
Battling a Bloody Boar


The Boar roared as it charged toward Haven. Its eyes screamed bloody murder at Haven as if he had #@%$ ed it mom.

Haven, on the other hand was quite calm in the face of danger.


Actually he wasn't.

His legs trembled as he bore witness to the boar charging at him. Its beady blood-red eyes seemed to penetrate into his very being.

He could feel its blood lust, its rage and willpower to kill him under its hooves. Its image grew bigger and bigger till it encompassed his entire fortitude.


[You have been inflicted with Fear]

[Your body is partially paralyzed.]

"Ugh!" Haven wretched as the boar rammed into him.

[You have been hit for 35 Damage.]

His body was propelled backward with such force that he hit the ground with a rough smash.


"Shit. That alone was more than half my health. Cough." Haven struggled to his feet, using his broadsword as a crutch.

[HP: 45]

[MP: 100]

"I have 45 remaining health points. I can, at best withstand one more hit before I die. This... is going to be a tough one." Haven muttered as his heartbeat soared.

The boar snorted and pawed at the ground.

It was getting ready for a another charge.

Haven breathed in the crisp air once again. He would do it this time. He would dodge. The pain wracking through his body served as a reprieve to wash away his fear.

The boar charged. Its beady eyes locked onto Haven ready to skewer him between its tusks. Massive protrusions of bone that grew from the sides of its mouth that were as deadly as they were sharp.

'This is it! Remember the matador videos that you've seen online, Haven!' He shouted to himself.

"Ole!" He screamed as he dove to the side, evading the boar within and inch and a half of his life.


The boar raged as it missed its mark. It came to a stop and snorted heavily through its nose. Fumes of vapor rose into the air as it turned back to regard Haven.

Haven was overjoyed at his successful dodging abilities and sought to do the same again. He analysed each movement the boar was making and shifted his weight around to try to predict its movements.

[Vicious Boar]

[Level 2]

HP: 100

MP: 100

Though, perhaps fighting a level 2 creature when he was still level 1 was a bad idea?

The boar lowered its head and pawed at the ground with its left leg. It was readying to skewer Haven with all its might.


'Here it comes!' Haven thought as he dodged away again.

The boar was once again enraged that the human in front of it kept dodging its attacks. It turned around to charge once again.

'This is an opportunity.' Haven though to himself. 'I can use this boar to help me train my reaction speed and focus. If by any chance I die, there won't be any penalties due to my low level.'

With his mind made up, Haven once again prepared to shy away from the animal's attacks. This time however, his concentration slipped and he reacted to the charge late.

The boar managed to graze his stomach with its tusks, while at the same time knocking him back.



The boar roared in victory as it had once again damaged the human in front of it.


HP: 35

"Shit. Okay maybe ill train my dodging abilities when I have higher health." Haven exclaimed.

"Take this, [Slash]!"

Haven dashed toward the ballsy beast while activating his only skill, [Slash]. He sliced his sword at the boars side and struck true due to the combination of both perfect timing and luck when the beast was about to turn around.



Not willing to give the beast any time to recover, he aimed a slice at its knobbly leg.

[Critical Hit]


[You have crippled the Vicious Boar!]

[Movement -40%, Speed -60%]

"Holy crap! That was... that was... lame." Haven deadpanned. "Are boars usually this weak? I almost can't believe that I was afraid of it..."

He shook his head and glanced at his sword.

The boar kept squealing in pain due to its front legs having been reduced to stumps. It roars were getting increasingly louder.

"Uh-oh, I should kill it before it attracts the others." Haven muttered, channeling another [Slash] and cutting toward its head.


His sword slid through a third of the boar's neck before getting stuck.

[Critical Hit!]


[Your enemy is bleeding.]

[-3 HP per second]

Squeal! The boar squealed louder.

"Crap. That was supposed to kill it." Haven flinched at its screams. "Uh, sorry. Here, ill do it right this time."

The boar screamed bloody murder.

Shit! Stupid human, if you're gonna kill me at least do it right. @#$%!



Squeal! You moth@#$%$ing human! (Censored)

"Oh shit! I er... didn't wan't to use/waste my mana." Haven exclaimed, sheepishly.

[-3 ]

[-3 ]

$#@% huuumann!!



[You have slain Vicious Boar, Level 2]

[20 exp gained]

"Heh heh. Oops? Why the hell am I even feeling sorry for my enemy? Sigh."

Rustling sounds came from the bushes near him.


Two vicious boars were drawn toward his position due to the squeals of their dying brethren.

"Perfect. Now I can train my skills." Haven smiled.

His smile faded off a moment later when he realized the value of his health points.

[HP: 35]
