
The whirlwind that originally occurred in the area, accompanied by the fog that sounded like a wild beast howling, seemed to stop momentarily the moment that Wang Baole took the bead away.

After which, an even stronger boom erupted in the air, like a culmination of endless suppressed thunder exploding instantaneously. The fog rapidly curled backward, as if being forcefully dissipated after breaking free of a seal, revealing the empty space outside the oval-shaped area!

At a glance, the whole of the large area could be seen since the fog was not obscuring it anymore!

"This is…" Wang Baole, whose body was being pulled by the magnetic force, suddenly shrugged, his body trembling and his mind buzzing with activity as violent as the crashing waves!

He saw that in the seemingly limitless space above the oval shaped area lay a gigantic skull. Its facial features could not be seen, but it was clear that it was covered with a pitch-black mask!