Rewards Explanations

Marcus ask Dream about the music and gamble sections and function and why is there a music section in the first place as he swore that she was rolling her eyes at him even though she did not have a physical body,

[ Marcus Marcus Marcus are you not ashamed of yourself how can you be so dumb. You know in games and anime's there is an epic music for fights especially boss fights as it adds hype and excitement and makes fighting more fun. It is a necessity when fighting so, of course, I will have this feature.

The music section is assembled in the Dream store where you can buy any music you know or create music or beats to play. The music you buy can be played at any time and you can make it so that only you can hear the music or everyone within a certain range can hear the music.

Gambling function is as it says you can gamble with your DP and earn more DP. The only games available is roulette and blackjack as the rest is still locked.]

Marcus rolled his eyes at Dream for saying something so childish as he himself also agreed with her as having a badass song play in the background is awesome. He then went and ask about his new domain, titles, and how, God of Conquest, was replaced by 'Endless Conqueror'.

[I will explain the other two titles before the conquest titles. First, the Hidden Master title allows you to enter a stealth mode while also giving you the ability to now there is a hidden request available in the territory, mission and etc. It will give you hints about it but not directly tell you.

Relentless Challenger title grants you extra DP and Exp when doing low rank missions. It has some other things to do too, but you can figure those out on your own.

Conqueror title's power gives you the ability to conqueror anytime. It gives you extra bonus stats when you begin to conquer anything along with expanding DP after you conquered it. Endless Conqueror gives you more than all the others as you can earn treasure chest, lottery tokens, and extra exp. the domain gives an even more boost when conquering.

The reason why Endless Conqueror is above God of Conquest is that a god is someone who can conqueror several things with ease, however, no continuous or back to back. The Endless Conqueror can do this as with this title you can conqueror things with no break in between and with no limitations unlike the god of Conquest.]

"Alright, but one last question the grimores and the lottery token for a Loot box, what is this shit. Not the Grimore, but the loot box lotttery token am I suppose to get a random loot box with random stuff in it that could have more random shit in that!?"

[...Uh...Yes..... you have to rely on triple the luck to get something good doesn't that make this much more ~'fun'~and ~'interesting'~!?]

"Why the hell are you emphasizing fun and interesting in a weird way. it seems to me that I am just being made a fool of because despite my luck value I don't seem to get any licker when getting things."

[That is easy the higher realm you are the more luck you need. Hmm put it this way if you still had 7000 range luck then you may find a lucky encounter that can help mortal realm, but is trash to you or get something you already have, or the chest will only appear less than .000001% of the times when you loot so your luck increases as your power increases if it doesn't then you won't get anything that can help you.]

[Let me go back to the grimores. They are title grimores meaning that you can create any title besides a job-related one like Balcksmith. All you have to do is place your hands on the books and think of a title and boom you get it.

These books can be bought for a total of 10,000,000 DP for the cheapest price. The higher ones can only come through luck as you got yours. The lower ones have a lot of restrictions to what title you can create unlike the one in your inventory as you can create almost any title.]

Marcus nodded his head as began to reap all of his rewards.