Fateful Encounter Part 1

"I going to kill her, I am going to kill her, I am going to kill her..." A young boy could be seen and heard repeating this as he was swinging 2 wooden daggers outside during midday. Luckily no one was around right now, but even if they did his voice did not sound menacing at all, but like a pouting child that got his toy stolen from him.

The child that kept talking about killing people was a cute handsome 3-year-old boy that had light tan skin, golden eyes, and golden hair. With his hands on 2 wooden daggers along with various wooden weapons around him from bows to spears to swords and etc. His golden eyes gleamed cold lights as he was clenching his teeth hard enough to hear cracking sound while he was striking the air with his daggers from the anger stored inside of him just because of a single female did some minor things.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up! You said just a female it was not a female it was a bitch, correction, a psychotic bitch to be precise. No don't you dare judge me on this after that has happened to me because of her? You know what I will be taking over this story for now as you can see what happen."

***3 years and 6 Months ago on Earth***

Okay, Back on Earth I was a fairly handsome milk chocolate muscular man, maybe not as handsome as I am now, but still handsome. I loved to be around women the most at least compared with men, and no, I am not gay as I have several male friends that I will hang around with time to time. It just I like to be around women more they tend to calm me down easier more than man. What I mean by calm me down? They are one of the factors that help calm me down from the stress I had from Insomnia.

Yeah I couldn't sleep, well to be more honest it is not that I couldn't sleep, but more than I wouldn't. I know it is confusing, but allow me to explain. Ever since I was born with a defect, and it was that I had dreams or nightmares you would technically say as sometimes in the dream I will become different people or creatures and experiencing terrifying situations or calm ones like I becoming a phoenix and flying through the skies, I am a Chinese looking dude and is fighting an entire army by myself before being impaled by thousands of weapons with me self destructing at the end, I was a Japanese hero summon to another world to slay the demon king, I became a demon king like the one I was slain in the other dream, and it goes on, but somehow the dreams that are calm always end in me dying again, again, and again.

That is a scary ass experience for anyone especially for a child as I would scream a lot when I was asleep and my parents took me to the doctors where they did x rays, cat scans, and etc, but they found nothing wrong, so they just prescribed me some medication and said I will be fine. I was never fine, every day I would experience either a continuation of the other dreams or new ones in which I die in the end. I always wondered why I had the dreams as they all seem real, but no matter how hard I try I could never find an answer. Soon I just stopped sleeping to avoid it because if I never fall asleep I will never have to see the dreams. It is only a temporary solution, but it did help with the dreams, but cause me headaches and a lot of stress later and after a few years it turned into insomnia, which is both good and bad for health reasons.

The only thing that helps calm me down from the lack of sleep, stress, or/and dreams are females, anime, games, manga, and similar things. Most of my dreams had to do with males killing me so they cause more trouble than good. Females, anime, and others calm me down, to be honest I really do not know why as some animes are more violent than sports but my very being itself seems to like these especially if anything deals Comedy, Harem, Adventure, Action (only if it has comedy in it), and a few others.

Another weird thing is despite the dreams and stuff, I ended up in the military/police force killing several people. What do I mean by police force/military? It means I wish all agencies like Police, FBI, CIA, National Guard, Navy Seals, and many other forces and I loved it. It was as if my soul craved for adrenaline rushed antics like killing, spying, assassinations, hitman, and other works. Not only that my "Dreams" that I have when performing this does not cause trauma like I thought it would at first instead it helps relieve it, I wondered if these two negatives make a positive.

Anyway back to the main story, one day when I was on vacation. I went to California to go to the Anime Convention. I was dressed as the 4th Raikage Ay at an Anime Convention in California. I caused tons of people to come up to me and ask for photos. As the cool person I said yeah for everyone, but when I pose for photos with only guys in it, I just did tough badass pose like crossing my arms, but when girls are involved I went all out like flexing muscles, putting them on my shoulder, and many other poses and unlike the guy only I would smile."

I caused a mess because of many guys to be jealous as some of their girlfriends would touch me all over and look at me with flirty eyes so times, I mean it ain't my fault your girl digging all of this more than digging them, but I am a nice dude to a certain degree so I do leave to make it so they boyfriend are not going to bitch and complain at me, but not before getting their number of course.

Anyway, it was either that or the single one coming up to kiss me causing them to be jealous. I have had incidents where there were pretty girls that would come up to try to kiss me, but turn out to be dudes and I rejected. Sometimes I heard a voice in my head saying "Just do it," to the ones that look and sounded like girls, but I did not as I have 3 standards: look like a female, sound like a female, and finally they must have a pussy meaning futa I can smash, but traps, shemales, and newhalfs will have to pass."

"Finally after animecon ended that day, I had a nice day and I was happy, but then I saw her and it changed my life, don't know whether it is for better or for worse yet."