So this is how they decided to incorporate player huh. I have to admit, I wasn't entirely expecting this.' Haven wondered.

"Thanks, erm, Mr...?"

"Karn. Karn Willow. A pleasure, Haven." Karn exclaimed.

"Wha- How'd you know my name?" Haven asked, bewildered.

"Its a special skill that allows me to inspect people. Let's answer your first question about mana, shall we?" said Karn.

Haven nodded, eager to listen.

"Mana is flow of natural energy in the world. It exists everywhere and in everything. You could say it's an infinite resource. Its denser than air and more tangible. But at the same time, you could go your whole life not realizing that it was there.

Mana is elusive. Hard to contain and even harder to control. Magi, Warlocks and the like are usually the ones who use spells the most. Warriors such as myself, enhance our physique with mana, drawing it to strengthen our muscles, bones and the like.

I should say though, only people with talent can ever sense it. Usually, people have to meditate for a few weeks at a time to attain enlightenment, enough to have a feel for mana.

Longer, to control it.

It's impressive in its own way that you're able to sense it like this. Perhaps only one in a thousand people have the same talent you have just shown.

Becoming a mage would be a wise choice, Haven." Karn explained.

"I... don't think becoming a mage is what I want to do. I've always aspired to be a swordsman. Sure, shooting out spells seem cool and all but I still want to learn the way of the sword." Haven explained.

"Hmm... you sure?" Asked Karn as he glanced at the tiny muscles that Haven had.

"You don't really look suited for swordsmanship... say, what're your current stats like?"

Haven, pulled up his Stat page and showed it to Karn.

"Agility more than Strength huh. Not really suited to my style but I have seen many who were both very fast and very strong." Karn said, rubbing his bearded chin.

"Is that a good thing?" Asked Haven.

Karn glanced at Haven before answering,

"You seem like you got a little bit o' guts. I'm looking for some Vicious Boar Hide. If you can bring me 20 Boar hide from the western fields, ill teach you a skill that I learnt when I was younger. How bout' it? You up for the task?" Karn exclaimed.


[You have received a quest]


[Gather 20 Boar hide in the western fields]

[Reward: Karn teaches you a skill]



"Hell yes! Lets do this." Exclaimed Haven.

"That's the spirit." Karn chuckled.

[You have accepted the quest]