A Fake?

Previously, Wang Baole had wanted to be nice, but those people had wanted to not only to knock him unconscious but also strip him naked. Their goal had been to expose his slender body for public viewing, and that was something that Wang Baole could not ignore—something that he could not allow to happen.

The more Wang Baole thought about it, the angrier he was. Therefore, he quickly turned and dashed out, and a moment later, as screams were heard, everyone, except two that were lucky enough to escape by virtue of the magnetic field, was knocked unconscious by Wang Baole. As those who had fainted were to be moved by the puppets, Wang Baole tied them up with ropes first.

After all that, Wang Baole patted his hands on his shirt as he looked delightfully at all the individuals flying away due to the magnetic field while being tightly hugged by the puppets.

I'm such a kind person, escorting them out using my puppets after seeing that they have fainted.