
More Boars!


Its thrumming heavy laden footsteps sounded like a drum to his ears. He would need to dodge. It was his only chance at surviving.

The boars charged.

An average human on earth measured by Ater's system would probably have a score of around 7 or so in each stat.

Haven had 11 points in agility. Theoretically, considering all factors, he should have had no problems in dodging telegraphed attacks from boars. The only issue was his combat experience. He did no sport activities nor did he have any athletic hobby.

Haven just wasn't used to moving his body in the right position to evade attacks.

But he was learning. It was his resolve.



"This is getting easier. At this rat- Oh crap!"

He jumped away from a Boar 1 who recovered faster just as it was about to headbutt him. He was about to retaliate but had to evade Boar 2's attack.


His sword glowed blue as he activated his skill to counterattack but couldn't manage much more than a graze due Boar 1's perfect interruption once again.



The interrupted dodge left him unbalanced. Boar 2, seeing the opportunity, took advantage and charged to skewer him. Haven tried dodging but still got hit by its tusks and was sent flying.


He hit the ground painfully but managed to take away much of the damage by rolling.


"Shit. Cough."

Haven glanced at his remaining health points.

[HP: 3]

"This isn't going to go well."

Haven glanced at the two boars who pawed at the ground in front of him. They were getting ready for another charge attack.

For some reason, the AI in Ater was a lot more smarter than he gave it credit. Animals, though usually dumb and crude had a higher degree of intelligence when compared to the ones in the real world.

Haven had read up on Ater's forums that many monsters were like this due to the presence of mana. In the game mana served as a tool to help brain development and monsters were using it to the best of their ability.


Boar 1 screamed as it prepared to stampede its way thorough Haven.

"A plan... I need a plan if I want to survive. My surroundings, obstacles that I can use... there, a tree!" Haven muttered, glancing at it. "Two boars that have limited intelligence but can complement each other's skill quite well. Both very bloodthirsty."

A plan started formulating within his mind. He only had one chance to complete it. If he failed he would either have to keep dodging and hope he gets lucky or get killed painfully.

Boar 1 ran full speed at Haven. Haven, on the other hand chose to run instead staying his ground and dodge.

'The tree! I must get to the tree!' Haven screamed to himself.

He was 10 meters away.

5 meters.


The boar had almost reached him. It was an inch away from taking his life.


Haven jumped forward and had barely reached it. The boar's tusks had only managed to slightly brush against his beginner clothing.

It fumed while trying to turn back.

Boar 2 on the other hand, was at a full speed charge towards him. It's hoofed feet pounded the ground heavily as it swung its head around to reach him.

Haven smiled.


He activated his skill and dove out of the way just in time for the boar to run into the tree.


[Vicious Boar has been stunned for 5 seconds.]

"Hah! This is even more than I hoped for." Haven exclaimed, glancing at Boar 2 who was staggering around with swirls in its eyes.

Boar 1 still hadn't realized what had happened due to it still being in the midst of turning around to run at Haven.

Haven clutched his glowing sword and aimed at Boar 2's front legs. His plan was to cripple one boar so that handling the other would be easier.

Slice! His sword chopped cleanly through bone, cartilage and muscle, severing it's front legs from its body.



[You have crippled the Vicious boar!]

Squeal! Boar 2 screamed, calling out to Boar 1.

Haven was prepared though, he gripped his sword and charged toward boar 1. It snorted through its nose and ran straight toward him.

Haven wanted to try something new. He vaulted over its back and brought his sword down mid flight, cutting into its back.


The boar screamed in rage, discovering that Haven had played it for a fool. It ran next to boar 2 who was supporting itself with only three legs and leaning against the tree.

The boars were angry.

Haven didn't care though. His skill at dodging was improving at a rate that could be clearly seen. He felt like he was strong enough to kill them both.

The boars were grunting and snorting at each other in their own language. They were planning something. But Haven didn't know what.

Boar 1 ran away from boar 2 to take its position. It pawed at the ground, ready to charge. Boar 2 on the other hand started hobbling with its three legs in a sort of mini-charge toward Haven.

Haven was confused. What the hell was wrong with this retarded boar.

The boar didn't give up though, as it reached Haven it swung its head around to pierce him with its tusks.

Haven, however was aware that it was a ruse to take his attention away from Boar 1. He smiled and readied his blade.

This was the last application of [Slash] that he would be able to use. His mana was out. His sword glowed blue with the telltale sign of his skill being activated.

He chopped toward boar 2's head, slicing through its skull, before barely cutting through the top part of its brain.



[You have slain a Vicious Boar]

[You have gained boar hide.]

He didn't let up though even as he heard the pounding footsteps of Boar 1 charging at him. He pulled out his sword from its skull and dodged away, causing Boar 1 to ram into its fallen comrade.

The boar tripped and fell.

'This is it, my chance!' Have thought as he rushed toward it.

He brought his blade down on one of its legs, not doing much but slightly cutting into it.


Squeal! The boar cried out.

"Oops... bad cut" Haven mumbled.

The boar struggled to get up due to its hurt leg. Haven took advantage and aimed another chop towards its neck.



[Your enemy is bleeding, losing 5 HP per second.]

The boar wasn't able to scream due to blood gushing into its throat. It started to choke.

"Ill give you a fast death. I've learnt from the first boar that I've killed." Haven spoke to it.

It glared at him murderously, issuing an aura of blood lust.




[You have slain a Vicious boar.]

[You have gained boar hide.]

Haven pulled out his sword from the boar's head.

"Well... that was pretty rough." Haven sighed to himself before sitting down. He glanced toward the two boar corpses and smiled.

"I'm improving."


"What!" Haven exclaimed, turning around.

His last sight was another boar running towards him at full speed.

[You have died.]

[No penalties due to being level 1]

He respawned back at the town square.

"Oh you son of a %$#@&!"