Raft Battle Atop The Deadly Lake!

Watching Daguel slowly looking around, he wondered what was the cause of his strange behavior. Stopping his search facing towards him, Daguel starred on the tiny mote of light curiously. Sensing something strange about it he suddenly focused all of his bloodthirsty hatred toward the living on it.

Immediately Salvatore was submerged under a sea of negative spiritual pressure and bloodthirst. Mustering his iron-will he struggled free of the overwhelming pressure exuded by the horrifying Zombie Lord.

Unfortunately he was forced to divert the sliver of concentration used to suppress his presence towards resisting Daguel's overwhelming spiritual attack, which was a combination of his inherent level suppression and massive hatred fueled bloodthirst towards the living.

The moment the sliver was diverted Salvatore's presence suddenly blazed into existence directly in front of Daguel. Like a flashbang going off in front of a person wearing night vision goggles, Daguel's senses were suddenly flooded by countless piercing rays of accursed light.

Immediately discovering such a blazing life source in front of it, Daguel raised his right hand, reflexively shielding his nonexistent eyes then suddenly lowered his hand before unleashing a thunderous blood-chilling roar so powerful it blasted the air.

Pouring out all his rage and hatred towards the living, as the roars initial shockwave reach him Salvatore quickly kneeled as he plunged a hand into the raft to increase his grip, resisting the roars blasting air pressure.

As the seemingly unending roar rolled over him, he shielded his eyes with his free hand while he desperately dodged the thick strands of corrosive blackish-green saliva hurting thru the air.

Unfortunately he was unable to prevent himself from being marinated by Daguel's foul breath which stank of rot and decay. Finally after unnaturally roaring continuously for over a minute he stopped. Smoothly extracting his hand from the raft he rose to his feet than gave himself a quick cursory inspection.

Finding himself whole, he returned his attention towards Daguel as he now excitedly said, "Oh my, I stand corrected, this is gonna take a lot of work. GOOD!"

Exactly as he finished speaking Daguel's two flaming eyes suddenly blazed as he shouted in rage then swung his large right hand launching his [Toxic Swipe] Skill towards Salvatore who quickly leapt into the air, jumping instead of dodging in order to avoid the hundreds of specks of corrosive slime which escaped the decaying flesh of Daguel's attacking limb. As Salvatore reached the apex of his vertical climb he suddenly casted a fire spell with a shout.


Immediately a blistering inferno of fire blazed into existence around him, fully enclosing him in a scorching shroud of flames. For a moment he blazed in the sky like a noon day sun, before quickly hurtling once more towards the ground.

As he plummeted downward he quickly straightened his body like a spear with his right arm fully extended, aiming his right fist towards Daguel's head, then began to spin himself sideways like a flaming drill.

As he reached Daguel he shouted humorously, "Winged-horse constellation Blazing Comet Punch!!!"


A thunderous explosion rang out as Salvatore's flame enclosed fist collided with Daguel's skulls corrosive flesh. Using the counter force from his mighty blow he flipped thru the air before landing smoothly atop his raft.

Instantly Daguel roared in anger as he grabbed his burning head, his humid hand rapidly patting his face in order to extinguishing the searing flames. Once the flames were finally put out he lowered his hands revealing his wretched burnt appearance.

Glancing at Daguel's melted face which now looked even more hideous having degraded to a charred blackened mess of leathery flesh and bone, Salvatore grinned upon seeing a spider web of cracks radiating out from a shallow fist imprint upon the side of his ghastly face.

Although he was outraged by Salvatore's successful attack, Daguel was a undead BOSS monster and had several lifetimes worth of fighting experience. Instead of venting his rage he quickly used his powerful attack Skill [Toxic Bile] opening his mouth as he blasted a thick stream of highly corrosive black bile at Salvatore, then quickly began to summon several of his minions from the netherworld using his [Summon Toxic Zombie] Skill.

Seeing the incoming pillar of deadly black bile Salvatore quickly dodged to the side, easily avoiding the scary attack which plunged into the lake behind him with a sizzle. However upon looking up he discovered several dark vortex's slowly appearing in the air above the raft, which after widening to a suitable amount began to spit out dozens of human sized undead monsters similar to Daguel.